Thursday, February 26, 2009

The {Infamouse} Kid Leash

I guess they can be some what controversial. Everyone I have talked to who has had one says they get looks and comments when they use it. But I really don't care.
-Bennett is too little to hold my hand. He doesn't get it and I would need a chiropractor at the end of the day.
-He's 1, he doesn't understand too much of my direction.
-He is a great walker, so why not let him.
-It gives them more freedom than holding hands or strollers.
-We kind of like him so we would rather him not get stolen.
-It's not like it's around their neck people.

Yesterday we were heading to the zoo so I thought I would give it a try. My neighbor let me borrow hers to see how Bennett would do.

Needless to say I can save my $11.99....for now. Bennett was not a fan. He was really confused about what he was supposed to do. He would turn in circles trying to catch it or just stand there and cry. I give him his freedom and he doesn't know what to do with it. Oh well, we will try it a again in a few months.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Get Ready for a Post-O-Rama!!

I have had a lot of things to post lately but have not had the patients for it. You see our computer is so old. Jon got it when he first started college, so that should tell you how old this poor thing is. It is so slow, it takes me about 10 minutes to check my email, no joke. So blogging is out of the question. Well I am pleased to announce that we have put the poor thing out of it's misery and got ourselves a new, skinny, younger one, who does things our old one wouldn't even think of.
So hang in there as we play catch up. I promise lots of pictures because I know that is all you care about anyways.

Bennett's Back

Bennett has been sick for the past 2 weeks with a yucky cold and an ear infection. It has finally passed and we are so glad he is back to normal.
Here he is, feeling sick but still a smiley guy.

To get us through I am so grateful for honey, lemon juice and Baby Einsteins.
Since babies can't have cough syrup until 2,(not that it really helps anyway) I finally tried out a natural method. 1 part lemon juice to 2 parts honey, melted in the microwave. I gave him 1 teaspoon a few times day. After one day he had improved so much.
**important** babies under the age of 1 cannot have honey!!
Every night Bennett would make up in hysterics. So many times we were ready to head to the ER, but we would put on a Baby Einsteins and he would settle right down and be ready to go back to bed. Here is Jon and B at 1 in the am.

We admit, the cuddle time was fun because that is rare with Bennett. But we are so glad he is back to his silly self.

Random things we've been up to

On Thursdays we get to watch our friends little girl, Miss Madeleine. Bennett LOVES her. I am pretty sure if I let him loose he would love her too much. He is constantly telling her "HI" is a sweet little voice that he copies from us. I took a few pictures of them and everyone his mouth is wide open in mid "HI", as illustrated in this picture.

Bennett is liking Backyardigans these days. He has some stunner dance moves. He has a little Pablo that he likes to carry around. I'm not sure what Pablo did on this particular day to rub him the wrong way, but I'm pretty sure he learned his lesson.

We went to Cabela's with the neighborhood friends. "Oh Wow", said Bennett.

Some new tricks:
Touch Down!!

Blow kisses

What we've been up to- TAKE 2

We had a Valentines Party with the neighborhood kids and Moms. We made these cute candy ipods.

Bennett is really into coloring these days. He has successfully ruined a story book, the first of many I'm sure. It was so pretty.

This is a scary thing to find. (a lone cap to a marker) I still have not found its other half or the master piece, but in true Bennett style, I am sure I'm in for a treat.

Bennett is getting a little cabin fever. I opened up the door to our deck to get some fresh air and he ran out, bare feet and all. It broke his heart when I had to pull him in to put on shoes and a jacket. But after I did he played for an hour.

I love it when I catch him sleeping like this. Although, how is that comfortable??

Jon and I caved and sent Bennett to my Moms for his first Grandma and Grandpa sleepover. We missed him like crazy but we were able to get alot done and we even went to our first movie since he has been born.

We liked it, it was kind of surprising but good.


Bennett has been on a fast for the most part of a week. (his choice of coarse) He decided last week that he is a big boy and big boys feed themselves with utensils. This would be a great plan, believe me I would love him to be able to feed himself but there is one problem.

He doesn't know how.

He will not take help either. I give him an A for effort but I really hope he learns fast before he loses too much weight.

I was so impressed when he was stabbing his food. Now if he could only figure out how to turn the fork around.

He gets very proud of himself!!

After trying his hardest to eat his applesauce with a spoon he finally gave in and dove in with his hands. Jon took this opportunity to teach him where his hair is.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Getting Fresh

When Bennett was born I had a huge realization. God had given me this perfect little body, miraculously made in it's natural form. But not always do we put things into our bodies that are conducive to the amazing system God created. So little by little I have been trying to teach myself the lost world of natural and organic foods. I think the best ways that I learn is to #1 write it down and #2 teach it. So to help me learn and retain what I learn, I am starting a blog. It will be basic, realistic and hopefully cost effective. Learn along with me.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Day at the Gateway

Jon and I had to speak in church on Sunday. Ugh, I am so glad that is over. On Saturday we took a break from studying our talks and went to the Gateway for some fun.

The Clark Planetarium

Have you ever wondered how much Bennett weighs on Mars? Well wonder no more......23lbs.

Bennett's favorite toy is a ball, so this was just the place for him.

Bennett and Buddy on Mars

Build a Bear.......or Dog.

If you know Bennett at all, you know that this face means EXCITED!!

When Bennett was in my tummy his cousin made him this Dog from build a bear. She appropriately named him Buddy and that is exactly what he has always been to Bennett. In the past couple of days we have noticed him saying "Bogey". (Like the golf term) It took us a while to put it together but realized that he is referring to his Buddy. So we took Bogey to get outfitted.

The final product.

Pooped from all the fun.