Thursday, September 30, 2010

Look How Cute!

Nathan finally got his school pictures back. This is how the conversation went on the way home from the bus:

Nathan: Mommy I have something to show you when we get home.
Me: Ok. Did you get your pictures back yet?
Nathan: Yes, but I think they messed up.
Me:What do you mean they messed up? Did you smile funny? Are the pictures of YOU?
Nathan: I smiled like we practiced, and the pictures are of me but look. There are SO many. (As he pulls out the full sheet of wallet sized pics)

He thought it was so funny that there was a whole page of little pics of him. This isn't exactly how we practiced his smile- we all know he loves to cheese it so we were trying to get him to tone it down a little. I think they turned out so cute. We sure love this kid!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ava, Miss Ava

I. Am. Tired. 

Ava has been keeping us up. I feel kind of dumb because I recently gave some friends sleeping advice for their babies (they asked). Ava has always been a wonderful sleeper. We would lie her in bed, swaddled, and awake and she would be out in minutes. Then we switched her to the big girl bed. She falls asleep there on her own and WAS sleeping well through the night. She would nap in the playpen, and did great, until about a week ago. I am not sure what happened. Now she won't nap in the playpen- she discovered how to climb out of it. With no nap she is so not nice by 4pm.  7pm rolls around and she can hardly keep her eyes open. She falls asleep instantly after our bed time routine. Sounds good, right? WRONG! She has been waking up multiple times a night on the days she doesn't nap. She won't let us hold her, and wants to go back in her room, and wake Nathan up to turn on the light, at 2, 4, and 6 in the morning. I look like a zombie, and almost fell asleep driving today.

When she naps, she sleeps so much better!  I am going to have to work way harder on getting her to nap, even if it means driving around the block until she falls asleep. That isn't really what I want to do, so we will have to see if I can figure out some other way to get her to nap. Any suggestions? I am really hoping all these sleep issues just have to do with the fact she is getting her 2 year molars.

Not only has she been keeping me up this way, she has also had me worried, thus no sleep.

About a month ago we noticed she was limping. We would watch her walk and see if we could tell which leg was hurting.  It was bothering me, but she wasn't acting like she was in pain. Every time we would get in the car, or the get anywhere she would immediately take off her shoes. Then last week she was walking so weird. She would curl her toes under her foot and run on the outside of her foot. I got really worried. Her one leg was turning way in every time she would walk too. I finally called the doc. 

I videoed her running because I knew she would be nervous at the Doctor's office. We got there and she was poked and prodded, and then he sent us for some x- rays- she was scared to death. He couldn't see anything on the x-rays, but was worried that if she kept favoring it it could cause damage in the future. So he referred us to an Orthopedist. I worried some more, I figured it was either nothing, or something crazy and serious. 

Well the day on Wednesday she started walking more normally (for the first time in weeks). Figures. We went to the Orthopedist yesterday, and he said she looked fine now.  He isn't sure what was going on either, and said to just watch her. He thinks she may have bruised the bone or something.  She is walking even better today. I am so glad that nothing is wrong. Maybe I will be able to sleep better tonight.

Wouldn't you be worried if your cutie started walking like this? (It is her right leg that was acting up)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So a few posts ago I mentioned Tyler got a job. When they gave him the job offer, they didn't say how many hours he would be working, but in previous conversations we thought we understood that it would be full time. Training time came around and then he received the schedule- 9 HOURS A WEEK! Are you kidding me? Yeah, we were super bummed.

Then about a week ago we got an email from Tyler's mom. She had been checking the school district's job board and sent word along about a job as a Purchasing Technician. Tyler applied the day it was set to close. They called him the next afternoon, and wanted him to come interview the next working day. He went to his interview and thought it went really well, they called him the next day and wanted him to come in again. I got a  little discouraged because of some of the questions they had, but they called him shortly after the second interview and offered him the job! He started the very next day, and is still able to do his tutoring job in the evenings.

We are so excited, and feel so blessed. We have been on the hunt for almost a year, and got turned down for being over qualified, and lame reasons like that. These district jobs are really hard to come by because they have such awesome benefits and stuff, so I joke with Tyler that he is never allowed to quit!

He has been working for about a week there, and today is his last day with the trainer. Once he knows what exactly he will be doing, I will have him post about it.