Saturday, November 29, 2014

[Old Mars] People of the wastelands.,

People of the Wasteland:

The peoples of mars are varied in their customs and their use/understanding of technology. Despite their differences, however, all native Martians are oviparous, and live for 500 to 1000 years; further, natives of Mars share the same language, obsession with honor and a murderous hatred for cultures other than their own.

Red Martians:

Primarily urban, dominate the population of most cities- to the exclusion of all others in many places, such as Uton and Xardz. Red Martians have an ancient and complex culture; once their cities ruled Mars, but in these latter days, the Red Martins rarely even rule themselves, neing more often than not in thrall to one of the so called God Kings or other external power. Red Martians are literate and familiar with all forms of Martian technology, including the operation of airships.

Green Martians:

Green Martians live in a meritocracy of violence. The strong rule, the weak serve and cower. Green Martins are pastoralists and follow their herds, living either in the open desert or dwelling within a ruined city as chance may allow. Green Martins have four arms and may, at first level attack three times in two rounds. Green Martians are said to delight in creulty, but this appears to be cultural than integral to their character,,as notably compassionate exceptions exist. As rule, Green Martians are illiterate and disinterestd in technology beyond small arms and the occasional peice of ancient artillery. Given their ability to survive where most others would perish, Green Martians are by far the most populous race on mars.

Wild Martians:

The descendants of beasts long ago uplifted to full sentience by eldritch martian science. The typical wild Martians will possess a (usually hirsute) humanoid body and the head of a beast. Wild Martians are a varied lot and special abilities and class availability should be on a case by case basis.

Classes (Fantastic Heroes and Whitchery).

Ranger; Fighter; Thief; Rifleman; Sky Lord (Rocketeer); Psychic; Savant; Wild Brute; Warlock; The Endless.

AC (ascending)= 10+1/2 level+ Dex Bonus.

Class choices, I think, may be subject to change. The typical Martian warrior is not the same as a standard Fighter or any of the subclasses either.



Tuesday, November 25, 2014

[sketches] martians



Green Matian Warrior


Red Martian Warrior




Friday, November 21, 2014

[Maps] Ziturr, Old Mars



[Maps] God Kings of Old Mars, Stark's Reach, notes.

So I was workong on my Mars xmass game thing when it occured to me that some things I'd done earlier, namely Skull and the Deep Desert stuff in the left sidebar, were better suited to Mars than they were to Metal Earth- and suddenly I have the backbone of a settng and, with some correction and alteration, a campaign area.

Anyway the first map is new. No effort has been made at any kind of accuracy.

Bigger version.

And this is the campaign area, a reworked version of an older map.
Bigger Version




Monday, November 17, 2014

Warriors of the Red Planet; FH&W for Planetary Romance/ Sword and Planet 1


Sorry about the lack of posts. The season was supposed to be over, but I have been in the field pretty much every day since my last appearence here. However, I broke my leg, coming down a badland feature last Monday, so now my season is totally over. The good news is that I am getting paid. However, some dumbass fucked up my car while I was on the way back from the doctor. It has been a week.

I am going to use this time to write draw and game. I am probably going to launch a mars type game as early as tomorrow, and a Metal Earth game soon after.

Don't enlarge the pic below if yer at work, it has nipples.

Mars first. I posted this at TRPS earlier, but as I am seldom on line these days, I forgot the shit nature of forums. They're even worse for conversation than ghost towns like this blog.

First lets start with systems:

Warriors of the Red Planet, despite its authors' best efforts to conceal its actual existence, is a nice fit for this sort of game. It has some bullshit anti-world building pro illusionism DM advice (pps 55-56) which seems out of place in such a game, but this is as easily ignored as it is repugnant; it wouldn't be the OSR, after all, if someone didn't present opinion as fact.

The game has four character classes: fighting man (a cumbersome name, but an acceptable nod to nastolgia given the source material); Scoundrel (thief); Mentalist; and Scientist. The former pair hold no real surprises, the latter repackage spell like abilities as psionic powers and gadgets, respectively.

There are several races, mostly genric so it would be relatively easy to craft your own flavors of each. One could easily do Planet of the Apes, Kamandi, Dying Earth or Barsoom with this game. Mix it with something like B/X, with which it is pretty much compatible, and you could do just about anything. I think race and class are significant components of the core of a gameworlds' identity. This game does a good job of giving you just enough in this regard without forcing unwanted flavor into the mix. There are some racial level limits, however, which I have an issue with in regards to the fact I think such limits should be campaign/setting specific, not generic.

The Monster section contains over a hundred genre fitting critters by my count, although many are different types of "men" it remains an impressive selection. My only complaint here is the lack of B/X style moral rules. The authors use ascending (and descending, be cool) AC, so they don't have THE FEAR OF GARY why the fuck not use the better (or ar least more intuitive) of the DnD morale systems?

The book is rounded out by some random tables of various levels of usability.

It is a good game. I give it a 7 bumped to an 8 because it is treading newish ground, bumped back down to a 7 because no pdf/table of contents, bumped back up to an 8 because it is a beta.

Also, @ Thomas Denmark if you are here- failing to release a product has exactly the impact on sales as it does on theft. Release the pdf. I can't even believe I have to say that in 2014. 2014, man. 2014.

Another fine DnD that can do the job, easily, and has a PDF, a free one even, is Fantastic Heroes and Witchery. One would have to cherry pick the classes and races, relying mostly on the weird science bunch, but that is how the game is made to be used, anyway. However, the game currently lacks a bestiary. It being DnD, however, you can probably find whatever critters you need in a book you already own. I have to be honest here, I like WoTRP, and I am going to use it in some capacity, but FH&W is a solid 9+, has an index, a TOC, two pdf versions (paid and free) and a far better value for your momey. This is especially true if you are playing online, as the free pdf mAkes the purchase of more than one hard copy needless.

The TSR Dark Sun setting could easily be converted to a Barsoom like world by sweeping out the demi humans and replacing them with in genre races. The 4e set has some excellent shit on deserts and easily adapatable survival rules for the same, if nothing else.

Another, lesser known setting, is Savage Swords of Athanor. You can get it from the lower right colunm at the blog of the same name, here.

However, I think it is important to point out that while extreme environments are the rule in this sort of setting, they need not be homogenous. Barsoom has room for all sorts of environments ranging from deserts to jungles to frozen poles and underground seas.

Okay, so system concerns are out of the way, as well as a quick setting fix if one is desired.

Were I, and as mentioned above, I am about to do so twice, about to start up a T&P game i would begin with the characters as Earthers more or less at the moment of their arrival at the setting. See Planet of Apes and Kamandi for excellent examples of the same. This would solve the problem of introducing the setting and getting players to invest in it. The setting is a mystery that the players must solve, at least to an extent, if they wish to survive. Regardless of how I feel about seasons 4-6, early episodes of LOST are really good at revealing bits and pieces of setting lore. The island sequences on Arrow do a good job of this too. Check that shit out.