Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fathers Days-Now and Then

Here are some cute now and then pictures of Jon and Bennett. Coincidentally we have been hiking Memorial Day weekend, 2 years in a row. I found a fun comparison from our two trips. Happy Fathers Day, a little late.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Getting to know the locals.

Bennett loves kids, he didn't even care that these were plastic. With out any hints at all from me, he laid a big wet one on this little lady. People were stopping to watch and laugh at him and his new friends.

Bennett was an inch and a half too short to ride all the rides except for 3.
A train:

A little boat:

And a big boat:

Luckily there is a lot of other stuff to see.
Bennett doesn't know who any of these characters are yet but I am sure he will appreciate it in the future.

Some kid and Darth, Bennett was scared of him and would not go any closer.

Mini Washington DC

The Obamas

You can't have the inaguration with out her, right.

Here is a little comparison for you.

Mini Vegas

Mini New York

Around the world (in lego land)

The Play Place

The splash pad

Lego Land workers can make some pretty cool stuff, I want their job.

But there is one thing that they need to perfect a little further.

Boobs, they just never looked right. They would build up like a pyramid and the flatten out before making a point. It just wasn't right.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Sweet Smell of Baby

My brother and his wife had their second little girl on Saturday. She is a cute little thing, wouldn't you say?

Sophie Nichole
June 6th

Sunday, June 7, 2009


For my Dad's 60th birthday we (my sisters) took him camping. I am not a camper but I love my Dad and knew that this was the perfect gift for him. So I cowboyed up and took one for the team.

We decided to go to Escalante. It is about 4 1/2 hours from us. It was a great place, with a lot to see and do.
The first night there is rained and rained. We got soaked.

(Did I mention I hate camping.) The next morning we went into town to search for more tarps. The men made up this contraption, it worked great as long as we didn't plan on ever moving our cars.
We hiked to Calf Creek Falls. It was a 6 mile hike and Jon carried Bennett about 98% of the way.

Bennett and Grandpa, I love this picture.

Cute Cousins

Indian Ruins on the hike.
Some cute Bennetts.

On Sunday we went to church. On our way out there was a family with a little baby pet raccoon. They were nice enough to let our kids torture it for awhile. Bennett was ECSTATIC!

Our gorgeous ride home.

Even I am willing to admit that we had a really fun time. Bennett did so well I may just take him again before the summer is over.