Sunday, November 20, 2016


 We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt & Brunch this year, and as always it was a lot of fun. And the weather was fantastic! Good friends, good food, beautiful weather and the knowledge of a loving Savior who provided a way back for each of us. Perfect Easter.

Destination Imagination

Nora joined the Destination Imagination team at school and they worked really hard on building a hoverboard and creating a play and costumes for their competition. They placed third in their district and were able to go to State. The hoverboard wasn't working properly (seems like the freshly waxed gym floor was causing trouble or something...) so they didn't do as well as they'd hoped, but it was still so much fun to be part of. 

Grandparents visit

We all loved having grandparents here to celebrate Miles' baptism day. It was hard to say good-bye!

Mile's baptism

Miles was baptized on February 20th, 2016 by his dad. His good friend Duke Condie was also baptized the same day. It was a wonderful day. We are so proud of our sweet boy Miles for making the choice to follow Christ. We were so lucky that Grandma Phillips and Naunie & Grandpa Dalley were able to come out for this special day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

February Fun

 February was a busy month. This sweet boy turned 8!

 We celebrated Mardi Gras with the Cornia and Spencer-Weathers, complete with a King Cake.

 These two eating lunch while watching a movie (not a good habit I know, I must have been desperate...)
 Sullivan loves looking at books on the big boys' beds.
 I took all the kids in to the dentist and all were cavity free once again - yay!
 Sullivan wakes up much earlier than we'd like, usually between 5 and 5:30. Sometimes he falls back asleep with Brian or I, but sometimes he stays up and then usually takes an early nap.
 Nora on Valentine's Day
 My snuggle buddy.
 Valentine's Day loot.
 Sully loves popcorn!
 Someone gave us these huge cookies and now I don't remember who, and a cute kissable baby.
 Brian spent a lot of time working on our basement bathroom. So.Much.Work.
 Sullivan is a major daddy's boy, he would love to sit with Brian all day every day.

 Pinewood Derby time! Miles did his car 100% by himself and he won! He was so proud.
 Our friend Reid textured our bathroom walls for us and did a great job.

 A crowded bed on a Sunday afternoon. Love these boys!
Sophie had basketball all through the month of February and we loved going to watch her games!