Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday to Jacie-Pooooo!!!!


To Jace's 4th Birthday!!!!

This weekend we celebrated my baby boys birthday with a Superhero party!! It really was a blast and I think everything turned out just awesome.  It's funny, but no matter what you have at your party, it's the PEOPLE who make it great- thank you to EVERYONE who took time out of their saturday to make my Jace feel so special. :)

I will save you the whole sob story about how Jordan left me thursday morning for St. Louis and returned THIRTY MINUTES before party STARTING TIME on saturday...but it did happen, so I thought it should at least be noted. :)

Anywhooooo..... mom helped me make this "cityscape" as we called it, to add a bit of "hero" feel to the party.  We just knew some little boy (named Jace) was going to use it as a run through banner and rip it to shreds, but it survived and I was thrilled! :)

Everyone wore their Superhero outfits and look soooooo cute!!! Don't mind the fact that Jace is wearing his 3T batman jammies that are kind of pilled up and holey... :)

The party went great!  We played pin the "S" on Superman...

And  THIS was my FAVORITE part...

Jordan let me put paint all over his face and the kids called him "The Joker"!!!  It was AWESOME and I know that not just any daddy would have done it... he was a great sport and ended up making the whole party!  Well, except for a few little kiddos who had bad dreams because of him... and I quote what Hudson Jacobus (2 yrs) told his dad at bedtime that night , "Jace's daddy is a scary man..."!  Poor thing! :)

All the kids grabbed water guns and chased The Joker around just screaming and squirting away!

They jumped on the trampoline...

They slid down the waterslide...

We all ate cake (which I WISH I could claim that I made, but I was a bum of a mom and paid someone else to, and I'm pretty sure that I will do the same from now on) :) ...

And then I TRIED to get 20 kids in one shot and everyone smiling, and this is what I got... :)


And let me tell you, we were EXHAUSTED at the end of the day!  All of this would not have been possible if not for Mamma and Daddy Mike, and their AWESOME front yard that they turned in to a complete adventure park! :)  THANK YOU for everything!!!

Jace kept asking near the end if he could leave his party and go home.... I was so confused and asked him why?  HELLO MOM!!!   He wanted to play with all his new toys! :)

Thanks again to all the little Superhero's who partied with us, and their parents of course.  :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy 4th of July even though it was 2 weeks ago, this still counts!! :)

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

We had a blast celebrating the 4th with our family!  Here is a rundown of the days schedule:

1.  First, we went to church to thank the Lord for this amazing country that we live in and honored our military by singing patriotic songs (which I cried during... always do). I required that my entire family wear some form of red, white and blue.  We were like a walking flag. :)

2.  Then we headed to Mamma and Daddy Mike's where the real festivities began!  We all ate an awesome meal then headed outside to begin the GAMES.  Games are all thought up and followed through by Mamma.  She even buys books about games you can play.  Everyone wins prizes (this year was Target gift cards!). She is hard core.

3.  We kicked off the games with a bike race for the kiddies.

4. Next, we had a 3-legged race... I think Jace and I actually won! :)

5.  And then we moved on to a ping-pong tournament.  I didn't have a good showing so I don't really want to talk about it. :)

6.  Of course there were some electric riding toys around... 

7.  Then we had a wagon race that I don't have any pictures of.  It is honestly hysterical watching 3 grown men pull 3 BIG kids around in wagons through the grass going as fast as they can!  The kids really do need to wear their seat belts (we found that out the hard way).

8.  And now I will speed the list up....

9.  Went home and took naps

10.  Drove to Deb's and swam and ate yummy foods

11.  ALL RODE BIKES up to campus to watch the fireworks (there were about 15 bikes and 3 bike trailers.  we were a definite gang)

12.  Drove home and crashed about midnight.

And this is just a cute pic of Kendall...  just because she's cute and I want to eat her up... :)

ALL IN ALL AN AWESOME DAY!! :)  Hope yours was a blast too!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Typical Photo Session

So this is Jordan's perfect first picture, so typical...

And because we got a perfect picture on the first shot, they did a silly picture. All fine and great.

UNTIL, people keep being silly when it's mommy's turn to have take a great family shot.  Thank you Jace.

And now we have all 3 kiddos looking away from the camera...

And then, lets just end it with a super blurry one... lovely. :)  Ahhhh, memories....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

She is basically a grown-up.

Tonight my little Riley girl lost her first tooth!!!! It has literally been dangling for the past 3 days, but tonight it decided to make its debut appearance OUTSIDE her mouth! She was on cloud 9 and we were so excited for her, until she said...

... "If the toothfairy brought me $100 that would be awesome!".

Bless her heart, she might be in for the biggest shock of her life. Jordan ran to his parents house to get a silver dollar they had stashed somewhere, and I think we might wrap it in a dollar bill or something. So the best she can come out of this deal is with a couple of bucks.

This is the line I plan to use in the morning... "When I was your age, the toothfairy used to bring PENNIES, and bread cost a quarter, and the movies were a dollar!"


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer so far...

Things have been going and blowing here at the Newton household!!! How is it June 10th??? Why haven't I had a pedicure yet? And where are all my cute sandals I used to own last summer? These are questions I have been asking myself lately.

And this is just a glimpse of life right now... ENJOY! :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Little Chunky Monkey

Kendall is such a JOY in our lives and I thank God for bringing her into our family! She makes us laugh every day, and you can't help but kiss those cheeks every time you pick her up! Riley and Jace are the proudest big sister and brother... Jace's favorite line to say when someone talks and gushes to Kendall is "She's OUR baby". :) It's hilarious! And Riley talks to her in "the voice"- its really deep and high and whiney all in one, and frankly pretty scary sounding. Kendall loves it and laughs and smiles every time, further egging Riley on. Jordan and I just pray that she doesn't do "the voice" when we are out in public. One time someone thought she was hurt! No lie.

We love you Kendall Brooke!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ch-Ch- Changes...

Two things a mom should not have to do in the same week...

1. Watch her baby graduate from PRESCHOOL...

2. Watch her BABY baby start eating rice cereal...

It's been a looooooooooong week!!