Monday, July 30, 2007

Sedey jugak

I was reading thru Nya's posting. Scary. Ye la kan HP mahal. At first I couldn't imagine how hard can it be to get the phone, skali baru teringat toilet bowl kat US style duduk so rendah je. Kat Malaysia style mencangkung...adehhhh..I don't like! What an experience kan nya..tu la lain kali pakai HP murah cam aku punya, bila jatuh dlm toilet aku rasa nak flush je cpt2 so boleh beli iphone...hehe.
Hari ni aku pun tension. Well there's this guy at work that has been harrassing me all this while. I hate him! And today, he pointed out that Me wearing tudung and working in an aerospace industry makes people nervous. And when that came from a muslim, it really shows how naive and negative a muslim can be. No wonder american associate veil to muslim-terrorist- crime- bomb- killing people. Even muslims have the same thought. The statement really make me feel like crap. I was thinking of going to HR. I really think that this is some kind of harrassement!
Or am I too sensitive?

bad day~

hey all....huhuh today is really2 s***!!!hahhahah it's a bad day....soooo terrible!!! my phone...N70!!N-series...suddenly jatuh in the toilet bowl!!!!!! soo shockd at tat moment...actually i put it into my pocket n accdently jatuh plakk time nk bgn...huhuhu pas2 mse dlm lubang 2...dier kuakn blue confirm!!!!it's my phone....waaa im not sure wut to do..da laaa mse 2 time chemmm n my chem lect da laa plng i askd some1 to guard d toilet so no1 cn enter n flush my phne, while i rushd 2 clss n tell my so panickd!!!hehehe later 2 of my frens cme together den 1st i tried 2 tke it by diggng the hole...hhahhahah but not using my bare hands...i used the black rubbish bag...yer...da laa busuk mse 2 mmg x pk pape...i just thnk 2 get bck my phne...n of course laa x dpt coz lubangnyer sgt2 dlm...hahahha so i askd my fren 2 call the dier x jumpe2 gak...eventuallyy aku laaa yg kne g cr cleaners sume n dierong jaga toilet...luckily...ade laaa sorng mamat indon ngh smoking outside the cleaner's room....N he's willing 2 help me!! dier panggil other members tlng skali...huhhhu hey the worst thng...evy1 around me thnk negatvely....except my frenss...sekbaik dieorng x gve up N say smthng tat cn make me feel hopeless...huhu orng2 len laa yg msk2 toilet lain sume ckp..."mesti x dpt...dlm laaa...x boley laa" huhuhu den mamat2 indon 2 try2 korek gne kayu laa aper laa...but x dpt pon sbb gelap sgt...n nk try call pn da x workng lg phone aku aku mntak tlng kwn aku g cr torchlight...hehehheh n at the same time aku mntak cleaner 2 gne vacuum suck evythng inside the hole...hhahahah ngk muke aku kecian dier pon bwk gak vacuum yg gedabak N berat gler naik toilet tngkat 3...pas2 gne laa vacuum 2...heeheh miraclely...hehehe phone aku 2 dpt sedut blk....waaa terharu btl after ssh payah dpt semula...aku try laa kerngkn sume gne hair drier...mule2 mmg x workng mlm ni da ok cume dier x dpt trace sim card...even da msk simcard coz phne aku dier ley on even x der aku doa2 evythng's fine....waaa ssh btl idup x der phne...hehehehe bt this teach me 2 be more crfull next timee...n dnt ever brng ur phne wen u wana do ur bussinesss!!!hehhehe k la tats all...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Camping Trip to Prineville Resevoir

When it's hot and sizzling's the time to drag our butt to do something fun. We didn't want to waste a bit of our summer time...and voila...we went camping!
I was a little sick on Friday, so I only worked half day. Then on Saturday, we went camping. I wasn't feeling all good but since I already paid the $24 non refundable fee, we decided to go ahead with the plan.
Our Campsite
Zuhri getting some fresh air

Our favorite, Satay!

Me with instant kids

I love this pic !

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Parcel to Malaysia

If any of you still remember kak Mai (gem tak kenal kot), she's going back to Malaysia this Friday. She'll be taking a small box of souvenir (from me) to Malaysia then will pass it to enol. Suprise2 ape yg ade dlm box tu heh.

