Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy Everything

I wanted to introduce you all to my new family members.  Little Lady 1 and 2.  They are practically perfect in every way.  They make really pretty chiming noises that each tell me different things and they are so nice and polite.   I half way expect them to greet me when I walk in the door!

Seriously, I sat and watched the entire 42 minute wash cycle a little while ago.  LOL!  I am just so excited because even though I won't be getting a birthday/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas gift this year, or maybe the next few years, I now have a matching washer and dryer set that I LOVE!! Never in a million years would I have dreamed that I would be so giddy over such a purchase.  You should have seen the depths I have come from... just yesterday sat a semi-nice washer that worked but was really loud, and a pee-colored dryer that spun but didn't produce any heat.  Now, God Bless America!!!

I promise to never forget where I came from.  :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Dawn!

This is a birthday shout out to my awesome sister-in-law, did I mention she is awesome?! :):)

  Dawn, you really are the best SIL I could have ever asked for, and such a great aunt to my kiddos.  If it isn't abundantly clear, they absolutely adore you!  Thank you for always being there for me!  You and your little family are so precious to us and we hope you have the best birthday ever! 

Note to self- we really need to take more pics together. The only one I could find of just me and you was taken at the river in our bathing suits.  You looked great, but I couldn't knowing post a pic like that of me on the world wide web.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Here Yeller, Come back Yeller.... Yeller?

You remember the old classic movie "Old Yeller", right? Well now, so do my kids! :) 

Let me apologize in advance to Mamma (Jordan's mom)- she is really going to take a beating in this post, but number one- she knows I love her and am just teasing, and number two- she rarely reads my blog, so I should be good to go. 

About a month ago, she had all three kiddos, Riley, Jace and cousin Cameron, over to play for the day (God Bless America).  Actually, it was officially called "Summer Day Camp", a super cute idea she had to get all the kids together once a week and have a little school session with them.  It only lasted about 3 times. Totally understandable, no one is judging here. I would have never attempted it.

Sooooooo, during the last day of Summer Day Camp, Mamma was officially at her wits end with a 2 year old, a 3 year old, and a 4 year old, and she put in the first movie that she saw... enter, "Old Yeller".  She said she was just excited they were watching something that wasn't animated!  I hear that!  Come to find out, Mamma has never really seen the entire movie- she just knew it was a good wholesome classic that kids had grown up watching for generations.  And by kids, I mean ages probably, TEN and up!

This is the conversation I had with Riley and Jace in the car last week.  The only background necessary is that we were keeping Chloe, my parents little Poodle, for the weekend... and, as most of you know, we have  a rabbit named Hopper that lives in our backyard.  

(Setting)  Me, Riley and Jace riding along in the car

Jace: "What if Chloe thinks Hopper is food and tries to eat her?"

Mom: "Oh honey, don't worry, Chloe has been around Hopper before, and they are good friends!"

Jace: "Well, if she does, I'll just go get my gun and shoot her, just like that boy did to Old Yeller!" (said with intense emotion and anger)

Mom: "WHAT! When did you see "Old Yeller???" 

Riley: "Jace, that little boy had to kill Old Yeller because he was sick, and he had to die.  The little boy loved him very much, thats why he shot him."  (actually, quite impressive and insightful I felt like)

Mom: "WHEN did you watch "Old Yeller"??!!!

Jace:" 'Member those hogs that ripped him to pieces?" (this is coming from a 3 year old!)

Riley:" Yep. They tore him up real bad."

Mom: "OK, enough.... I'm calling Mamma right now...."


Friday, August 7, 2009

The Big Day Results!

I am so stinkin' excited and SHOCKED to announce... 


Poor little Jace doesn't stand a chance!! He will have girls telling him what to do from both directions! We are so excited and still in complete shock.  This is the first baby I have been wrong about... totally thought it was a boy.  

When we told the kiddos, Riley started jumping up and down cheering that it is a girl, and Jace said in a very flat and monotone voice... "great".  It was hilarious!!!


Today is the big day!!! We HOPEFULLY get to find out if this little munchkin in my belly is a boy or a girl!!!  10 am!!!  I am so excited!!!!!

My mommy gut tells me its a boy, but I won't be totally shocked if we see a taco either.  For those of you that aren't familiar with ultrasound technological terms, when you are having a little girl, you see 2 lines down there (hence, the taco), and if its a boy, you see a hotdog!  Its all very complicated. :)

Please say a little prayer for a healthy and cooperative baby!! :):)  lovelove!

Monday, August 3, 2009

My THREE Year old!

My son is officially three years old, and I really can't believe it.  

