Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Adventures

We had a really nice (long) Thanksgiving in Utah. Trips always seem to be a little too exciting for me. Here are some of the excitements from our trip:

The doctors office called me and had to reschedule my appointment to pretty early on Wednesday, so we got everything ready so we could leave on time. It ended up raining all night (Tuesday) and we have a leaky back door so I got up in the middle of the night to put some towels down. Tyler didn't want to just leave towels down while we were gone because he was worried the water would make the floor warp. So when we woke up the next morning he went to the back yard to hang some plastic around the door. A few minutes later he comes to get me and says there are ants EVERYWHERE. We have a lot of little black ants in our yard and it looks like they live under the stucco. The rain spooked them and there was a HUGE black stripe (of ants) on our house and all over our back door. I went to get the camera but Tyler had already poisoned them. Luckily traffic wasn't bad and we still got to the appointment on time.

We had a yummy dinner Thursday with Tyler's family. It rained almost all that day too. It was dark by the time we headed back to my parents for the night, and the clouds were low. My parents house is on the way to Pine Valley and the elevation is higher then right in St. George. We had only gone a few miles when the fog got really bad. We couldn't even see 20 feet in front of the car. I was so scared. We just watched the lines on the road and did fine. My Mom's street doesn't have lines or street lights so that got a little tricky, but we arrived safely.

Friday we went to the mall, which was a mad house. We mostly just walked around for a couple of hours. The kiddos did so well.

Then Saturday we celebrated with my family. We wanted to take a new family picture so we got all ready. It was SOOO windy and cold. We drove to the Snow Canyon lookout and it was even more windy so we didn't even get out of the car. We ended up just going back to take a picture in front of my parent's fireplace. I will post those as soon as my brother sends them to me- Thanks Josh for taking the pictures for us!

It really was a fun weekend. Oh and just so you know...My Mom called me this morning to tell me the weather was perfect this morning- no wind at all, and warmer then yesterday- figures.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Call Us A Little Crazy...

Halloween is Tyler's favorite holiday, and I was a TOTAL SLACKER! I mean, we have a brand new baby, so I was a little too busy taking care of kids to decorate or do anything fun and crafty. (Sorry again, Dear) I told him that since I slacked off, we could put up our tree a little earlier then usual. So that is what we did yesterday! We got the tree up, the garland hung on the stairs, the nativities set up, and then drank eggnog while putting the star on. It was a great day! (The eggnog was my favorite part:)) Now I guess I better get my shopping finished.

Today was Ava's first day of church and she did so well! I fed her 2 times, and she slept the entire time. The Beehives loved her. I wasn't going to bring her to class, but the other teacher wanted to see her, and so I went and stole her from Tyler. She wore the cutest little fancy dress! I was going to put her in just a skirt and onesie, but Tyler has been wanting to see her all fancy, so that is what we did!

(It is so hard to get a "real" smile out of Nathan these days)

One more thing...Today is my BABY BROTHER'S 21st BIRTHDAY!!!! He is such a great uncle, and loves our kiddos so much. He is so smart and good at school- he gets all A's in college, and he takes hard classes. He acts camera shy, so I have no picture to post of him, but he is a cutie!!!Happy Birthday Eric~ we love you so much!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pictures & Projects

As promised here are some of the pictures my brother took. He put them on a disc and gave it to my Mom. There were like 50 of them, so I had her email me a few of the favorites.

And my favorite...

So now that we are a 2 car family, we figured it was time to make some room in the garage. Homes here are ridiculous. Our house claims to have a 2 car garage, but we have 2 smaller cars, and they BARELY fit, and we don't have that much other stuff in there. Tyler decided the best way to make some room would be to add some storage shelves that hang from the ceiling. He even hid it... He made them so that the garage door covers them when it is open. So if you were walking down the street and our garage was open you wouldn't see our junk. I love how it turned out!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ava had her 2 week checkup this week. She weighed in at 9 lbs 2.5 oz, and was still 21 inches long. We thought it was so funny that at 2 1/2 weeks old she still didn't weigh as much as Nathan did when he was born. She also had a photo shoot, courtesy of my brother, Josh. It was fun and I only got peed on twice. The proofs looked so cute. When I get the finished pictures I will post them.