Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mommy & Me

Just The Facts

Jayden is now six weeks! It's so cliche I know, but I can't believe how time flies! So a week and half ago Jayden reached his one month mark, I need to right down a few things to remember, because I KNOW I will forget! I really wish I had started a blog when I was pregnant with my first, but sadly I had no idea they existed until a friend of mine introduced me to this new world shortly after Kayla was born. Hopefully my girls will forgive me for not keeping such a detailed account of their lives from the beginning. All my kids have a baby book, but blogging is so much easier for me, and gives me more room to describe every little detail I would like to remember.  So I guess I'll jot down a few things I'd like to remember about my kids.  

So on to Jayden and everything he's done to drive me crazy accomplished in his first month of life!

*Still will NOT sleep through the night! He usually sleeps 4 hours, then 2, and 2. For the first couple weeks the worst part was getting him back to sleep! He'd wake up, eat, need burped and then a foul stench would come from his diaper; so inevitably he would need a diaper change. That would wake him up all the more and he'd fuss for a little bit, then need to eat again and the process would start ALL over! The longest it has taken me to get the guy to sleep was 3 HOURS! Luckily now, he's up for about an hour at the most. Thank goodness! But still will not sleep more then 4 hours at a time. I have been lucky two nights where he slept 5 hours, but that was it. I'm feeling so sleep deprived! It's been WAY too long since I've gotten a good nights sleep. I really wish this boy had been my first, then I'd be able to nap during the day, but it's hopeless with two other children in the house.

*He must be held, but it has to be by me! During his awake times, he really dislikes being left somewhere. It last all of two minutes before he starts complaining. He definitely prefers me, neither one of his sisters will do, and Dad just doesn't cut it for long. He also loves to be held with his head on my chest or shoulder, no other way is quite satisfying for him. He's such a cuddle bug, which I find a bit ironic. While I was pregnant with him, all I wanted to do was cuddle with Mike; the desire was so much more intense then with my other two pregnancy's. Now Jayden just wants to be held and cradled. However, when we're out, he's been great with anyone else holding him. Not sure what he's up to. He's also an angel, and will pretty much sleep the entire time I'm running errands, however as soon as we walk in the door, he lets you know he wants something. My house definitely reflects the attention he's been getting. Oh it's so gross! I really can't stand it, but after combining the lack of sleep and a cuddly baby, I have a very inadequate amount of time and energy to get anything accomplished. I feel lucky just to get a shower in!

*He was born VERY crosseyed. It really cracked me up every time he was awake. But it has since corrected itself and he loves to look around. (Only when I hold him of course). However, he will not focus on faces. He will turn away and find something else to look at no matter how close you get to him. He mostly looks toward light, whether it be on the ceiling, TV or the window, he loves all things bright. Guess no one's face its bright enough at the moment.

Potty training has been a NIGHTMARE! We were doing alright before Jayden was born, not perfect, but getting there. Now I feel hopeless. She just doesn't seem to care. She gets it, and knows how to do it, but I guess just doesn't see the point. Not sure how to get this girl on track. I've tried praising, bribing, rewarding, timeouts (which I know you're not suppose to do) but nothing works. Even just leaving her in underwear is hopeless. She'll simply just go get another one. The other day we went swimming and she was so happy to have Nemo on her swimming diaper. So I told her she couldn't go potty on him or he'd cry. Well on the way home, she said in such a sweet sad voice, "Mommy, Nemo cried." That one cracked me up. So there's proof she understands, now how do I get her to care?! I've even tried using our Disneyland trip to bribe her. Mike let them watch a documentary movie on Disneyland, and both of the girls are obsessed with going and can't wait! (We're planning a trip this summer). Kayla said she wanted go to Disneyland and I told her she had to learn to go potty first, I mean come on, Mickey doesn't want to see you in diapers. She went in her little toilet right after that, but that was it. Anyone have some good tricks they'd be willing to share? I'll try anything! Hopefully we'll have this skill mastered by her high school graduation!

*She's obsessed with coloring on anything BUT paper! The walls, doors, furniture, electronics, tile, anything is more fun to color on then a stupid piece of paper! Oh it's driving me crazy! Have you ever tried to get crayon out of tile grout? I assure you it is the worst! Even washable crayon is a joke when it comes to getting it off of my grout. And of course she could care less no matter how much I punish her. It keeps happening over and over. I feel bad taking the crayons away because it's Kylie's FAVORITE thing to do. But I just can't take it anymore. However, even without crayons/markers, she finds something to make a mess with. Popcorn is the worst. I'll let the girls eat it while watching a movie and I'm either in the other room taking care of Jayden, or on the computer. I'll come out and it'll be all over my floor. Grrrr........ she's even thrown it on the floor while I was sitting right next to her! I made her vacuum it up and now, she does it just so she can use the vacuum. So no more popcorn either. Punishing her is so not working! She just doesn't care what the punishment is, she'll do it again, even after making her clean up whatever it is she's made a mess of.

