Saturday, April 27, 2013


 Kaden turns 9--Another volcano cake
 Taryn show off her new habit of writing all over her hands

 Kaden has Kade and Brynley over to share the eruption....
 How bad can you rip up a pair of shoes in 4 months?  If you need pointers, go ask Kaden...
 Red rock canyon....we lost most of our pictures from here....

 We finally have a table that we can all sit at together.  Thank you Craigslist!
 Pinewood Derby
 Taryn expancs her writing on hands talent and takes a sharpie to our entire staircase.  Thanks to sisters and internets, we were able to get it all out with rubbing alcohol in less than an hour...

 Noah the student of the month (and then later, Kaden, which I should just mention now since I was a horrible mom and spaced the assembly that day)
 A visit from the Youngs!  So fun to see our wonderful friends!
 We finally got new couches, and they are so pretty.
And now we finally have furniture in the front room....


We've been taking months to find things like new couches and a table....and months to get everything hung on our wals...

Taryn had her first haircut, courtesy of Grandma Timothy, over Thanksgiving....she looks a little suspicious. 

And why in the world are my pictures turned sideways...they weren't that way last post, and who can help me if Travis is gone Camping....Noah, too, for that matter...

 This beautiful girl, graced us with her presence for about a month and saved my sanity in so many ways.  I went through a little depression and withdrawal when she had to leave us.  She had hip surgery and got to recover here with us.  It was awesome!
 Tender moments with Grandpa....they are both asleep.

More cuteness
Noah turns 11
 Santa come in an F22 Raptor
 The balloon guy amazes us all

 We torture Taryn just for fun. 
 If you totally burn a batch of bread, which I would never do, you can still eat the middle!  That totally makes it less heartwrenching...
Taryn gets froofy stuff from Grandma.

October 2012

We've been Losing teeth

We've been doing projects and papers and all sorts of school work
We've been going to airshows
We've been finding green places where we thought there wasn't any...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sad Sad Sad

It's been so long since I posted that I just took 20 minutes to figure out how to post.  I am just that computer illiterate.  And now that was all the time I had and now I need to help make sure my kids are not cleaning by putting their laundry under their bed and in the toy bin.  Where do you even begin when you only blog once every 6 months?  Why is everyone I know so on the ball and able to multitask and be amazing in so many things while I feel like most of the time I am barely able to hold things together  There are so many things that I want to do and learn--and my daily life goes on in chaos so that at the end of the day, I am exhausted and wondering what in the world I accomplished.  Maybe blogging better would help with that.  I am not silly enough to compare my blog to anyone else's, so maybe I could at least look at the little things I accomplish and see that my kids are amazing and thriving despite me, and we are having fun and finding a lot of joy in each day.   The only reason I am even here now is because Travis took Noah to a scout campout, and because we ate a random dinner that didn't make a huge mess, yet my kitchen is still messy and I am ignoring it for the moment. 

Things I want to do but am just getting overwhelmed by. 
1.  Exercise consistently!  Get in great shape and feel great!  These blasted allergies are making it so difficult to get up early in the morning, which would solve so many things.
2. Get up early =)
3.  Start couponing again and spend less on groceries!  How much is normal to spend, because we spend A LOT...
4. Start really really eating healthier and making all of the healthy wonderful things I read about so often but never get to....
5. Study my scriptures more
6.  Be more organized with my own daily routines and also with the kids' chores
7.  Go hiking and enjoy the great outdoors more!

And I leave right now knowing that I risking never coming back and posting anything, but I am planning to comeback and post pictures and highlights from the past 6 months.....toodles =).

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fini Flight--June 2012

Trav's last flight with the Spads...Taryn got to nap at wonderful Emily's house, while the boys and I had fun watching him land and spraying him down...