Monday, April 27, 2009

Sick for the first time

Disclaimer: If vomit grosses you out or the the thought of it makes you want to well, vomit, proceed with caution.

This last weekend Ella got sick for what I consider the first time. She has had a cold a few times, but nothing too major. We were on our way up to Park City and we had just barely the house. I was sitting in the backseat with Ella and all of a sudden she started throwing up everywhere. In a matter of seconds everything was covered, but we get back home, pull her out, start washing the carseat cover and Dustin hosed down the plastic part. Ella seemed to be fine after that so we finally take off again, this time in a different carseat and in new clothes. Unfortunately, I was being a stupid mom and gave her some milk. About 10 minutes into our drive Ella throws up again and then immediately falls asleep. I felt so bad for her and panicked so of course I called her doctor. To make a long story a little shorter, we gave her a bath in Park City, and for the next while she seemed to be okay and was keeping food down. She hated the pedialite, but we got a few swallows in her. We had a party that night with Dustin's family and Ella was being her normal self so me being a naiive mom, let her have a little milk. She was exhausted so we left and stopped back at my mom's. While my mom was holding Ella the vomit started again and lasted a good minute. My mom and her whole kitchen were covered. Needless to say it was a long day full of lots of laundry. We are still trying to get the puke smell out of one of carseats' straps. And I felt sick all of Friday from inhaling so many of the fumes. It is a hard smell for your body to forget once it is bombarded with it. Fortuantely Ella didn't throw up again and we just took it easy the rest of the weekend to let her get better. She got to watch a lot of Sesame Street and Curious George (her favorites) since she was sick. Since she didn't feel too well but was exhausted, she was very clingy and spent a lot of time with mommy doing this.

I look asleep in this picture, but I was just looking down. I was so glad that she had fallen asleep at this point that I was afraid to move a muscle. I was of course loving it the whole time though.

Dustin was also sick this weekend with a horrible cough so my mom stopped by to say hi since she was down in Salt Lake. Ella was feeling much better at this point too, just kind of cranky. We were laughing because Ella has figured out how to get her snacks. Here she is getting off the lid.

She can fit her whole arm in the container to reach the crackers.

And finally success! Dustin and I are amazed at how much she watches us and picks up on things.

We have an old laptop that is broken and is headed to the garbage. And since Ella loves computers and is always trying to get to Dustin's when he is on it, he decided to let her go crazy with the broken one. It became a safety hazard very quickly as she started ripping the keys off, but it was fun while it lasted. I think it makes Dustin proud that she loves computers so much. :)

Fun at the park

A few weeks ago we took Ella to the park in our neighborhood. She doesn't really get it yet, but it is fun to watch her explore.

This is what she spends most of her time doing at the park, attempting to eat sand. Unfortunately she has been successful several times.

Here she is in the tunnel with Dustin. She loved looking out the little holes. She would have stayed in there longer, but Dustin was getting cramps being in such a small space.

Dustin took her down one of the slides. She wasn't so sure about it so we only did it one time.

Ella liked the swings much more than the slide. However I didn't last very long because the swings really hurt my hips. Apparently I have gotten much bigger since the last time I have been on the swings. Just another reminder that pretty soon I will be closer to 30 than 20.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When Mommy's away...

The other night I had to run errands and Dustin wanted to stay home. He and Ella always have a great time together playing. Dustin was pushing her around in one of her toy bins and she was loving it. She is holding the camera so it is kind of a crazy video. Ella has the best Daddy in the world in my humble opinion :)

And here is a video from that same night of our little walker. Within a week she just stopped crawling altogether and wants to walk everywhere.


This was Ella's second Easter, but it won't be until next year that she really gets what it is all about. We attempted to get some pictures of her before we went to church, but standing still and smiling are not her strengths at the moment. These are two of the best ones we got, but I think they are still really cute.

We did an Easter egg hunt in Park City at my mom's house with all the cousins. Ella did not really get it, but she had fun anyway. Here she is with her basket.

Ella finding a piece of candy. After she would pick them up she would try to put them right into her mouth.

This is just a funny picture that Dustin happened to catch.

Ella walking with Daddy. These days she won't even think about let us holding her hand when she is walking. She wants to be really independent already.

Here is Ella with mommy, and she is wanting mommy to put her down so she can walk. Notice her trying to push my hands away from her.

This is the best shot of all the cousins that we got. I love how Ella is trying to steal Sammy's candy. Her big cousins are so cute with her, especially the oldest Josh.

Yeah for Easter!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dance Machine

Ella loves music and dancing, but we have never been able to catch her on video. We finally got some great video and want to share. The first one is self explanatory and the second video is her dancing to Sesame Street. That has been the latest craze at our house. Ella LOVES Sesame Street and it gives me an hour to get as much done around the house as I possibly can. Elmo seems to be her favorite and she gets excited when she sees him. The show has also become a tool to distract Ella so that she will actually eat a good meal. I know it is a bad habit to start, but for now it works great. I have some more recent pics that I will post about later, so for now, enjoy Ella's dance moves.