La Casa looks like a bomb went off in Saks as Mr. Astor tears through everything he owns in preparation of our trip. "Conservative, but not black/casual preppy/and nautical" was my advice for Rhode Island wear; the poor boy was crestfallen to learn that the darkest color he could wear was navy blue, as in blazer. The Baroness had already quipped that the only black Leopoldo could wear in R.I. would be his Papi underwear (and, then, only if they could NOT be seen through linen trousers).
I have agreed to a moratorium on photos of Mamie; she contends that I am bored and that they do nothing but amuse her friends in Nashville. So be it (for a while).
Baroness Seitzinger knows how to lure me; she sent this image beckoning me to her home. I simply adore to iron with a drink in my hand.
"Looks like you ladies have found a way to amuse yourselves in the summer heat!" So wrote Countess Bedelia, and how right she is. The oppressive heat this year has put a damper on many events as it is just easier to stay home than swim through the humidity to a club or hotel. So, it seems that we have resorted to picking on each other for amusement, a dangerous activity to be sure. I have therefore planned a little trip to Rhode Island in search of breathable air and old friends; it will also allow me to show Leopoldo just how I got to be the way I am. I don't think he will ever be prepared for Newport, though, and Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish quipped, "Do you think he is ready to be surrounded by White People?" The question really is, am I? White People are really boring for the most part, but we will be troopers as we camp at the seaside "cottage" of our housemates here, Bob and Terry. Also on tap is a boat trip to Goat Island to visit Alan and Darren and a meeting with that old battle axe, Peter Barry. Alan, who is a private physician to high and mighty, promised to take us to the Pell home on Sunday (and I'm going to twist his arm for a trip to the Slocum's). Poor Mr. Astor; he knows not what he is about to get into.
Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish and The Baroness Seitzinger bombarded me all day with quips, accusations, notes, and cute kitten pictures. This just reinforced my thought that they are all not working; the only thing that separates us is that I promote that notion of a leisure class (and a happy hour).
Trouble is brewing in a town caught in the summer doldrums. Security cameras caught Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish trying on a leopard coat (in the height of summer, no less) at Saks Fifth Avenue. They were sent by secret dispatch to The Baroness Seitzinger who forwarded them to me, knowing full well that I would never show a soul. Imagine...in a time like this that social windbag is buying emerald-decorated pens at Cartier and fancying leopard coats; there should be a law.
what a weekend... On Friday we celebrated our anniversary with all our friends at Twist, on Saturday we toasted our little boy/bartender, Tommy, for his birthday, and last night we went for a quiet drink at Twist with Susie in the bungalow and stumbled into a sort of club nirvana, with Twist owners Richard and Joel, Henrietta, and a colorful assortment of town bartenders, managers, doormen, and go-go boys. At one point, we looked at each other and just sighed; we had reached club nirvana.
Once again I got a raised eyebrow last night when I answered the question, "How have you been?" with "Just dandy." The word, "dandy", doesn't seem to be used or understood much anymore, so I present a test to detect whether you, or someone you love, is a closet Dandy.
) You live within 10 miles of:
a) London (+10)
b) Paris (+8)
c) New York (+5)
d) Major metropolitan city (+1)
e) Anywhere else (0)
2) Your age is:
a) 18-25 (0)
b) 25-30 (+1)
c) 30-45 (+5)
d) 45-70 (+1)
e) 70-up (0)
3) Your relationship status is:
a) Single (+10)
b) Married (0)
4) When it comes to physical appearance, you are:
a) Tall, dark and handsome (+5)
b) Tall, dark or handsome (+2)
c) Rather average (0)
d) Rather unappealing (-3)
5) In regards to your physique:
a) Your waist is smaller than your inseam (+5)
b) Your waist is the same as your inseam (0)
c) Your waist is larger than your inseam (-2)
6) Your facial hair preference is:
a) Clean shaven (+3)
b) Mustache or goatee, over 40 (+1)
c) Mustache or goatee, under 40 (-3)
d) Clean shaven with sideburns (-5)
7) Your source of income:
a) Independently wealthy (+10)
b) Credit (+7)*
c) Self-employed (+5)
d) Work in office (-5)
* Must flee to France when credit is exhausted