Regarding Enol punya kes, ape kata pakat dgn a few kawan2 nak pegi hospital yg sama, somewhere in KL or putrajaya ke mana2 la. So nanti korang boleh dok sama2 and stick together. Kalau training kat KL, better ade somebody yg boleh temankan la. Or maybe you can make plans with someone yg mmg originally from KL, so you can crash at her place je.
Tapi kalau menyusahkan sgt, it's always best to stick kat hospital Batu Pahat je. It's not really about the latest technology or equipment, it's more about the experience in handling patient and get acquainted with the drill. Kat mana2 pun ada org sakit kan..kat BP pun ade org sakit yg need attention. Welll I can see the point of going to KL if they are going to introduce you to chronic disease since most chronic disease will get transfered to KL. Rasa nye kena think thruly, ape motif attachement ni.

Ok la i think I got to go. I'm not feeling well today, harini keje separuh hari je.

damn bz!!!!

hye guyss!!!pretty sorry 2 u...coz im sooo bz tis week..our frisbee team actually organise a tournamnt...hehhehe so im 1 of d hi-com...kne laa wut keje...fax invitation letter laaa den call U's n schools...dah laa HEP intec sgt lembab...lg lembab dr kure2...hehhehehe eh btw janet...cian ko mesti rindu glerr ngn aku kn...hahahaha kalo rindu call jer laa...well u a good listener week having IELTS test...huhuh janet n korngnyer opinion...actually for end of tis sem.. d 3rd sem, we all kne wut attachment lg..means kne g hospital lg...but by the end of this month da kne decide n bgtau which hospital we are going 2 visit..n aku cm x mau g bt pahat...sbb sgt2 buruk n not in a good cond..pas2 x der laa canggih mne i decide 2 go may b ke KL o elsewhere laa selain dr bt pahat...ader member aku ckp putra jayanyer hospital quite mslhnyer plkkk kalo g tempat jauh2 ni x der laa plak tmpt nk stay...coz ktorng kneg dlm 5 hari...but tat time cuti sem lbh kurang 2 bln kot..sooo korng rase aku ptt g other hospital o stick 2 bp...mak n ayah asik suro bp jer coz ckp snang aper dierorng x pk psl experience n other things...btl x???!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Where's everybody?

It's pretty clear from my title...I'm looking for my sisters and missing everybody . heuheueh...geli2 tak hingin pon. Aritu call enol and she sounded busy with all the crappy stuff.. hehe. Talked to mak few days back...we spent almost 1. 5 hrs chit chatting. The first thing that she mentioned ' mah nak laptop'. Huh?! I dont know what's in her mind, but mah nak lapto??? Aiya...are you sure sbb nak study or is it more to nak chatting dgn syafiq? I really don't have a good feeling about this. Maybe until I talk to her.

My life is a lil boring lately. No progress at all. I spend most of my time online shopping, chatting, browsing. Weekend2 pun pegi shopping..sometimes I cycle, picnic kalau dah tade mende nak buat..menternak lemak. Takutnye after a while I'll become an idiot fat ass je. I need new projects.. something that I will look forward to. I always wanted to go back to since zuhri is shifting to a new department, nampaknye terkubur jela cita2. Anyway I read a lot about Razak Baginda and his crony. Pretty interesting at first, tapi after a while it gets boring and more boring. It seems like they already have enought evidence to throw these guys to jail, but they keep digging for more details. Trying to prove one is not guilty. And now I have lost my interest. heh.

Few weeks back kitaorg pegi Oregon Coast. Nice place nice view. Even though kat Bend was 95F+, kat Coast sejuk. Siap kena pakai sweater. We didn't do much just strolling at the beach. It was ok.

I'm wearing tudung from Zafir & k. Elia. I look pretty =)

At Devil's Punch Bowl

Beautiful Oregon Coast

Sunday, July 15, 2007



Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Trip to Kansas City

It was a tiring trip overall. First day, drive sampai St Louis, MO saja, 12 hours straight from State College PA, passed Ohio, passed Indiana, passed Illinois and lastly sampai jugak Missouri. We arrived at the hotel around 11.15 pm. Badan pun dah letih, terus tido.

The next day drive 4 hours more to Kansas City. We went to visit a Msian-Indonesian family when we arrived (wife dia Msian, husband Indonesian, anak2 dia American). Duduk2.. lepak2, pastu lunch nasi lemak, then kitaorg pegi jln2 at the city and looked for the Cerner building since I never saw it before.

The main entrance to Cerner Corporation.

The main building, this is where Amin's going to work.

Late in the afternoon, we headed to another Msian family house. Diaorg ni young couple, ade sorang anak. Kitaorg stay kat rumah diaorg masa kat KC. So kitaorg jimat la duit, tak yah duduk kat hotel.

