Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Quick Trip

Yesterday we made a quick trip to Utah. The kids had appointments up there today- I know I am crazy, driving 2 hours to see a doctor, but we also wanted to see some family.

I met up with two of my gorgeous Sis-In-Laws, and did a little shopping. I was mostly there for the visiting, but I did happen to find an adorable tutu/princess outfit for 7.99- it will be perfect for Ava...she was instantly in love with the wand, and shook it around the entire time.

Since the kiddos were so good we took them to the splash park when we were done shopping. Nathan has never liked water being dumped, or sprayed anywhere hear his head, so I didn't know how he would do. There were lots of kids there, and he adores his cousin Madelyn, so he went for it. He had so much fun. Ava fell asleep on the way there, but woke up shortly after. I was too lazy to go back to the car for her swimsuit, so she played in the water fully clothed, and we both got SOAKED! We miss the Yoder's already, and wish we got to see them more often. After the splash park we headed to Hurricane to see the rest of Tyler's fam. It was nice to see everyone...We love you all!

The appointment for the kids went really well. They are both very healthy. Here are some stats...

Nathan at 4 years:

41 lbs
42 inches

He was so brave for his shots, and I was super glad. Luckily, Tyler was there to hold him. I can't believe how big he is!

Ava at 10 months:

20 lbs 5 oz
29 1/2 inches

She is getting so close to walking! She will just let go and stand up on her own for a long time. And when she is ready to sit she can do it so gracefully. Her hair is also long enough in the back now for REAL pigtail---SO CUTE! She doesn't even fuss when we do her hair, it is a good thing too. Since I do hair, she would just have to "suffer" if she didn't like it. jk

We are glad it was just a quick trip. We forgot the playpen, and Ava is a total crib sleeper, so I was up the enitre night with her...I am SO tired, and looking forward to having us all in our own rooms and beds tonight!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My Little Buddy Is 4!

Tyler and I talk about how we often expect too much of Nathan. We always think he is older then he really is because he is so smart. Well yesterday he turned 4, so I guess I can expect a little more from him, right?!?

We made a chain ring countdown thing about a month ago. Each day he got to tear off a ring. He was soo excited for his big day and talked about it every single day.

A few days before his birthday my Grandparents came over and we had a birthday get together for Nathan and my Gpa. We loved having them over before they headed back to Kolob.

For Nathan's party, he decided he wanted a Firetruck birthday so that is what we did. I asked him what he wanted for his Special Birthday Breakfast, and he said Lucky Charms...that is what he eats every morning, so I got off easy. After we got all ready, Tyler took him to see Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. We didn't tell him that he was going to see it, so he was really excited when they got there. He had been wanting to see it so bad. Later that evening we had a fun party. We had friends, pizza, salad (Nathan loves salad now), swimming, water balloons, a firetruck cake- yes, I made it, ice cream, and of course PRESENTS! I love this kid so much, it is so hard not to buy him everything in sight. He got some great stuff. (Thanks friends!!!) Tyler has also been enjoying Nathan's gifts.

Nathan is my best little buddy. He loves to snuggle. He has always been so helpful, and well behaved. I got a little weepy the night before his birthday thinking about how 4 years ago I was in labor, getting ready to meet my Nathan. The time has gone by way too fast.

Here are some things about him:

*He is so smart! He is learning to read, and we are so proud of how quickly he is picking it up- We are using "Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons" I HIGHLY recommend it.

*He has an amazing memory. He memorizes things so quickly- like just seeing/hearing it once or twice.

*He is so polite, and well behaved.

*He is soo curious, and asks "Why?" a million times a day.

*He is very clean. He never liked bibs, and really has never needed them. He enjoys playing in the dirt and such, but when he is done he wants to be clean.

*Loves to help

*Is such a great brother

* Cracks us up multiple times a day

*Uses BIG words

*He has the best "cheese" smile.

* He is super handsome, and a total ladies man.

*He is very aware of others feelings & has a BIG heart.

There are so many things I could write about him. We love him so much, and are so glad he is ours. He teaches us so much everyday. Happy Birthday Buddy, I love you so much and can't believe you are 4 !

Friday, August 7, 2009

P90X Is Kicking Our Trash!

Tyler and I have decided it is time to get in shape.

I am fine with my weight, and have some good muscle-ness just from chasing/carrying kids all day long, but sometimes I get winded just going up the stairs, and that is weak. I don't want to be tired doing something that simple. I have never been a sporty girl, but I have always tried to be fit (running, dancing, etc.)

Tyler was always sporty. Soon after Ava was born he injured his knee, and it hasn't been the same since. So he hasn't been playing ball at all. Plus he says I feed him way too much. What can I say, I am a pretty good cook. He has been trying to lose weight for a while now, and was able to lose 5 pounds or so on Slimfast, but we decided it was time to get serious and start working out.

We have been doing P90X for 5 days now. We have been so sore! The first day I wasn't that sore at all, then the next morning I felt it. I could hardly walk down the stairs and after reading with Nathan we couldn't even sit up to get out of the bed. So Tyler and I were hobbling around, and then we would laugh at how ridiculously sore we were, and then our abs would start hurting so bad from laughing. It was pretty funny. I am glad I am starting to be able to actually move now. So if you see us limping and hobbling now you know why. I hope we have some nice results to post in a few months!