"The best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul, makes us reach for more, plants a fire in our hearts, and brings peace to our minds." --From "The Notebook"

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hiking To the Timpanogas Cave

Monday, September 5th--Nate and Elise got up super early this morning to head up American Fork Canyon to hike to Timpanogas Cave. Unfortunately, when they went to sign up to be with a group, the group was full and the next group would not head up till much later. So they decided to hike up to the cave but wouldn't be able to go inside. Elise did great! She received an explorer book and used it often when spotting various leaves, rocks, trees, etc. She and Nate had great views of Utah County. It was a beautiful day! They both wore sweatshirts but quickly shed them as it warmed up. They came home and had naps then told me they want to go back again when they can go in the cave and we should all go as a family. Sounds good to me!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Picnic In the Mountains

Sunday, September 4th--It's Labor Day Weekend. The sun is shining, it's beautiful and a perfect Sunday afternoon to take a drive up American Fork Canyon and have a picnic. We packed a lunch and some snacks and found a great area with picnic tables and restrooms. It was so nice to be around trees! We spotted several curious chipmunks and squirrels, probably hoping we'd chuck a bite or two in their direction (we're not admitting anything!). The air was fresh and the river flowing nearby sounded wonderful! After we ate our lunch we went on a walking trail. It ended up near a visitors center. We went inside and watched a movie on caves. This excited Elise so she and Nate made plans to head up to Timpanogas cave the next day.
We had so much fun! We decided we need to do this more often!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Elise's First Egg Drop!

Friday, September 2nd--Just less than two weeks into the new school year and all the kids in 4th grade are doing the egg drop. I expected it to be in the Spring but no matter, we have been excited to work on this. I got a lot of tips from parents that have done this project with their older children. I sat Elise down and we brainstormed on what she should do. We found a box that is similar to the shape of a shoe box. She had a great time decorating it with colorful markers. While she was in school, I went to the craft store and bought a big box of styrofoam peanuts. After school she and I filled the box halfway then put an egg in a ziploc bag, placed it in, then covered it and filled the rest of the box with the peanuts. Elise sealed it up and then it was time to test. Heck no, I didn't climb up on the roof! We tested it from the top of the stairs leading to the basement. I threw it really hard! Elise retrieved it and opened it up. No breakage! WAHOO! We tested it again and got the same results.
The big day is here! Two of the 4th grade teachers collected all the various containers and then went to the roof of the school where they tossed each of them down. There were cheering 4th graders everywhere! Some of the packaged eggs were just down-right hilarious. Others were quite creative and amazing. The results for Elise? Check it!:
Intact! No cracks, no nothing. Perfectly safe! WAHOO! She was very happy! It seems like the breakdown of kids whose eggs were broken and kids whose weren't, in her class, was about 50/50. So we will be keeping the peanuts and Brady will do the same one when it's his turn!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Soccer Time! ....uh, yeah....

Monday, August 29th--It's soccer season in Eagle Mountain! Elise loves playing soccer so we signed her up again. Since Nate has coached Brady's baseball team a few times and done soccer and I've been team parent a few times, we decided to take a break from volunteering and just sit on the sidelines this season. Well, apparently quite a few of the parents around these parts have a hard time volunteering for anything so we were asked to do BOTH in a final call of desperation from the committee arranging the teams. How is it that there are 17 kids on the team and not ONE parent is willing to coach or be team parent?!?!? Those on the committe knew we've volunteered before so didn't even call us until everyone else had basically said "No". Unreal, I tell ya! Now, let me be clear, there were a small few that were already volunteering with another team. Nate was not happy to coach. Soccer is not his thing, he doesn't play nor does he know the rules. He's coached for the little kids before but that's pretty easy. Fortunately, Nate's assistant coach happens to know a lot about soccer so he's been a big help. Unfortunately, he's also coaching 2 of his other kids teams (because no one else would) so that keeps him busy on top of his already busy schedule.
Trying to get parents to sign up and follow through for snacks and bring them has been like pulling teeth. I've never seen so many parents whine! They whine about bringing snacks to practice or to the games and that they have to bring so many. They whine about our practice location. They whine about their child having to bring their own soccer ball. I tell ya, there has been no joy in this soccer season for me! I feel like contacting the sports coordinator and telling him that every single parent that has griped and whined about anything that is important for the benefit of this team should not be allowed to sign their child up for the next season. The last thing a coach or team parent needs is a parent on the side-line criticizing. It's not like we're getting paid to do this folks!
Okay, okay, off that big frustration. Elise is having a great time. She loves having her dad coach. She loves playing soccer with other kids, working together as a team. I'm happy she doesn't see how frustrating this is for me and Nate--we keep that between ourselves. She even scored a goal, with the assist of another kid on her team. It was awesome! We are proud of her!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our Small Harvest

