Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We decorated our pumpkins and made sugar cookies a couple days ago and then went Trunk or Treating in our church parking lot with two other wards. It was fun.

This is also fun. Watch.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Look Who's Walking!

Just in time for Halloween...our little Frankenstein, at least, that is who she walks like.
Ava has known how to walk for awhile now, but still preferred to crawl. The last week or so she decided to start walking even more. She will crawl a little, then stand up and walk across the house. It is so cute, and she gets so excited!

I am so finally feels like fall! It is cloudy and cold out, I have pumpkin pies in the oven(they smell SOOO YUMMY), and we get to Trunk or Treat tomorrow! Don't be surprised if we have a Christmas tree post in the next few weeks~ Tyler is listening to Neil Diamond Christmas music as I type.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Ava!

Ava had her first birthday this weekend! I can't believe it has already been a year.

We decided to make it easy on our families, and head to Utah for the weekend so they wouldn't have to come down here for a party. Our ENTIRE family was there, except for Tyler's Gma.

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. The party was ladybug themed, and a real one even came. Nathan kept singing "A ladybug came to Ava's party..." It was so fun to watch her get into her cake. Nathan has always been really clean, and wasn't sure what to do with his cake when he turned one, so we didn't know what to expect.

Ava got so many fun gifts! We were so glad that everyone could come. Thanks everyone who helped and took pictures- I brought the video camera, but totally forgot the picture one. I owe my parents BIG TIME. They did so much to get the house ready, and the food all set up, and then cleaning up afterwards, not to mention having us crash their tidy, quiet, house for 5 days... Love You Mom & Dad!!!

Thanks everyone for coming and celebrating with us~ we love you all and miss you already!

Some of the other fun things that we did were:

Nathan got to go for a REAL motorcycle ride thanks to Uncle Josh, well it was a Vespa, but that counts, right?!?

Lots of playing with cousins in Hurricane which included an entire day of running around outside, jumping on the trampoline, playing the Wii, reading with Grammy, swinging, sliding, bubbles, and LOTS more.

On another (not quite so fun) note: Ava had her one year check up. She weighed 21 lbs 4 oz, and was 30 inches long. The appointment was followed by a round of Mini Golf. Nathan got his first hole in one, all by himself. This was only his second time golfing too. I was proud.

To end the trip right we took the kids to the corn maze last night. They didn't really get it, but it was nice a fun fall thing to do. We planned to go out for ice cream afterwards, but they were both totally out before we got on the main roads again.