As hard a time as I'm having accepting the fact that he really is growing up, I think it would be even harder if I weren't pregnant right now, and able to channel all my "baby thoughts" somewhere!  Don't get me wrong, its also really exciting that Jace is three- he can do so many things all by himself, and he is so full of life and spunk that you just can't help but smile when you're around him! Oh, and the best thing... he wears big boy undies!! No more diapers!!!  I LOVE that he is growing up, but it still hurts my heart a little. :(

Jace's real birthday was friday, and Mamma and Daddy Mike picked him up for lunch and bowling!  A great way to start your day!  We had a big birthday celebration at my Nanny Nell and Paw Paw's house in good 'ole Huntsville on saturday.  It was a blast having all of our family there- Mamma, Daddy Mike, Uncle Josh, Aunt Dawn, Cameron and Cade even made it down and completed the party.  This was every kids dream, let me tell you.... there was a trampoline, a swimming pool, 2 go-carts, a 4-wheeler, a volleyball net, and games galore!  Seriously, this was one of my favorite places to go when I was a kiddo- and it still is!  These are a few pics from my Jace's special day...

Jace was absolutely CRAZY on the diving board... notice, NO FLOATIES!  
And NO FEAR!  NOT a good combo!

Jace and cousin Cameron just chillin' on the raft... :)

These are just a few of the fun people that made this party! 

A little fun on the go-cart with daddy...

And his attempted race track birthday cake by mommy...this might be the last cake I ever make.  Seriously.  Its worth the $40 not to stress! :)

Thanks to everyone that made this day so perfect!! All the Newton's, thank you for driving out of town to celebrate with us!!!  We have the best family in the world, and I thank the Lord for all of you!!! A special thanks goes out to my Nanny Nell and Paw Paw too, who worked and slaved for days cooking the food and making sure all the pool toys were ready, the yard was mowed, the go-carts were working, ect.... I love you guys!! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

California, July 2009

  I'm sure you have all been wondering where I have been in the blogging world the past week!!! Well, wait no more, I have returned! :)    

  Good 'ole Steve and Sally took Jordan and me on an amazing vacation to LA this past week!  We stayed at the coolest resort along the coast, about 20 miles from downtown- it just opened a month a half ago, so they got an awesome deal. Donald Trump's signature golf course was next door, so I kept looking around  the pool area for a big man with bad hair (which I saw plenty of), but none were him.  This is what we had to look at every day,  bless our hearts... :)

  We loved staying at the resort and just hanging out- how could you not?  But we also went into town a lot and checked out everything that LA has to offer!  We took a tour of the Warner Brother's Studio, which is actually a working set, and it was really neat.  They had several little villages within one area- a new york steet, an italian street, and street of brownstones, ect... where they film all the different tv shows and movies.   Here is a bit of trivia for ya... did you know that in Ocean's 11 (or 12, 0r 13), when they shot scenes in the Bellagio Hotel, that WB had to pay the hotel HOURLY for the amount of money they were losing each day while shooting?Our tour guide was full of lots of important information like that.

This was a super cool set to see...  "Central Perk"

OH,  and get this!  This is "Central Park"... in the Friend's episode where Rachel and Phoebe were running through the park!  Can you believe it?  It's really like a 20 foot sidewalk though a few trees!  We, the general public, are so easily deceived.

  And then, of course, we had to take a tour of the celebrity homes in LA!  That was a must on my list.  My mom was so embarrassed- it was hilarious!  Our tour guide had no shame either... when a Bentley would drive by us (which PLENTY did), he would say "Bentley ahead, dark windows, look really hard!", and everyone would stare.  Those are $400,000 cars- surely the people driving the are worth looking at (or at least they think they are)!  This tour guide also had a lot of great information, for example:  

  While perusing the streets of Beverly Hills, we pass by David Spade's house.  He was on SNL, dated Heather Locklear, ect... he really isn't that big of a star.  Anyway, he said that a few times the tour has been DRIVING by his house, and all of the sudden they start getting shot at with tennis balls!  David Spade throws tennis balls HARD at the people in the tour vans, and these are open topped!  He also said that one time they were passing by when he happened to be backing out of his driveway... he stepped on the gas and tried to sideswipe the van!  Seriously!  He definitely has some anger issues needless to say.

This is our favorite girl next door, Jennifer Anniston's, new casa- a mere 10,000 square feet!  

  And this is Michael Jackson's home, where he recently passed away!  It's so weird because its not secluded at all!  Probably the least of all the homes we saw. Usually you just saw driveways leading up to a huge estate, but his house is really just right behind those gates!  And its on the corner of something and Sunset... right in the middle of everything!  I don't know why they have Christmas wreathes up, strange?

And now, saving the best for last... I did run into ONE celebrity... well, a kind-of celeb, but good enough for me!  And believe me, I totally stalked her!  In fact, I yelled, "Hey Audrina!"- and she didn't even glance my way.  I was walking right beside her (and the paparazzi)!  She really was beautiful, but totally full of herself. Please, you dated Justin Bobby, more than once, enough said.  

All in all it was an amazing vacation that, thanks to my parents kindness and generosity, we were able to be part of!  What a blessing!!!

Now it's back to the real world of little people coming into my room during the middle of the night wanting water, ect... :):)  and I love that too! :)