Sunday, August 28th--After church Elise and I went out to check on our garden. Everyday Elise asks if there are any ripe tomatos. We didn't check yesterday because we were at Lagoon. Friday many of the tomatos looked like they were turning and today there were a big handful of grape and a few Roma's! Elise was jumping for joy! I'm serious, this girl loves tomatos that much--which is a miracle since she's so dang picky! She and I picked all the ripe tomatos and brought them inside. I rinsed them and she had most of these gone by the end of the day, no kidding! Hooray for healthy things Elise loves!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nate's Work Lagoon Day!

Saturday, August 27th--For the first time ever, Nate's company sponsored a day at Lagoon. The company brought in a new head guy that is doing wonders for employee morale. Everything is always "not-in-the-budget" and he's turned that around knowing employees need to feel appreciated. Along with passes to Lagoon, the company provided a buffet lunch and raffle prizes. It was SOOO HOT!!! Still, we had a great time! We loved some of new rides that weren't here last time we came a few years ago, including "The Odysea". We spent time going through all the buildings in Pioneer Village. I really liked the carriage house with all the various carriages. The line for Rattlesnack Rapids was insanely long so we skipped that. Much of Lagoon is just as it was when I was a little girl, coming down to Utah to visit my parents families. I have many fond memories at Lagoon and am glad to carry on the tradition of fun with my own kids.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Elise's Piano Recital

Friday, August 26th--Elise performed in her 2nd recital tonight. She's getting better and better, showing great talent. She seems to still enjoy learning how to play piano so we hope that'll last for years to come. Her teacher, Sister Mitchell, is very patient and talks all the time about how much she loves teaching Elise. Elise performed "Distant Bells" and did a great job, no flaws that I could tell. This is a song she plays quite often. We are so proud of her! Hopefully, Brady will want to start piano lessons next year.
Elise's cousin, Christopher, started taking lessons from Sister Mitchell this year. This is his first recital and he did well!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School!

Tuesday, August 23rd--Last night I packed lunches. This is Brady's first day of full-time school and, just like with Elise, I sent a loving note along with his lunch. I hope he reads it and Elise reads hers. The kids and I rode our bikes to school. It was a beautiful morning! When we got there, things were kind of hectic as we found which lines each of them should get in for their new classes. I had to take big breaths as the anxiety kicked in. Brady is in someone elses care and I've got to trust that but I'm still quite nervous. As each teacher came out I took a pic with the kids and them. Elise with Mrs. Carpenter and Brady with Mrs. Simpson. We're excited for a great year!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back At Seven Peaks

Monday, August 22nd--Our last day of summer! Tomorrow is the 1st day back to school for Brady and Elise. We decided to end summer with a trip to Seven Peaks. We got there bright and early to get a spot. I enjoyed some quite time reading while Nate took the kids and cousin Kayla on the various water slides. We all had a great time! We ended up leaving around lunch time and stopped at JCW's for a shake. A great day for our last day of summer!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Nate, Kip & Dustin (and Wendy, In Heaven)

Saturday, August 20th--Every year we celebrate the Armstrong August birthdays with one combined party. We did a special get-together at our house for Wendy's birthday. We did dinner and Jenny's delicious chocolate cake. It was bittersweet as we enjoyed each others company but sad that Wendy was missing in the celebration.
Rosemary wanted everyone to meet for Nate, Kip and Dustin's birthday celebration at a really cool park in Pleasant Grove. Quite an amazing place, built like castles, huts and all sorts of other things. It was SOOOO HOT and windy!!! We found a shaded patch of grass and set-up everything pic-nic style. Everyone brought their own dinner and side to share. Aside from the weather, we had a great visit and the birthday boys seemed to enjoy themselves too!