Sunday, September 28, 2008

36 Weeks

Well we are nearing the end! We are getting anxious!!! Ava's room is pretty much done, there are just a few more things we need, and I am planning on getting them this week. We ordered a new swing, and I can't wait for it to get here! Nathan loved his swing and we got sooo much use out of it, I think we used it a little bit too much because it is not the same anymore. It is so crazy to think that by this time next month our little girl will be here! Nathan keeps asking if Ava is getting big enough to come out yet. He is so excited, and likes to rock in the the rocking chair in her room. I hope he is still this excited once she is here! We still have not decided on a middle name...I may have to do a poll. I send Tyler emails hoping that he will decide, but he is taking his time. So if you see a poll on the side in the next couple of days PLEASE VOTE! And now here is the latest picture:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another Tag

Melissa tagged me, so here goes...

10 Years Ago, I Was:
1. I was 13, so I was probably...
2. Rocking out to Backstreet Boys with my Best Friend Marie
3. Sending out my first missionary without even knowing it (10 years ago was when Tyler left the MTC)
4.Working on becoming a singing super star...I was way into my singing "career," and studying hard.
5. In desperate need of some fashion advice- I was 13, what can I say.

5 Things on Today's "To-Do" List:
1. I finished my list but here are some of the things that were on there:
2. Clean out the car.
3. Pack the diaper bag.
4. Wash the new baby clothes.
5. Hang out with my boys.

5 Snacks I Enjoy
1. Cereal - I could eat it for every meal.
2. Popcorn
3. Ice Cream
4. Skittles
5. Chips & Salsa

5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Millionaire
1. Buy a house with LAND and a pool.
2. Buy BRAND NEW cars- no auction ones here...
3. Donate some to Tyler for his business ventures.
4. Help out family.

5 Places I Would Like To Visit:
1. Hawaii
2. Paris
3. I (like Melissa) would like to take my Buddy to Disneyland- I think we are going next year!!!
4. The beach sounds like a nice place to be right now.
5. I don't know- I am a home body and don't sleep well unless I am in my own bed.

5 Jobs I Have Had
1. Mom
2. Cosmetologist
3. Activities Assistant @ A Retirement Community
4. Hostess @ Claim Jumper
5. Ticket Sales at DSC

I tag whoever wants to do this.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fun Weekend!

We had a doctors appointment this week, and everything is still looking good!

Our car went kaput 2 hours before we were supposed to head to Utah - so that was really lame. We had to figure out how we were going to get up there, and it was pretty stressful. We had been borrowing a truck that belongs to Tyler's family, but didn't want to drive it up and back because it is small and I have to sit in the middle, and when you are 8 months pregnant it is EXTREMELY uncomfortable to sit sardined in the middle with your knees up to your chest. I had a bit of a breakdown (I blame the hormones). Then Tyler's dad called us (he had no idea what was going on) to see if we wanted to bring the truck back, and trade him for a car. What a blessing that was! So we loaded up the truck and set off. I guess we just weren't meant to leave at the time we wanted or something... Less then a year ago we had the battery and alternator replaced in our car, and that is what we thought went out again- every time Tyler would stop the car would just die. So it ended up just being the battery, which thankfully was under warranty.

Here is where it gets fun...

We brought my Mom back home with us so that she could help with my Baby Shower, and watch Nathan while we went to a BoyzIIMen concert.(You are the BEST EVER Mom!!!) We got to eat some yummy steak before the show and then we had extremely good seats (Thanks Dad!). We were in the center, 5 rows back from the stage. It was such a good show. They are Tyler's favorite, and so he LOVED it. They sounded so good- and it was really fun to watch. I was laughing SOO HARD at all the crazy ladies rushing the stage and screaming. And there were like 40 year old men swaying and rocking out. It was quite the sight! We had a really good time, and were deaf by the time it was over.

(Sorry it is a cell phone video- so not the best)

The next day was my Baby Shower. My cousin's wife Angela threw it for me, and my Mom did a HUGE chunk of the the food. We got loads of cute girly things, and had lots of fun. Meg took all of our pictures- Thanks Meg! The food was all so yummy- We had a chocolate fountain with strawberries and pretzels, fruit pizzas, homemade rolls with meat and cheese, these sausage cheese wanton things, veggies, punch, and My Mom and I did cute Polka Dot cakes...mmm I am getting hungry. Thanks everyone who came, helped, and/or sent gifts. We love you all, and really appreciate you! Angela you are the BEST! Thanks for throwing such a wonderful party- We LOVE You!

We are in the home stretch now, and have to finish getting things ready! I am starting to get nervous about being the Mother of 2. I sure hope I can handle it!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Here's a picture of Monica when she was probably 4.

I found it in a book she made called "This Book is All About Me"

It says she was 43" tall and weighed 38 lbs. There are also cute pictures she drew, but I'll leave those out.

Monica's Baby Shower is tomorrow (Saturday Sept. 20) at 11:00 at our house. Come and celebrate with us. She's registered at Baby's R Us.

Love you Dear!

Friday, September 12, 2008


So sometimes I don't know why I bother cleaning. I mean I can't stand a dirty house, and I really don't mind doing the work. But it seems like as soon as I finish and I am putting my feet up for the day, that some catastrophe takes place. It happens every time- without fail.
I was a cleaning machine yesterday, and it took me nearly all day to get everything done.. I move a lot slower these days... Then it was time to make dinner. Nathan was helping me make pizza. I had just added the yeast to my warm water, and turned around to grab a fork to stir it up. Nathan thought he was "helping" and dropped the bowl full of yeasty water all over my freshly mopped floor. He felt so bad - his little eyes started watering before I could even get mad (I still grumbled loudly though).
Then we were eating and I was being a dork and spilled orange soda all over myself and I got a few drops on the floor. Nothing to crazy you say, well...
Nathan has had a little cold or allergies- I am not sure which. He knows how to blow his nose, but doesn't do it hard enough to get anything significant out. He had been gagging on his snot most of the day, and I kept saying to myself,"Go get the decongestant" But then I would forget. We were just finishing lunch when he walked over to me covering his mouth. Next thing I know I am getting thrown up on- poor little guy had it coming out of his nose. It was ALL OVER! So I had to mop again. At least it didn't get on our freshly cleaned carpet. Hopefully he will get better soon.

On another note, I only have 6 weeks left. Here is the latest belly picture:

I am measuring almost exactly the same as I did with Nathan. So she could easily be another 9 pounder, which I really woudn't mind.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

American Idol and Dance Dance Revolution

Nathan is going to be a star! Our ward is putting on an American Idol night that is going to be hilarious. Monica is involved and I was able to see part of the dress rehearsal. Anyway, we set up our mics and speakers and Nathan immediately grabbed the mic and started singing. We had the YMCA song going and he was jamming to it. After we turned the volume down on that song I asked him to sing a song for us. This was taken on my cellphone and it is only 30 seconds long but it is great. He definitely has stage presence and wasn't scared one bit to be in front of people.

A few weeks ago Monica's Dad's work sponsored a big party at the Orleans Casino. There was free food and games. Nathan hopped onto the Dance Dance Revolution machine and went at it. I always think people doing this are kind of dorky (no offense to anyone), but he was really cute. Check it out. Again this is cellphone coverage. It makes me want to carry my camcorder around all the time. Needless to say Nathan scored higher than I did.