8.) For college, you attended:
a) Oxford (+10)
b) Princeton (+5)
c) Anywhere else (0)
9) When it comes to your name and ancestry:
a) You’re a commoner, and like Noel Coward, “related to no one but myself.” (+3)
b) You have a title, such as lord or duke (+2)
c) You have an assumed title, such as lord or duke (-5)
10) Your home is:
a) A cloistral male sanctuary for you alone (+8)
b) Cohabited by a fellow dandy (+2)
c) Cohabited by a female spouse/lover (0)
d) Cohabited by a wife and kids (-5)
e) Cohabited by roommates (-6)
f) Cohabited by parents* (-7)
* At ancestral family estate (+5)
11) Your mode of travel around town is primarily:
a) Driver/taxi (+8)
b) Well aged luxury sedan/sports car (+3)
c) Public transportation (train, subway) (0)
d) Economy car (-3)
e) Highwheel bicycle (-5)
12) Your preferred form of tobacco is:
a) Cigarette in holder* (+5)
b) Cigarette (+4)
c) Cigar (+3)
d) Pipe (+1)
e) Quit smoking (0)
f) Never smoked (-2)
* Must be 40 or older
13) Your preferred drink is:
a) Claret (+3)
b) Champagne (+2)
c) Scotch/cognac (+1)
c) Martini (0)
d) Homemade absinthe (-3)
14) Your command of the French language is:
a) Fluent (+5)
b) Reading knowledge (+2)
c) You know “cravatte” means “cravat” (-2)
15) Your musical tastes are primarily:
a) Classical (+5)
b) Jazz and vocalists (+3)
c) Anything else (-3)
16) Your walls are decorated primarily with:
a) Images of masculine panache, such as hunting, equestrian or sartorial prints (+5)
b) Classic art (+2)
c) Modern art (0)
d) Plaster ducks (-3)
17) You have cultivated a collection of useless objects of beauty*, such as antique snuffboxes or Sevres porcelain:
a) Yes (+5)
b) No (0)
* Excluding books, pipes, etc., which serve a utilitarian purpose.
18) For a pet, you’d prefer:
a) Fussed about dog with an endearing name like KiKi (+3)
b) Cat (+1)
c) Jewel-encrusted tortoise (-2)
19) When it comes to sport, you prefer:
a) Fencing, boxing (+5)
b) Golf (+3)
c) Tennis, etc. (+1)
d) You’re like Cecil in “A Room with a View” (0)
20) You possess the following skills (+2 for each):
a) Horsemanship
b) Piano
c) Dancing
d) Flying
e) Painting/sculpture
21) Your suits, jackets and trousers are primarily:
a) Saks (+10)
b) Off the rack but tailored (+ 2)
c) Off the rack, not tailored (0)
d) Vintage (-5)
22) You own a set of white tie and tails:
a) Yes (+5) *
b) No (0)
* Not to be used for the purpose of professional ballroom dancing or orchestra conducting.
23) When it comes to velvet, you have:
a) A smoking jacket (+3)
b) One jacket or waistcoat (+1)
c) Nothing velvet (0)
d) A velvet suit in emerald (-2)
e) Multiple items in velvet (-3)
24) When it comes to hats, you wear a:
a) Homburg/fedora, etc., when it’s under 40 degrees (+3)
b) Homburg/fedora, etc. when above 40 (-2)
c) Top hat during daylight hours, outside of Ascot (-5)
d) A lampshade (-10)
25) A stranger has mocked you because of your dress:
a) At least once in your life (+3)
b) On a daily basis (-5)
26) You would most like others to consider your appearance:
a) Rakishly elegant (+5)
b) Well dressed (+3)
c) Fashionable (0)
d) Unique (-1)
e) Anachronistic (-2)
27) You prefer to dress in:
a) Blue, like Brummell (+4)
b) Gray, like Grant and Astaire (+3)
c) Checks and plaids, like the Duke of Windsor (+2)
d) Bright colors, like Disraeli and Gatsby (+1)
e) Black, like Cher (-3)
28) When discussing clothes with non-dandies, they look you over and:
a) Ask for advice (+5)
b) Give you advice (-5)
29) You would most like to have the wardrobe of:
a) The Duke of Windsor (+5)
b) Tom Wolfe (+1)
c) Fonzworth Bentley (0)
d) Oscar Wilde (-2)
e) Michael Jackson(-5)
30) When it comes to conversation in society, your preferred form of persiflage is:
a) To speak light of the serious and serious of the light (+5)
b) To talk to every woman as if you loved her and every man as if he bored you (+3)
c) To discuss art and literature (+2)
d) To rail against consumerism, materialism and the vulgarity of the masses (-3)
31) On online forums, you’re considered:
a) A caustic wit (+8)
b) A gentleman and scholar (+1)
c) Hardly noticeable (0)
d) An odd bird (-10)
32) You have published on the subject of dandyism:
a) Yes, in book form (+9)
b) Yes, in a magazine/newspaper (+6)
c) Yes, on the Web (+3)
d) Yes, at my diary (+10)
e) No (0)
33) You have been the subject of a piece of writing on dandyism:
a) Yes (+10)
b) No (0)
34) Somewhere, in print or on the Web, is a clever quote attributed to you:
a) Yes (+5)
b) No (0)
35) The real-life man you most admire is:
a) George Brummell (+5)
b) Fred Astair (+3)
c) Andre 3000 (0)
d) Robert de Montesquiou (-3)
