Monday, January 27, 2014

Visiting Nana and Papa

Seeing Papa at their new apartment since they sold the house (so sad!)

Maddy loves Nana :)

Papa loves to tease Olivia.

Spring Fair Demolition Derby

Adam thought it would be super fun to take Jack and Olivia to the demolition derby at the Spring Fair in Puyallup. He even went to the Goodwill to try and find "hick" stuff to wear and went to Party City to find mustaches for them all as well. I don't think the kids knew what a demolition derby was until they went but they said they had a blast and can't wait to go again!
He is sadly very good at being creepy.
I have no words.... none.

Finally at the derby! I love that they kept their mustaches on :)

This looks like a bad family picture.

Ah, finally a normal picture. They loved seeing the cars get smashed up. A kids dream!

Spring Break- Pacific Science Center

Adam and I took the kids to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. I hadn't been in a really long time and I don't think Jack and Madelynn had ever gone. It was fun to go through all the exhibits and not have to be anywhere else.
This is what Jack calls "Please don't take a picture of me"

Olivia sitting inside the footprint of a dinosaur. They were impressed on how big their feet were!

Thumbs up for gross, huge, disgusting bugs!

Hissing cockroaches. Ewwwwww.

The butterfly exhibit was beautiful! The kids and Adam and I loved seeing all the different species. Some we had to search for and others were not scared of us at all.

They were not happy to sit on the slug or whatever this is.

Watching pennies roll could have lasted all day!

Learning to wash hands, digital style.

We survived!

Spring break- Pump it Up

Celeste and I took the kids to Pump it Up in Tacoma since it reopened. The kids were so excited to go because the place had shut down for a while. They could spend all day there, but it wears me out to just watch them!
Madelynn spent a good amount of time building things with the foam blocks.
Jake had no fear going down the slides! He went down them so fast that I was afraid he'd fly off the end :)

Rix also did a great job building with the foam blocks.

Madelynn started dancing instead of building!

Olivia helped Jake go down the slides.

Jack had a blast! I got maybe two pictures of him the whole time because he was on the go all day long!

When you add a game to the floor it makes it that much funner :)

Spring Break- Children's Museum

I took an entire week off of work for spring break and spent every day with my kids! We went to the recently updated children's museum in Olympia and we had a blast. They had so many things for the kids to do and we could have stayed even longer than we did. We can't wait to go back!
Olivia looking out over the "boat"
Watching Madelynn and Jake "gardening" was so fun. They spent a long time picking fruits and vegetables from the gardens and groceries from the little store. It was weirdly adorable!

"Grocery shopping". She oddly picked most of the things she won't actually eat.

Jack riding the goat!

Madelynn's haul. She was very healthy!

When you let the water fill up and then pull the rope, it goes through all these different tubes and things. The kids loved it!

These two played for a long time together at the deli. And played well together!

The water table is always a big hit!

Showing Daddy we can brush....

....and floss!

Rix and Ethan rocking out on stage!

This was so fun! The tubes had air going through them depending on which doors were open or closed, and you could make handkerchiefs fly all over the room!

Just like Papa! Love the pink tool belt :)

Meanwhile Maddy found the fairy house.

Rix and Olivia are working hard!

Maddy and Olivia taking their turn on the stage.

The whole crew! Ethan, Maddy, Olivia, Jack, Cole, Bryce and Rix (minus Jake who wanted nothing to do with the chaos of lots of kids on the big chair)