Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I can't believe it's been over TWO months since my last post!! I have an excuse, it was the holidays! Just got busy being too busy! I actually had to go back to work for the past few months. I started working at Roberts Crafts to try and help out with the finances while Mike was trying to get appointed with a few different insurance companies. It was quite the headache, but he pulled a few strings and he is now working hard to get us back to the lifestyle we once had. I'm currently only working on Friday's and Saturdays for the time being. I doubt it will be for much longer. So here I am, finally updating everyone on the last two months. WARNING: This post contains a major picture overload!!! Here we have Thanksgiving, Christmas, New years, a birthday and everything in between all rolled in to one! So sit back, grab an extra large bowl of popcorn and enjoy!


Judy bought my girls matching outfits to wear for Thanksgiving. Aren't they adorable?!! This year we spent our Thanksgiving with Mikes family. We usually do half and half with our families, but since Mike's Aunt Nancy came down to visit from Idaho and my family wasn't all there, we decide we'll visit my family next year!

Kylie was having a ball posing for the camera! We have so many pictures that her Aunt Nancy took, and Kylie loved every minute in the spotlight!

Playing In The Leaves

We went to my in laws house to pick up a saw so we could go find ourselves a Christmas tree, and Kylie decided she wanted to play in the leaves! Grandpa even came out to join the fun and she had a great time! And of course me being me, I forgot to bring my camera along so Judy was wonderful enough let me borrow hers. Thanks Judy!!

We Have A Winner!

After searching for an hour or so we finally found the lucky guy who came home to be our Christmas tree!! We had a great time looking for it and we got quite the work out. Mike and I had to take turns trekking though the hills; it was freezing out in Pine Valley and we just didn't want our girls out in the weather, so they stayed behind and watched from the truck! They were great up until the end when through their tears they were saying it was time to go home. We had found a tree just in time!

Decorating The Tree

Kylie and Kayla had a great time helping me decorate the tree! Kayla was more interested in taking the ornaments OFF the tree then putting them on, but can you really expect much more from a nine month old??

The girls absolutely LOVED the train we have. It was something my mom gave to me a few years ago. Kylie was a master and getting right in front of her sister as soon as she started to reach for it. But it didn't take long before the poor little train was taking apart in pieces by a very curious little girl!

Princess In Training

Kylie watches me daily put on my make-up and of course wants to do everything I do. So she grabbed my mascara and went to town! She actually did a great job until she rubbed her eyes. I tried to get a picture sooner, but I just wasn't fast enough!

Everyday Life

Kayla hanging out in her crib!

It's amazing to me how much this girl just loves food! Especially candy! Like mother like daughter I guess! Prying this candy cane from her hands soon became impossible, so she kept it and loved every bit of it!

Snow In Hurricane???

Yep, that's right, it SNOWED in Hurricane!! I loved every minute of it. It's the one thing I miss most about my home town! But here it is snowing so much we could build a snowman! And that's just what we did! Well I did anyway, living here in the hot climate, we don't have much of a need for good snow gloves, so poor Kylie would play till her poor little hands were numb and then I, wearing Mikes snowboarding gloves, proceeded to make our snowman!

Poor Kayla wanted to go outside and play with her big sis so badly, but as a mother, I really think walking needs to be mastered before venturing out in the snow!

Christmas Time

This is Christmas Eve where I've kept up the traditional pajama presents! This year the girls received new pajamas and Mike and I got some much needed pillows! Growing up my mom always gave us pj's, but one year we weren't in much need of them, so we received pillows, pillow cases, robes, blankets, basically anything related to sleeping. So that's what I plan on doing with my family!

Christmas Morning!

The girls had a great time opening their gifts! We spent the morning at home, like we have for the last two years! When Kylie had her first Christmas I decided I want it to be just our little family at home opening gifts and then we'd venture out and visit both my family and Mikes. It's so great to have this time with just us, I know that someday sooner then I'm ready for, my children will grow up and have families of their own, so these are just some of the moments I have come to really cherish!

After our early Christmas morning together we traveled out to my parents house to spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon with them. We had an amazing lunch with turkey and all the extras! Thanks Mom! We opened gifts and Mike enjoyed a few games on my families new wii. After that we ventured out to my in-laws house where we spent the rest of the afternoon and stayed late into the evening. Judy bought Kylie and Hanna princess dresses and they had a wonderful time twirling around her floor in their dress up high heels! Later we put our kids to bed and the grown ups headed down to the movies to spend the gift certificate we received from Judy and Craig! We saw the movie "Yes Man" and I highly recommend you do NOT go see it. Can you say stupid?! I was very disappointed, it's not even worth renting from a Redbox! Well there is our wonderful Christmas day spent with loved ones all around town!

Lesson 1: Just don't leave your child unattended, EVER!!!

I came out of the other room to find Kayla looking like this! What is it you ask?? Well it's her big sisters rocky road ice cream she left sitting on the couch, that's what it is!!! She was having the time of her life and making the biggest mess! Luck for me I have leather couches! So the hardest part was cleaning up a very sticky little girl!

Baby's First Hair Cut

Yep that's right!! My little girls is almost three and she's just now getting her FIRST haircut!! The poor thing never stood a chance, both Mike and I were as bald as could be when we were born. So here she is and I am the one doing the cutting! I really didn't think she'd be able to handle going to a salon so I decided the best thing to do was to do it myself. I was a nervous wreck! I was so worried I'd mess it up beyond repair! But I don't think I did too bad, although it did end up a little shorted then I had planned. Her hair looks SO much better now. A lot more even and not so scraggly!



My Girls

Kayla fell asleep on the floor and Kylie being the amazing big sister she is, covered her with a blanket! Isn't it precious!

My Baby Turned THREE!!

My little girl turned 3 this month!! Can you believe it!! It's hard for me to take in. For her birthday we just kept it small, inviting family and a few friends. Kylie loves airplanes and really enjoys Mickey Mouse, so for her birthday I made her a Mini Mouse airplane cake! I think it turned out so cute! My mom always made us a special cake for our birthday's growing up and I'm keeping on the tradition! Everything is edible except for Mini Mouse; the wings, tail, propeller and window are all made out of sugar cookies!

This is one of the birthday gifts Kylie received! She was spoiled, getting toys, movies, clothes and even a bouncing horse! Thanks everyone for coming and making this day a special one for her! I decided it would be fun to put together a slide show of Kylie's past three years! It was bitter sweet putting all together; she's just grown up so much!

So there you have it! I'm all updated on our family blog! Told you it was a MAJOR picture overhaul! And no I did not do this all in one day! It's taken me a week to get this all together! I hope you all enjoyed it and I really don't plan on falling so far behind again! I'm back on the blogging wagon!