Today (December 31, 2009) is the last day to enter to win a free calendar from our friends at Bit & Bridle Magazine. They're offering a calendar by equine photographer Gabriele Boiselle.(Here's her full collection, for those who wish to order calendars directly from the Boiselle collection.)
Enter TODAY to Win a Free Horse Calendar
Today (December 31, 2009) is the last day to enter to win a free calendar from our friends at Bit & Bridle Magazine. They're offering a calendar by equine photographer Gabriele Boiselle.(Here's her full collection, for those who wish to order calendars directly from the Boiselle collection.)
Bubba's Book Is Coming Soon!
My friend and colleague Jennifer Walker has written a fun read for young horse lovers. Actually, horse lovers of all ages will enjoy this sweet story.
Bubba Goes National, by Jennifer Walker, may be preordered from Amazon or from the author's own website for $12.95 (plus shipping and handling). Published books are expected January 15, 2010.
I was honored to provide an advance review of Jennifer Walker's first novel, Bubba Goes National (based on a pre-publication copy provided by the author).
Here's my review:
Book Review: Bubba Goes National
Jennifer Walker's Bubba Goes National looks at the Arabian horse world through the eyes of a teen. Bubba Goes National targets preteens, but the book attracts horse-loving readers of every age. Bubba Goes National is illustrated by Debra Torrico.
Read More
My Horse: A True Blessing in My Life

at Knot-a-Tail. Votes (for a really cool prize - pictured here) will be tallied
from comments received
at that site.
My Horse: A True Blessing in My Life
By Linda Ann Nickerson (Photo at right copyrighted by Nickers and Ink.)
Missie nickered her way into my heart immediately.
My daughter started it by begging me for riding lessons. After a year of watching her posting around the arena, I mustered the gumption to try some lessons.
Within a year, I was hunting for a horse. After test-riding a bay appendix, a solid black Appaloosa and a grey thoroughbred, I bought a chestnut Warmblood. This big red beauty captured me with her floating canter and her powerful, oh-so-rhythmic trot.
We schooled for a few months before entering our first show. Then something magical happened. As we entered the arena, Missie arched her neck, lowered her head and began to prance. It was as if the mare said, “Now it’s my turn. I’ll take it from here,”
After our classes, I untacked Missie, brushed her copper coat and walked her outside for grazing. I had no idea how we would place in the show, but I hoped we would not come in last.
A show runner appeared and handed me three blue ribbons and a multi-colored grand champion rosette. Missie had been right and taken me straight to the winner’s circle in our first show together.
Today, Missie is a 20-year-old mother of three. She has welcomed me and my children into her most private moments of foaling and motherhood. Although she still shines in the sunlight, she no longer enters the show ring.
But Missie has become a far greater blessing. This faithful friend looks up from her pasture grass when I drive through the stable gates. She whinnies and comes running, even before I reach the pasture gate.
I know who the real grand champion is. And though I hope to show her equine offspring someday, no future ribbons can ever replace the wonder of this faithful friend.
Linda Ann Nickerson and daughter with Missie and her first foal, Little Mack. (Photo copyrighted by Nickers and Ink.)
Did you like the story? How about voting?
Tee-rriffic Holiday Horse Lover Gifts

Hey, Kris Kringle!
Need a quick fix for holiday horse lover shopping?
Slip an artistic or witty equestrian tee shirt or baseball cap under the tree for Christmas this year, and see what happens.

Horsey tees, sweatshirts and caps are sure to please young and older horse lovers alike.
Cap off Christmas in style!
Drink Up Holiday Cheer with a Great Equestrian Gift

For $10.49, Santa can pick up a 16 oz. thermal stainless steel mug (for hot or cold beverages, decorated with a pretty horse.
Christmas delivery is guaranteed on orders received by noon on Tuesday, December 22nd.
(CTRL-click on the image for more information.)
Stick Around for Cool Horse Gifts
Stepping Up to Great Horse Lover Gifts

Santa, have you finished your holiday shopping yet? If you're still scouring the North Pole for a special gift for a favorite equestrienne, why not pick up a pair of Dansko Professional Clogs?
(CTRL-click on the image/s for more information.)
These sturdy shoes (with excellent arch support) cost about $120. Still, if a single pair of clogs becomes favorite footwear (worn daily), the cost per wearing may be quite affordable.
For example:
$120.00 divided by 365 days (wearings) equals 33 cents per wearing.
Not such a bad deal, huh?
Gorgeous FREE PRINTABLE 2010 Calendar

If you have not yet purchased a 2010 wall calendar, take a look at this neat FREE printable calendar from Brian Kliewer, a nature artist from Maine. A friend just sent me the link.
I've never seen Brian Kliewer's work before, but I think it is lovely!
Why not hang a pretty calendar by your tack trunk at the barn? (Just CTRL-click on the image to go to the artist's site. Then click the calendar to download the PDF for printing.
Happy New Year!
Stable Tips for Holiday Tipping
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Photo copyrighted by Nickers and Ink. |
A Merry Christmas Sleigh Ride

Here's the funny part. The orchestra played the classic holiday song, "Sleigh Ride." The audience loved it. However, at the end, there was no neighing horse. (The school's traveling orchestra had no horn.)
I stopped the band teacher after one of the assemblies and offered to send him an authentic tape of a neighing horse. "All we need to do is leave the recently weaned filly in her stall without a horse next door," I said.
The music teacher chuckled and continued packing up orchestral instruments.
Back at home, however, I downloaded and forwarded a WAV file for a neighing horse to his school email box. Apparently, he received the post today, as the choir teacher said she caught him listening and laughing in his office in the school music wing.
Keeping up the holiday spirit, here's a scenic video version of "Sleigh Ride."
Happy horsey holidays!
Nice Read - on OTTB's

What happens to racehorses who can no longer race? Can a big-city accountant be transformed into a racehorse rescuer?
Here's a true story, penned by an equestrian who made this real-life transition to found the LoneStar Outreach to Place Ex-Racers (LOPE), a non-profit racehorse placement agency located near Austin, Texas. LOPE has placed more than 725 off-the-track thoroughbred horses for adoption into second careers.
LOPE founder and author
Beyond the Homestretch:
What I've Learned from Saving Racehorses
New Year's Resolutions for Horses
If you could write a New Year's Resolution for your horse, what would it be?
* To stop bucking or rearing?
* To willingly go forward in a pleasing frame?
* To come when you call him?
* To win more blue ribbons?
* To get along with his pasture mates more amiably?
* To stop kicking in his stall?
* To load more easily into the horse trailer?
Also, if your horse could write a New Year's Resolution for you, what might it be? Would he ask for lighter hands, more treats, a lighter seat or what?
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Horse and Human - ABS Free Pic / public domain |