Monday, October 27, 2008

Ella's Photos

A little while ago we had Ella's photos done and we have been so excited to see them. She was being a stinker that day and did not want to smile which is so unusual for her. Anyway, the photographer put a couple of the photos up on her blog and you can check them out by clicking on the title of this post.

Ella Talking

So it appears that Ella is going to be like her mother and talk a lot. The other day she was just babbling continuously so I caught a little on video. In this short time her personality is really captured. Enjoy!

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Haircut

So I finally got a much needed haircut with highlights today. I am so happy with it and I love the girl that did it. She lives in my neighborhood and thanks to everyone for the recommendations. This was taken at the end of the day so it is a little flat, but I think you can still get the idea. Anyway, I had to put these pictures up so that my mom and anyone else who cared could see.