*She also still picks on her big sister. You'd think it'd be the other way around, but it's not. Kylie cries multiple times a day because Kayla hit her, took away her toy or won't play with her. Not sure how to react to this one. I mean come on girl, you're bigger then she is, quit letting her push you around! I'm making my two year old sound like.......well........ like a two year old I guess. But she'll be three next month, so maybe it'll get better? HAHA! Don't worry, I'm not planning on it. Lets just say I'm really not looking forward the defiant teenage years. This girl could care less what anyone thinks or wants her to do, she's going to do it her way and if you don't like, tough!

*There are some good qualities to her devilish self. For instance she loves to help put away the dishes. Whenever she hears me emptying the dishwasher she runs over and grabs something (usually an item she can't reach to put away) and she'll try jumping making a cute little grunt as she's holding the cup she just can't put away on her own. So I'll have to lift her up and then hand her the items within her reach to put away. So adorable!

*She's also obsessed with thanking me. She'll do this over the most strangest things. For instance when I buy diapers she grabs them off the counter and says, "My diaper, thanks Mommy." while hugging it tight with a cute little smile on her face. It makes me smile no matter what strange thing she decides to thank me for. Hopefully this good trait will stick for life.

*She likes to say the prayer now (finally). The only problem is none of us can understand her and she goes on forever until Mike or I whisper amen in her ear.

*Loves school, but still likes her "brown" school better as she calls it (the school she attended last year). But her school known as the "white" school is still fun too. Her favorite teacher is Miss Melissa and every day she draws a picture of her and Miss Melissa to hang up in the classroom.

*On that note, Kylie is OBSESSED with all things artsy. The girl could color and draw her life away. There are countless pictures/presents I've received from her. She loves to draw her family and write every ones name. Although she can't read yet, she can copy any word or drawing. We even tried pronouncing a few simple words (cat, hat, car etc.) and she did rather well at figuring out which letter she needed by sounding it out.

*She's no longer in speech therapy!! Her speech therapist came to me about a month ago and said Kylie is doing so well, she doesn't think she needs her anymore. So she did an evaluation and sure enough the girl is right on track! Her teacher said she'll most likely be talking better then a lot of other kindergartners that have never had speech therapy. YEAH!! So proud of her and how far she's come. When she first entered the program, you couldn't get her to say a single word, and if anything ever did come out of her mouth, not one person could understand what she was saying. Now I'm about ready to put a roll of duct tape around her mouth! She never stops! Oh but I love her and I'm so glad she can communicate so well now.

*She's so sensitive, or rather tenderhearted. She'll cry over silly things, but obviously they're not so silly to her. The other day I went to the chiropractor and she colored a picture of Handy Manny and asked if she could take it out of the book and bring it home. I said okay and we headed to Wal-Mart afterward. Well it was rather windy to say the least and her picture flew out of the car, and a cry came out of her mouth that would make you think someone just cut her leg off! She tried to run after it but knew she couldn't run out in the parking lot. Luckily it got stuck on a tumble weed that was lodged under a car. So I walked over there with her and she climbed under to get it.

*To say that she loves Jayden would be an understatement. The day we brought him home she told me she will never get mad at Jayden. HA can I get that in writing please? So far she's held up to her promise, but I have a feeling it will not last forever. She'll do anything for me if it involves her brother; get a diaper, find his pacifier, get a blanket; so nice to have such a good helper.

Monday, February 21, 2011


It looking to be a rather boring day, so I asked Mike if he was up to going to the Washington Rec. Center to swim.  He was up for it, so I ran to the store for a few treats and off we went!  I'm sure there's no need to mention the obvious, but the girls LOVED it!  By the end they were a little too daring and started pushing the line as to how far they could go out in the water.  I'm thinking life jackets next time.  The large bucket that dumped water every few minutes was a little intimidating for Kayla, but she eventually warmed up to and would even wait for it to pour, then head up the stairs and enjoy some of the gadgets, then climb back down just in time to miss the water pouring down again.  Mike spent a lot of time playing with the girls while I took care of Jayden.  The little guy spent most of the time attached to me in a sling while I walked around and watched the girls in the shallow water.  He was great and so were the girls, sadly I hadn't realized I failed to take pictures of my little guy until the end, so there's only a few Jayden, and an overload of the girls!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Lovely Boy


Is it sad that both my girls had their first hair cut at the same time? Sure I've cute Kylie's hair a few times, only because she's such a sensitive child I knew taking her to a salon would result to be more drama then I was willing to endure. But she finally grew out of it, and as for Kayla... Well she's pretty much fearless. So there was no need for me to trim her hair when I knew she would be perfectly fine sitting in a chair having someone else do it.
I had been wanting to get their hair cut for a while and on Valentines day we took a quick trip to Wal-Mart and I decided it was time! So we headed to their salon (not my first choice, but it was there and I was ready). Kylie insisted Kayla go first. I figured that's the way it would be considering Kylie's sensitivity to such things. Kayla didn't mind one bit! What little hair Kayla had, had grown out to all sorts of strange lengths and I was thrilled to have it look halfway decent. She ended up with an adorable pixie cut! Kylie's hair however was long and so fun to play with, but the ends of her hair were on their last strand. We went with a short, to the shoulder look and she got BANGS! I kept asking her if she wanted bangs like her cousin Hanna, and she kept saying yes, so we went for it! Oh they are both so cute! Of course being the wonderful mom I am, I completely forgot to do a before AND after picture! Guess you'll have to see the 'after' it in future photos.