Monday, June 29, 2009

Sticky post

Eh how la to make sticky post? Any thoughts?

Fort Rock

Another jalan- jalan entry. Went to Fort Rock, 1.5 hrs drive from Bend last 2 weekends. Saje boring2..Irfan suka keluar2 but kitaorg takde idea nak gi mana. Top picture is te view from far, quite catchy eh..nampak mcm colloseum kat Rome.. a bit la.

Fort Rock used to be a hiding place or shelter for cavemen many (billions?) years ago. You can find a lot of small caves all over Fort Rock, kind of spooky sbb takut la binatang ape2 keluar. We were totally not prepared for the hike, so our attire was so so tak kena la aisey. However we managed to hike to the (top?) yippie.. Enjoy the pics.

Family pic..Irfan doing his cheeky face comey

The hike.. Irfan boring

Yeay dah sampai atas.. is that it momma?

Kat rumah on Father's day

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Car: Honda Prelude 1994

Guess what? Amin bought a Prelude!! I'm so happy for him because he found the car that he loves so much.

The seller and the car. (See the lubang karat part at the rear wheel)

Pictures and info:

Friday, June 26, 2009

Trip to St. Louis

It was a last minute plan. Abg Ramli invited us to travel together to St. Louis. They went there before, but that was like 7 years ago. For us, we had been passing thru St. Louis many many times on the way back to PA, but we hadn't get a chance to see the city.

The obvious landmark in St. Louis is the Gateway Arch, facing the Mississippi River & Illinois.

On top of the Arch is the Observatory Deck. I was so curious how do we get up there. It is an arch, so do we go sideways in an elevator or what...

Snap some photos before we went up :)

So what's the significant of this Arch? I'd been looking around the place for some info on that. So long long ago, when the British came to America thru the East, they developed the cities around there, like Boston MA, Pittsburgh PA, Washington DC, St. Louis etc. Then I think after the Americans got their independence, they were curious about the land at the West. So they sent Louis & Clark to go on expedition to the West to find out if it was a good land for farming and other things. So the Arch actually signified the expansion to the West side of the America, like 'Gateway to the West'.

In the line to go up. Looks like we were going in a small elevator.

When the door opened... whattt?? Looks like a small spaceshuttle :S
We went up very slow, and I didn't feel like we were going sideways or anything. Just like going on an old train LOL!

Us on top, finally!

After a while, I got dizzy because we were standing on a steep deck. And
my head kept tilting to the side :S

Last posing with the arch..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fathers Day entry

Sunday was Father's Day. We went out for a cup of ice cream (on me) and later strolled in the park. It was a nice day out.
Since it was father's day, I wanted to cook something special for the daddy of the house. So buat la Zuhri's favorite dish, nasi ayam! Yummylicious la..semua kenyang, semua happy. I didn't get anything for Zuhri this year since we are on tight budget. But I made him something that I called an 'artwork' *perasan mode* and posted it on his facebook, without him knowing of course.
Here...I present my piece of art ....taaaadaaaaa... Happy Fathers Day hubby dearie.

Oh and today, we just realized that we couldn't really afford with just one of us working. Duhhhh!
The BIG bills $$$ just came in. Sigh.. mcm mana ni nak mintak keje balik ke? We are screwed.....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Monday..

While I'm working in the junk room..

Irfan will be in the living room playing with our new babysitter Allyson. She's a school teacher, so she's pretty good with babies and kids.

And every half an hour or so I get to see my little baby..

Friday, June 19, 2009

Irfan at 9 months old

Poor my baby Irfan.. since he had Kawasaki mommy tak pernah update his milestones. Not like mommy lupa ke's just that I didn't feel like writing anything. I was too depressed. Day after day I was just praying hard for Irfan. Now that he is showing signs of improvements, I can take a deep breathe. Alhamdulillah. We will fight through it together, Irfan!