The next two days, kitaorg try cari rumah. We had enough of staying in an apt. Dah boring dengar bising2 sume, pastu kita nak wat bising pun takut org lain marah kan. So we decided to find a real house. Tp mmg susah la cr rumah, because mostly rumah for sale, kalu ade for rent pun yg crappy2 one and it's in a horrible neighborhood.

After all the pening2, we ended up renting a duplex house near the highway. I know it's kinda noisy most of the time with the traffics, but since the owner just replaced the windows, I think it's going to be okay. Lgpun kitchen je yg facing the highway, the main bedroom and the living room is on the other side, so shouldn't be a big problem.

Here are the photos of the duplex and the yard.

What we like about the duplex: has a big garage with an opener, big kitchen (can fit a small dining table), gas stove, a bigger bathroom, very cheap rent ($600/month) and it's less than 10 mins away from Cerner.

So on Thusday, we headed back to Indiana PA. The trip took 17 hours long (pheww). On the way back, I took some photos of the cities that we passed by.

St Louis Arch (si Jo Jen dok sibuk suruh aku pegi hahaha). The highway was so busy at St Louis, so we didn't have time to visit the Arch, just passed by.

St Louis Rams football stadium.

A huge cross in the middle of the highway. WEIRD.

Indianapolis skyscraper (kampung halaman si Jo Jen hehehe).

A guy with a funny looking helmet. I bet he is a Cincinnati Bengals fan! (maskot diaorg tiger).

So alhamdulillah, we got back to State College safely. Tak de kena tahan polis wpun Amin bawak laju gile (the highest speed was 104 mph on the GPS). One thing sbb kitaorg ade speed detector, mayb jugak sbb luck =D

We plan on moving to KC for good on the first week of August. So we have only 2 weeks left staying at SC. So kena enjoy la skarang (ni pun tgh lepak2 takde keje).

My Bday Presents

So ini pun cite dah basi, hehehe (sbb bday dah 2 minggu, nnt ade org ckp, tak habis2 celebrate ke?)
Anyway, I just want to show the bday presents I got this year.

Here is the bday cupcakes mak Amin made for me. Lawa kan? Mmg sedap =D

Bday present from Hana. Chocolates (nak kasi aku gemuk lagi hahaha) and spatulas (nak soh aku practice wat kek).

Bday cards from Jo Jen, Meng & Enul. Lawa la jugak (thanks for the money Jo Jen).

Bday card from Zalila. Yg card pink tu ade magnet at the back. Lawa jugak..

Thanks everyone!! Next year kasi presents yg lg bes yek =D

Friday, July 13, 2007

GPS Fever

Ok ok...I know cite pasal winning the GPS cite basi. hehehhe..Ok tgk pics below. That's the day when I won the GPS. I know I wasn't at my best look..heheheh perasan.

And if you look at the 2nd picture carefully, ade 2 je GPS to win. ok enuff said.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

huhu miss u all!!

hi there!!!ni da 3 days strt class at sem..NEW RESOLUTION!!!!hey u guyzz...plzz gimme suppport..hahaha bebel laa kt aku suro aku study N call laaa aku slalu janet n gem!!!memeng mmg xkn call pon coz dier bz ngn syafiq jer kn...huhhuh aku kebosanan N slalu jer memain...soo i need some1 yg ley igtkn N keep me alert!!!!pas2kn disc pon da jual...huhu next next week we'll organise a tournament among Us n colleges!!!good luck n all thebest 4 my team..btw gem n janet...heheheh da lme x dgr suare korng!!!oit bz pon x kn laa lpe aku kot!!ehh gem kalo ko free n hv nothng to do...why not if u do my poster!!i wanna participte in maths N science carnival..but so far im not good in art...hehehhe u know me rite...soo ko ngn amin free2 tlng laa aku yerrkalo ko nk laa coz prize dier quite great!!! dpt 100++ kot...x sure laaa...huhuh k laaa papai...wanna contin my hwk!!essay, essay aku sgt trok n this sem will b hvng exam like muet..huhuh tktnyer

Saturday, July 7, 2007


aku da tau da saper 2...mesti laa mameng yg miang!!hahahah da terserlah skrng..n sumer orng pon da bacer...gimmy-5 janet!!!huhuhu

Friday, July 6, 2007


I was reading this and I got sick.

'b jaahhaaattttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ske je kne kn org.. :P'

'hye awak..hehehe..b ngh wt pe 2..oOoO ngh stdy ea..amboi2 rjin ne 2 'de ubi de "kapas" de ari bley bls'..hahahah klaka je b nih..mish u baby..blk cpt2 tau..luv 2 baby syg..muaahhsss!!!'