36) Not that you care what others think, but still you would least like to be thought of as:
a) Common (+3)
b) A closet sentimentalist (+1)
c) Cold and aloof (0)
d) Vain (-2)
37) Not that you care what others think, but you would most like to be thought of as:
a) A well dressed philosopher of life (+5)
b) A dapper man about town (+2)
c) An artist (+1)
d) A reclusive aesthete (0)
e) A rebel against conformity (-5)
38) Of the statements below, choose the one you most agree with:
a) “Dandyism is the result of an artistic temperament working upon a fine body within the wide limits of fashion.” (+5)
b) “Every dandy dares, but he stops at the intersection between originality and eccentricity.” (+3)
c) “Beaux, lions or dandies… all share the same characteristic of opposition and revolt.” (-1)
d) “Dandies, being perfumed shamans, reside within the twilight realm that exists betwixt the worlds of the Animate and the Inanimate. Because of this, Dandies identify strongly with plants.” (-5)
Your score:
240 (perfect score): You are the ideal of modern dandyism
168-239: Faithful myrmidon
167-under: Affected provincial
We celebrated our anniversary at Twist on Friday night with many of our friends; it seemed that everyone had a good time. Although many a guest did not remember how they got home, they thanked us the next day for a fun event.
Lamart sent me this bulletin from the Miami Beach Police:
The City of Miami announced a round of layoffs and cuts to deal with the expected half of billion dollar budget shortfall. Much of the long-hailed massive building of the downtown sits empty; this didn't stop the City from forcing the over-priced and undoubtedly soon to be over budget sports stadium down the throats of the citizens. The City is still trying to make up the over-budget opera complex by selling name space to the highest bidder. It's so sad you have to laugh.
Now that Mr. Astor has returned from San Francisco, I can emerge from my self-imposed slumber; during the few times I did venture out, note was made that I was not myself. Actually, after Twist's birthday bash--a night that lasted until five in the morning--the sleep fest I engaged in was a relief. I did meet Mamie for tea on Sunday; it was typical Mamie. She barged into the the tearoom with five friends, all competing to be the loudest and guzzling every thing in their path. It was a fun afternoon for me, after spending three days in bed, but once again it was pointed out that I was a little too reserved. (A raging elephant dancing on a table and setting itself on fire would be a little too reserved next to that bunch.)
Maureen Dowd wrote that Sarah Palin was "...one, nutty puppy" and had displayed "exquisite battiness" in The New York Times, and MSNBC's morning crew sighed, "...how could anyone function politically with a family like that?" But the oddest response of all, to me, was no response--at least initially--from the Drudge Report. With the world howling the news from every rooftop, Drudge took a long 24 hours to even post a piece on their darling.
Why does it seem that Sarah is going to be one of those summer colds that lingers and never seems to go away?
And, perhaps the police did save us from a future serial killer by skillfully profiling and tracking the movements of Tyler Weinman.
After explaining in great, gorey detail what it was like to dissect a cat, Miami-Dade police issued a statement declaring him a "sociopath" Also, it hasn't been reported all that much that his mother is a "life coach"; if she does half a good as job on her clients as she did on her son, we all should be worried.
Oh well, it's nice to be back and have Mr. Astor to fuss over again.
I'm kicking myself in the ass for forgetting to bring my camera last night. It was a long day, but well worth the effort to attend one of the biggest parties of the year; just about everyone turned out for the sixteenth birthday party of Twist. Not only did we dance with Henrietta, but she treated the club with her first performance on stage since 1969, singing "On A Clear Day". It was surreal. Somehow, we managed to stay out until 5 AM, as did everyone else. Some day the bill will come due.
Work on Twist's 16 th anniversary bash continued through the afternoon and showed no signs of abating when I left after having a much-needed cocktail or two with Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish. A legion of designers, artisans, carpenters, landscapers, carpet-layers, painters, and technicians labored all day to meet the 9 PM opening time. We will be picking up Henrietta at 11 PM to attend.