So Irfan is 3 months post Kawasaki. He has changed A LOT. Really a lot.
  • He has 6 teeths all together. Four on top and two at the bottom.
  • He can it up very well without support on June 9
  • He started to crawl really fast on June 12 (on his 9 month bday!)
  • He likes to touch his 'pee pee' when we change him. Aaa ni yg tak suka..dia tarik2 pee pee dia, boys are always boys i guess tsk tsk ;)
  • He will dance and shake his head when we play music for him.. so cute
  • Since he is so mobile now, dia dah pernah jatuh katil once.. didnt even cry but Zuhri and I yg rasa nak pengsan
  • Suka baca buku.. kalau baca buku mmg dia akan stare and really examine the pictures. He likes to listen to me reading too.
  • Main peekaboo is one of his fav activity especially peekaboo bawah selimut
  • His favorite toys are remote tv, my laptop and my blackberry.. wah anak mama kecik2 demanding dahhhhh aiiishhhhhhh hi- tech la budak kecik ni.
  • An empty mineral water bottle can entertain him for hours!
  • I think he's getting a bit skinier but longer...mmm not liking it
  • He has nicknames !! Haha ni yg klaka..we call him Yubi, Yumi skg ni...huhu
We love our little Irfan. Nine months and counting!

Seven months old playing with Whoozit

Eight months old, as healthy as ever

Nine months old looking yummy

Enjoying the ride

Learning to sit up

Fashion Alert!

I really think that I should write something just so that the entry below is not going to be the 1st entry in this blog. Bukannye tak sensitive to noi's friend, but pictures of darah and gigi+gusi!#$ eeeeeiiikkkkkk... aku bukannye doc or bakal doctor yg ready nak tgk mende2 ni... eeeeiiiiikkkkk... there's a reason why some of us tak nak jadi doctor (apart from mmg tak dpt offer pun ekekek).

Ok lately I've been browsing goodies from UK. I've never been exposed to UK or european brands before. I have few friends studying there but I don't think they care much pasal branded stuff pun. Ala student kan, I know exactly how it feels bila banyak gile homework, quizzes, group meeting etc plus mana ade duit weih. I remember that I have to struggle through my college life.. ikat perut tak makan sbb takde duit nak beli food. Thats the reason my weight went from 53 kg before fly to 44 kg bila kat Purdue! Percaya atau tidak. Later on I looked for on campus jobs and life turned around a lilttle bit, tu la duit gi travel. Zuhri had a better luck being a grader and TA..
Ok so browsing punya browsing and with some inputs from my sis in law, I cam across this brand 'Radley'. I lurveee the cuteeee. Ingat nak cari la kalau ade jual kat US.. unfortunately (a good thing i guess?) takde. Hampes... ade la 2-3 yg jual tapi x cute. I think brand ni tak masuk market US sbb american kan stylo tak nak pakai brg cute2 plus americans are so proud with American brand. Even Zuhri pun ckp the bags look like bags for teens... more like for budak form 3. He said it doesnt suit me... sbb diriku dah tua ke?? Aisey suddenly the reality hits me. Believe it or not I'm actually attracted to the doggie tag je huuhu..

I likeee this pink bag (top). So cute tapi harga $150, should I get it? Meng ckp bag ni nampak murah not worth it but it's actually 100% genuine leather. I really want it so bad.. tolong bagi as a gift pls pls...ekekek

This brown bag is the one that I got from TJ Max but I'm not sure if I should keep it. Most probably I will la.

Then I was told msian dah pakai tudung imported from UK plak..tie rack brand. Man... didn't know that. I thought all this while tudung ikin yg glamor thou not my taste la so buruks. So I did my 'research' again... and found out banyak msian blog jual tie racks scarves. Tempted to buy one, looked around and takde jual kat US lagi! Double hampes!! I came across an article from consumer goods website yg tie rack kena banned kat US sbb tak meet some standard requirements, material senang terbakar. Aiiiissshhhhhh.... whats the deal here with UK vs. US goods. Oh well maybe I should buy more barang buatan Malaysia. I did indeed. Aritu balik Msia borong baju baby.. hehe I think the price is good, quality is ok. Some people would kill for an imported RM400 baju baby, my goodness are they for real! I think I can still think straight. I'd rather keep my RM 400 for something else.
I hope tie rack won't steal the popularity of local tudung like tudung bawal etc. I doubt it since tudung tu nampak licin semacam je, ade ke org nak pakai all the time. Iye..Msia's economy depends on Msian buying local stuff. ok ok i know i'm not in the right position to promote brg msia sbb tak dok msia pun.

Gem.. aku tau ko suka pakai tudung lilit2 ni cuba la tgk. Oh yg klaka nye kan I saw org pakai this tudung lilit2 la kan so I thought mesti beli kat jls TAR. Paksa la meng gi berhambat beli, last2 I found out from my sis in law yg tudung ni imported from UK. Ekekke...nasib la. Sama je kot sume pun berlilit2.

