So it was my birthday Feb.27th & I turned 27...ugh! So for my birthday my sweet husband did so much for me! Friday he took me to a day spa called Glen Ivy. We "frolicked" in pools all day, played with mudd & went to the grotto. IT WAS FABULOUS!! Then on the 28th, Andrew took me, my mom & Honor to Goofy's Kitchen. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! Then at 2:30 he took me whale watching in Dana Point. We didn't see any whales but we did see TONS of dolphins! THEN he took me to my favorite resturant Maggianos. I had such a great birthday, it was truely one of the best birthdays I've had. Thanks hunny!

Andrew & I on the Boat.
All of us @Goofy's Kitchen with Pulto.