My 5-year-old niece ran up to me today and asked me if I had a baby in my tummy.
"Yes!" I responded. "Did your mommy tell you that?"
"Nope," she said. "You just have a really fat stomach.
I got sick today. It passed quickly enough, but I didn't truly feel better until my little bump gave me a few high-fives to let me know s/he was okay. I had an impromptu ultrasound at my doctors appointment last week- the little one wasn't interested in giving Mommy a sneak peak, but it's fun to know where the legs and arms are. Now I know if it's a kick or a fist bump.
At my first doctor's appointment (at 11 weeks), the ultrasound showed the baby measuring a week ahead- 12 weeks. That moves my due date up to October 23rd. I've never had this happen before, and I'm not sure how to take it. I'd really like to know exactly when this little one plans on getting here, so I can be in the right place at the right time. On the other hand, I'm not at all interested in inducing just so things can fit my schedule. This is a major point of reflection for me in spare moments. Having said all of that, I felt this baby move before I really started hoping for or expecting movement. I remember with Emma praying every night to please feel something, promising that I would never complain about the intensity of the kicks at the end (that was a really hard promise to keep). There was no need for such bargaining this time around- the movements just started happily one day.
I sent Jason this text and picture today- 'Just a reminder that we could learn that we're going to be getting a baby girl and a dog tomorrow!'
My ultrasound is this afternoon. I have been dreaming about the proclamation "It's a girl" or "It's a boy" for a month now. Leah is rooting for a girl, Adam and Emma for a boy. I can see two divergent roads given the outcome of this adternoon's proclamation. Three girls and one boy? Or two boys and two girls? Every parent knows that all that really matters is a healthly baby. I've had scares of various levels with every pregnancy, but nothing so far with this one. I'm only halfway there, though, so I'm certainly not breathing easy just yet. "It's a healthy baby" is all I really want to hear.
It's a boy!!! Wow- it feels so good to know! We have a healthy, proud baby boy joining our family this fall! He is measuring big, so I have now heard the due dates of October 21st, 23rd, and 30th. This does not bode well for my need to be in the hospital on time and my desire to avoid medical intervention to induce labor. But that is still not something I'm losing sleep over just yet. It's a boy! A little baby brother! I am so excited- we all are. Jason was able to attend the ultrasound via FaceTime, and my mom was there, too. When I saw the little boy parts, I couldn't help but cry. Despite all of the 'mother's intuition' or feelings I've had that he is a boy, I could never quite allow myself to believe it. I didn't want to be wrong, or be disappointed if we were having another girl, but boy am I excited that my feelings were right. A boy!
We had a gender reveal party that night with my grandma and all of my family that lives here in Utah, and Jason joined in via FaceTime. It was so fun having such a surprise for the announcement!
But it took quite a bit of work to get the cake to look good.
The kids are all happy, but Adam especially was completely thrilled at the announcement. A baby brother!
Leah has been saying silly things like 'I knew we would have a baby brother because you don't want us to have a dog' and praying 'please bless the baby to be healthy, even though it's a boy.' She'll warm up to the idea soon enough. Until then, Adam's excitement is enough for all of us!