Noi where's my baju from India? Ape kate ko tulis pasal india fashion plak.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

huhuh ngeriiii

ni saje nk share pictures tken during surgery one of my batch mt..dier ari2 accdent n maxillary bone(bone's of the face) fractured(cheek bone) dier undergo surgery mskn besi sume besi dlm muka..n through whch way???huhuh through dier upper gums..sgt2 sakkiittt!!!hurmmmm ni laa ade gamba2...den hope sume orng pasni berhati2 bile memandu!!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


hehehehe..setelah diajar oleh la aku tulis kt blog nih..heheheh nanti pas2 nih i tulis yg laen k..tunggu!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Working again

Today is my first day working...from home....sweeet (except for paying the babysitter yg cost skyrocket high)
Nothing fancy about working from home. I got to work in my store room (yikes).. the best part is boleh bangun 5 mins before keje, walk across the room in my pajamas and start working haha. Takdela disgusting mcm tu. Also I get to see Irfan every second..lega sikit rasa. I'll post a picture of my workplace later.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Monday, June 8, 2009

New phase

Today 06/08/09 I've made a decision not to accept the job offer and be a full time mom.

Zuhri and I have been thinking about this issue for quite some time. The facility that I'm working at is closing in Aug and we have been offered to relocate to Kansas. Suprisingly, despite the economic downturn, both of us were offered a job. Out of the 80 people that survived through many rounds of layoffs, they picked both of us and it really made us feel valuable to the company.

I really wanted to work for the sake of Irfan. I'm not thinking about pampering him with the luxury toys etc, all I'm asking for is a good medical care and treatment for him. He's been struggling with the disease and deserves the best care. It's hard to see the little one struggling for his life and knowing that I won't be able to provide him with a good medical care is scary and I feel hopeless. With one of us woking, the chances of the provider to get laid off is high. If only one of us working and lose job, we will have to go back to Malaysia. It's not the worse thing in the world tapi what about the mdical care there. I've done research, takde specialist on kawasaki or even ped cardiologist and equipment pun takde sgt. It's really a gamble.

Another thought came to mind. There's nobody out there that I can trust to help at this new place. Gem is there but wont be able to help for very long. To find someone local is a long shot. I'm not sure if I can find anybody in a few weeks and trust her to take care of Irfan while I'm at work. The people and place are so alien to me. I'll be scared out of my mind if Irfan is staying with strangers. Plus who wants to come by to our place as early as 5:30 am and leave at 5pm. The working hours are just crazy.
Daycare is not an option even if Irfan is off aspirin. The experince that we had with babysitter and daycare is terrifying enough to even consider them.
We were thinking about getting peopl from Malaysia tapi sape? Both of our parents are still working. Relatives pun busy dgn life masing2 with kids and family. Takde sape nak give up their lives just to help us out even thou we are offering to pay RM 3500 sebulan.

Its a difficult decision. With just depending on one income wo won't have any savings. Bills, rent, groceries and all necessities je akan use up every penny that we earn. This is not even considering buying a house, new cars or even paying for Irfan's bill.

The reality is.. it's going to hard to surviv either way. Kalau keje, I won't feel good about leaving Irfan except with family members. Kalau tak keje, hidup mcm kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang...kalau ade emergency I don't know what to do. And semalam masa discuss dgn Zuhri, tiba2 kitaorg terpikir mcm mana kalau Gem suddenly rasa things are not working out for her and we have to send Irfan to stranger and he gets sick again.. tiba2 I had this weird anxiety rush, badan rasa menggigil and tiba2 bila tgk cemin my neck, chest and tummy turned red. Its the nervous or anxiety rash. Even if Gem boleh tolong, beyond gem's help I dont think I can find anybody. I cannot go through perasaan masa Irfan sakit dulu..perasaan takut amat sakit as if I'm going to lose him. I don't want to risk his health again.

So the decision is made. I have declined the offer and will focus on Irfan until probably he's 2 or so. I will make some other arrangement for myself. I'm hoping that this is not the end of my career and I know that I can do better. I might change my career path but we'll see.. I'd like to think yg rezeki ade di mana2 and semoga ade hikmah dgn ape yg dah jadi. Hopefully we are doing the right thing... and that Allah will guide us to the right path Insyaallah.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another echo..

We have another echo tomorrow...the 4th one. I'm scared .. I know he's going to be ok insyaallah. Semoga segala complications and abnormalities dah sembuh, semoga irfan akan off aspirin soon. I have faith in him..
Ya Allah tolong lah kami, sembuhkan la Irfan dgn sepenuhnya dan sempurnanya. Amin..