We had a really fun summer and the highlight was our trip to San Diego. If I don't get lazy agian I might go back and post some pictures from it. We went to Sea World, the zoo, the Safari Park, and some beaches. We went with Dustin's parents and they let us use one of their time share credits, so generous!!! The trip was such a blast and we LOVED California. I could move there in a second if it wasn't so expensive.
Dustin has been super busy with work and I feel like I hardly see him. He gets home in time for dinner and to get the girls in bed, and then he is usually working again until bedtime. He is a really hard worker and I appreciate it so much.
Ella is 3 1/2 and a total motor mouth. She talks to me non stop all day. She wants reasons for everything and asks a million questions everyday. I love our conversations and she is such good company. She has made Dustin being gone so long not that bad. Over the last 10 days I actually looked forward to the girls getting up in the morning over my alone time in the evenings. She is a wonderful big sister to Grace and I love that they have so much fun together. We are in a joy school group again this year and Ella really enjoys it. That girl keeps me on my toes because she loves learning. She is really into letters. She writes all the upper case letters and some lower case. She knows what every letter says and is starting to read some words. Crazy! She is taking ballet and really enjoys it. Although she has so much energy that I have been wondering if I should have put her into some type of tumbling class. I just can't believe my "baby" is so grown up. This is a recent pictures of her. Unfortunately she isn't smiling, but she was having a great time :)
This is a picture from I think September, I had to find one with her smiling.
Grace is now 15 months old. I took her in for her check up the other day and I believe she was 21 lbs. 5 oz. and 30.5 inches. I think she was in the twentieth something percentile for weight and fiftieth percentile for height. It is fun to look back at Ella's stats and compare. So far they are always within on ounce our 2 and half an inch from each other at the same age. Genetics are a funny thing. Grace is such a happy girl and she is constantly smiling. She is extremely busy and is on the go all day except for her one nap a day. She enjoys empyting out drawers as fast as she can and making huge messes in a matter of minutes. She LOVES strawberries, black beans, and goldfish crackers. She will eat practically anything I give her. She love her daddy and get so excited when he gets home from work. She isn't talking tons yet. I know she is for sure saying, mama, dada, uh oh, hi, and I think she was saying woof today. I know she says other words but I am not as confident that she always knows what she is saying. She is such a fun addition to our family and I can't imagine life without her. I think this picture was taken in September. I walked int o the kitchen and found this. :)
This picture was taken around her first birthday. When Dustin gets home with our camera I can put up some more recent ones now. Her hair is mcuh longer and she looks so much more grown up.
Well, that was kind of long, but I am hoping to be better about updating now. I would like to go back and document some of the summer so that will be my goal. :)