Seriously, Jordan told me that I am really dropping the ball as far as this goes, and need to get it together. So, for all 3 of you who actually read this... I'm sorry, my plate has been a little full, and I promise with a cherry on top to do better.
That reminds me of that horrible country song "I'll Try".... Jordan and I always laugh at it because its so bad, and I think its TRYING to be sweet! "I'll tryyyyyyy, to always love you, and I'll tryyyyyyyy to be true to you, I'll try...". Sorry- tangent.
Anywhooo, tomorrow Riley and Jace have their Thanksgiving feast and program at school... I'm sure I'll have some really entertaining stories about how my daughter was a perfect angel and sang every word to every song, and about how my son spun around in circles the whole time on the stage and took out three other kids while singing. Good times.
Riley will be an Indian, and Jace, a grey squirrel. I'll leave you with that.