Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our 2008

This past year has been filled with lots of fun!! Christian has grown up so much in one year. My chunky big baby turned in to an adorable little boy. It's amazing how much they grow in just one year. He has grown to love anything that has wheels and if there is a book anywhere to be found, he'll make sure it is read to him. He is a tender heart. I think it comes with being the first and not having anyone else picking on him. He has a hard time with confrontation but has learned to stand his ground after being with friends and family.

One thing is for sure...he has a lot more hair now!!! What a relief!!!

A lot has happened for me in 2008. In March I signed up to be a Mary Kay consultant. I enjoyed it but it required me getting out of my shell big time and so I slowly ended up crawling back into my shell. I still love it and sell it. In the middle of March they called me to be the second counselor in Young Women's. I was extremely excited because I absolutely loved Young Women's when I was growing up and I was hoping I would be a cool and awesome leader like the ones I had. In June I started working for Integrated Wellness as the billing manager. I really enjoyed it but it turned out to be a lot more than they thought it would be. Christian's babysitter couldn't watch him any longer after November and I didn't want to put him in day care so I decided it was time to be a full time mom for good. I quit in the middle of November just in time to get ourselves organized and packed to go to Washington DC for Thanksgiving and our niece's baptism. I miss working there but I definitely don't miss the stress!!! After we got back from our vacation I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out. Man...that was f.....something (I was going to say fun....but it wasn't). I don't ever remember being drugged like that before.

Mark is over sales and marketing for Executrain and enjoys it when things go right and he is fully staffed!! He has also been able to take several classes at the U so hopefully one day he'll have his degree. He teaches the 7 -8 years old at church and really loves it.

Here is Mark and Christian at Independance Mall.

I think the funnest thing we were able to do all year would be going to Washington DC, but that is a completely all new post. Maybe another day than. Here is to a new and awesome year!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey, why not?!

I've come to the decision that if all of my friends jumped off a bridge, so would I! Okay, maybe not, but if they all had blogs, I would give it a try!! So, here I am. I feel like there isn't much to talk about in my life....except for the best part of my life...Christian!!! I can't believe that he is almost 2 years old. He's growing way too fast and has been quite fun on the way.

(Doesn't he look like the 'Look Who's Talking' baby on the front cover? I think it's the big, round head.)

His favorite movie is 'Cars' and I'm sure you would guess that as soon as you walk in the house. It's a proud moment (or is it?) when your child can name all of the characters and say some of his favorite words/phrases from his favorite movie. If there is one thing he would rather not live without though, it would be his stuffed puppy and kitty! We are slowly counting the days to his terrible two's. I'm sure they can't be too terrible (I hope)!!