I know how negligent I have been; if I get one more inquiry as to whether or not I am still alive, I will kill myself. It is not that I have the most demanding work schedule, either. For as long as I can remember, these were the slow months. But, starting with Twist's anniversary on June 29, there has been a relentless number of events to deal with. I count at least four birthdays or anniversaries a week
I also spent a lot of time reading about The Countess of Rothes; what a lovely woman. I almost awarded the title to a Palm Beach matron but withdrew it at the last moment. Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish disdains the awarding of titles, although I know some must have one to survive the social tsunami out there. Neither one of us has a title; we were born into "position".
So, Mr. Astor and I have been marauding around town engaging in a type of social drive-by-shooting; I'm not proud of our behaviour, but it sure has been fun. We are taking Henrietta to Key West this weekend for a "rest".
I don't know what else to say, except that I have let The Beach get to me again. I am way to "advanced" to keep dancing on table tops, but poo-poo happens. Thank God for the sound advice from friends like Mamie; if I ever get any, I will listen.