Can someone tell me who wrote this?

Lucky Draw..Lucky Me

I'm supposed to write this days ago, but I was too tired and didn't have the time.
Ok to cut it short, on Tuesday 07/03/07, we had our company picnic + lucky draw event. There were 2 stages of lucky draws, they drew 200 names for the first one. My name was not picked.

For the second stage, they only called ~10 names. I got lucky this time. They called my name for the Garmin GPS Prize. Isn't that cool! I was so shocked, couldn't beleive that I just won a $428 worth of GPS. Lucky me lucky me..Alhamdulillah.

Well ok...I should have written this like weeks ago LOL. June 25th 07, I celebrated my 6-month anniversary. Zuhri took me to this fancy dancy restaurant at the old mill and he bought me flowers too! I also got this butterfly bracelet from him in advance. Well, this is the part where I should say err...'Thank you sayang' I suppose. Hahhaha..yeah yeah i know. Zuhri and I didnt really talk/ show our intimacy to people. Not like some people (gem and her 'Bee')? LOL...penuh gamba mengada kat frenster!

I also attached some pictures of my mountain biking trip to Dillon Falls and BBQ trip to some weird place, but the satay was good thou. Love love love my summer here. Gem you should swing by some time. Bend is awesome!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


ellow..gem eppy belated bday...ari2 x sempat wish coz sebok nk mandi...ehh arini mummy bwk ktong jumpe ah kong..yg kt bandar 2...heheheh ktorng mskan dier puding skali n bagi sikit choc..pas2 dgr jer laa ah kong bcerita...pasal ah keong..ah po..hahaha dier mkn da tuer..pas2 tanyer laa mne amma...mse 2 dier ckp amma tgh titon!!!huhuhu x dpt jumpe amma pon..lg pon ah kong ckp amma x reti ckp melayu!!huhuh so dier ckp...aiihh x payah jumpe laa..last b4 blk..ktorng pon amik laa pic..ngk laa muker mummy sebijik cm ah kong!!!hhuhu korng bler lg nie nak jumpe???umo der 76 taun..heheheh sempat lg 2 tanye...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Bday to ME!!

It's been a while since I wrote something on this bloggy. Kinda busy lately with my birthday and everything else hehehe.

Yup, it was my bday last Monday (kepada sesiapa yg buat2 lupe =P). On that very special day, I decided to cook for myself and eat eat eat (no diet). Amin kata, it's okay next time bley diet. Hehehe so, in the morning, I cooked bihun goreng/ mi siam pakai taucho. It was very good, but quite pedas. But the taste is very similar to the mi siam Mak buat, so dah pandai masak mi siam!

Then in the afternoon, Amin and I made my birthday cake. We just used the instant cake and instant frosting anyways. It looked a lil bit messy when I put the frosting on the cake, but after a long long time ratakan frosting tu (actuallynya mcm give up gak ar masa tu huhuhu), finally my cake was ready for decorations. The decoration part was a piece of cake for me. It was like drawing corak2 like in the kinder garden.

Lawa kan? My first bday cake I made.

We went for dinner later that night at the Corner Room Restaurant. Romantic dinner la kata kan hehehe. I was so happy that we got the leather seat near the window. Very lucky. I ordered fish & chips while Amin got some kinda pasta for himself. We also planned to go to the cinema to watch Fantastic Four. But when we got there, they didn't play that movie because they were using the theater for early preview of Transformers. So that's it, we have to go back home. Fortunately I borrowed some movies from the library that morning, so we just watched the DVD cite Talladega Nights (booo tak bes sgt pun, lawak bodoh sgt).

This year, Amin gave me a Nintendo DS for bday present. It happened when we went to the Circuit City, while Amin was looking for something, he asked me to check out the Nintendo DS. I played the Planet Puzzle League, which is a game puzzle, and I got stuck. I like the game so much that I asked Amin to go to Circuit City one more time to play the game. Then Amin just said, he's going to buy it for me! Hehehehe very happy. Good thing bout DS is that we can hack it. Just buy the mock chip, download the games on the Internet, put it on the memory card slot, wallaaa.. you got lotsa game on DS. No need to buy any games, all for free hehehe. Lagi satu bile dah hack DS tu, kita boley dengar lagu, tgk anime/drama skali. So skarang ni function dia mcm ala2 ipod la jugak, plus kita bley main game. Memang bes!