Monday, September 1, 2014

Rexburg Rapids

I promised the boys that we would go to rexburg rapids sometime this summer. We finally went with our friends the Bowlers. We all had a Blast! It was not crowded and perfect weather!! You really have to enjoy the nice weather before winter arrives up here! Such fun!


It's amazing how quickly the house has gone up!! It is so exciting to drive over every day to see the progress!! This is from the beginning of July until the middle of August!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Swan Valley

We checked another adventure off of our Idaho bucket list. We've heard so much about swan valley and the square ice cream cones. We went on a hike and I made the boys make loud noises to keep the bears and mountain lions away. Just a little scary. But it was beautiful. Caden brought his pocket knife, Zane brought his sling shot and Gage brought a pen and paper. That pretty much sums up their personalities! We stopped at the little bridge and let the boys play in the water a little bit. After the hike we drove up to the dam. Palisades is really pretty and a new camping spot for next summer.

Girls Camp

Girls camp as a leader is so much fun! I was a little nervous but as soon as we got there it was exactly where I needed to be that week!! I'm thankful I get to serve the youth and I love my girls! 
Brian thought I overpacked, I thought I did good! Yes, that's a cooler full of diet coke!
Darby was beautiful! The views on our hike were gorgeous!! I'm really becoming one with nature here in Idaho;)
It was such a neat week and I loved the memories we made!!

Summer Randoms

I'm not even kidding when I say last weekend it feels like everything broke. From my phone, along with all of my summer pictures, vacuums, and all 3 of our cars! In ONE day!! What are the chances. It was not a good weekend for us. Frustrating at the least, we are slowly figuring it all out while also trying to make fun summer memories!! It makes me stop and realize how much good we have going on and grateful for our blessings!
Here are the pictures I still have, thanks to Instagram!
I love that all 3 of my boys have completely different personalities and styles! 
Idaho summers are so great! We can actually play outside without getting a heat stroke!
Movie club was fun!
Zane found this cat which he named precious and was heartbroken when I told him we could not keep it. "But at least get to know her before you say no!!"
Gage is such a good brother!
We have had a blast with the bowler boys! So glad my boys have such good friends!!
Even sully has gotten in on the summer fun!

Our Birthday Week

Our birthdays were fun and simple this year! 33 and 37, crap, we are getting old! But I'm definitely loving my thirties!! We spoiled each other by choosing fun things for our house! We can't wait! Thursday was Brian's birthday! We partied that night and had plans for the weekend! We met him for lunch at the hospital and caused chaos in the cafeteria! 
Friday, we had a fun date night and ended up at our house that was just barely framed. We sat and watched the sunset and just felt really blessed! We went up to swan valley for square ice cream cones, I'll post more pictures in a different post!
My birthday was on Monday. I should have gone up to girls camp that day but ended up leaving the next morning to be with my boys! It was a fun day that began by meeting Brian on the side of the road because his truck ran out of gas, which turned out to be so fun having breakfast together!! Even if it was gas station donut and a 32oz. Diet coke! The boys and I did a little shopping and then we ended the day going by our house and then Reeds dairy huckleberry ice cream!! My favorite!! 
This is going to be a great year for us!!