Monday, March 30, 2009

Jesus will bless us mommy!

So a blizzard blew threw town last week and dumped a pretty good amount of snow on us. However, in normal Colorado fashion, it was mostly gone two days later and over the next couple of days, the wind kicked in and took the rest away.

This afternoon Lauren looked out the window and said (in amazement),

"oh no mommy the snow is all gone"

I replied "yes but honey we will get some more snow again"


How adorable is this!?!?!? Talk about melting my heart.

Just when you think their not listening, they are!

Monday, March 23, 2009

The cuteness overflows!!!

Ever just look at your kids and think, "how stinkin lucky and I"? Well I do all the time. How cute is this!?!? Lauren got a new tutu for dancing along with a matching headband so Darrian and her had to pose for a pic before dance class. Grayson however wasn't going to let them take the up all the spotlight.

Sisters that wear DC shoes together, stay together! Here are Braxton and Lauren modeling their "skater shoes" as Lauren likes to call them. Now all Lauren asks is "mommy, where are the skaters on my shoes"?

This was the twins 2nd trip to the dentist and it went surprisingly well. Here are some pics from a much better visit than last.

Letting the kids see themselves on the monitor is the coolest thing.

Grayson was such a big boy! 6 months makes a big difference.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monterey, CA - February 2009

While we were in Sacramento, Heath and I decided to get away for a couple days and head to Monterey. Heath had never been and it has been well over 20 years since I even remember going. In fact this was actually the FIRST time we were able to go somewhere "out of town"without the kids since our honeymoon. We do travel a lot but realize that all of our travels are not really "vacations". We are either visiting family, traveling to a wedding, funeral, etc. Because family is so important to us, we have made these trips our priority over the years. We are soon realizing that "we" need to become a priority at some point to. Heath and I are already toying with the idea of Hawaii for our 5th wedding anniversary this fall. He hasn't been since he served a mission there over 20 years ago and I have never been. I just need to get over my phobia of flying over water and we'll be good to go. I also have a bit harder time being away from the kids for more than a couple of days. So we will see.

Anyway, we left the kiddos with family and off we went. The weather couldn't have been better and although rain was forecast, we never saw it. Our hotel room was an older Best Western that had gone through a recent renovation and sat RIGHT ON THE WATER! Other rooms closer to Cannery Row on the water would have cost hundreds a night, not the Best Western. It was a very nice hotel for the price and we would go there again in a heartbeat. The waves crashed ALL night long and interestingly enough kept me up the first night since I wasn't use to it. It seemed as though we were having a really bad storm or I was in Laramie, WY in the midst of a huge wind storm. After you can wrap your head around the fact that your dang near sleeping on the beach, it becomes more soothing than an annoyance. The main thing we wanted to see while we were there was the Aquarium. It is very big and there is much to see. We enjoyed walking around the Cannery Row area and seeing all the cute shops. I could live in a place like this. I of course took tons of pics which I was proud to say my camera took fabulous photos. It's hard to choose just a few to post, so in usual Alyssa fashion, while these really are only a few, here are some highlights from our two days in Monterey. We had a blast!

Cannery Row (where all the shops, restaurants and expensive hotels are).

We ate at Bubba Gumps on Cannery Row. Our table was right on the ocean. So beautiful (and stinky).

We ate lunch at this restaurant. As you can see the patio area is open. This where we ate. During our lunch a seagull came up to a lady and took food right out of her hand. It was scary and cool at the same time. And let me just say, those birds aren't so small when they are up close.

Have I mentioned how beautiful my husband is? Cause yea, he is.

This is our hotel. This pic was taken from the aquarium.

Looking out from our hotel room (towards the aquarium). A view of Monterey.

Random pics, so cool.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

So I love my new camera. I have said it before and I will say it again, the Nikon D40 just rocks, period! On our way out to Sacramento, I played around with the settings and just took random pics. When your just looking at the sky and the mountains, Wyoming isn't so bad after all. hee hee I was never a person to take scenic pictures. Why? Who cares about a bush or a tree? Always thought it was just kind of silly. Well foot in mouth time has come, I love taking random pics of crap! Ok well not crap, but just stuff!!! The scenery, things, objects, whatever. Love it, love it, love it. Now I just need a house with a million walls to display it all on. So without further adieu, here are some of my random pics from my trip to Sacramento and back. I will also be making another post of our trip to Monterey with a lot of cool pics as well.

The sky was so clear and blue as we headed into Wyoming.

The twins LOVE tunnels now. This is the tunnel by Green River, WY.

Clouds clouds and more clouds.

Gotta love Little America!

My eye! When I zoomed into my eye from the camera setting, I could see the sliding glass door in my grandparents living room and their backyard. What a trip! I LOVE MY CAMERA!

A window in my grandparents home. Took this picture upside down. Almost looks like a funky screen saver.

The piano I grew up with.