Monday, January 23, 2012

that which "was" and won't go away

Dearest Bloggy Friends,

First, the event that puts the "was" in "Wasband" occurred in late December. I am finally divorced.

Can I have a woo hoo? This is good and I am happy. And yay. Just YAY!

However, "Was" apparently has decided to take Dylan Thomas's advice and refuses to go gentle into that good night. (Oh, I kid. Wasband has no idea who Dylan least until he Googles him following this post.) The problem is that Wasband refuses to stop reading this blog. The fact is, I now feel uncomfortable writing here. (And how creepy is it that he can't just move the along? Here's a clue Wasband, the next woman you date will not look kindly upon obsessive reading of your ex-wife's blog. Or her manfriend's blog...that too is damn stalkerish.)

In case you are wondering, I even sent him a nice e-mail and asked him to stop reading. But nice does not work. Once an ass, always an ass and all that good stuff. So I have made the decision to go private with my writing...and I think that I will start to write again once I know I don't have Wasband lurking around two and three times a DAY.

I'll leave this up for a week or so. Message me at thegooser at gmail . youknowtherest with your e-mail address if you want to be able to read. And no "gooser"'s a damn e-mail Wasband set up and now I'm stuck with it on my blog. *grumble grumble*