"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back to School 2011

Where did the summer go? Was I in complete denial or just procrastinating? Who could you find at Walmart last night at 11:30 buying school supplies. I have just decided that life would be so boring if I didn't try and get the most I could out of each hour of the day.

Okay... who am I kiddin? This morning was a total debocal@! I had set the alarm to go and run at 5 but after getting home after midnight and getting everything put together for the kids first day of school, I decided to press snooze when the alarm sounded at 4:30. In fact, I kinda wanted to throw the phone across the room... but didn't have enough energy!

So rather than reset the alarm for 6:15, which is the time Mick was planning on waking up for his hair cut, I just turned it off totally. Thank goodness it was the first day of school rather than the 2nd, 3rd, 10th, or last... Had it not been the excitement of the first day of school I'm pretty sure Mick would have made the same conscious choice as I did and just turned his alarm off. However, he tapped me on the shoulder at 6:15 at which time I asked for 15 more minutes (like that would help after only getting 3 hours... what was I thinking? Oh ya... I wasn't). I know what I was thinking; I was thinking that last year we would set the alarm for 6:30 and have PLENTY of time to be ready. So I arise from the dead and give Mick his haircut as Eric gets the other boys up and in the shower. Macee... being the ever so responsible, planner that she is had already showered the night before. So I finish Micks haircut, crimp Macee's hair at her request and think to myself "Lovely, it's only 7:30. We will definitely be out the door in 15 minutes."

But wait... Life took some VERY unexpected turns the last couple months with work. The last 7 years I have worked out of my house. I forgot to take into consideration that not only did the kids need to be ready this morning but so did I. Every year before my schedule was as follows:

Gym/Workout 5 - 6

Clean House 6 - 6:30

Wake kids up and get them to school 6:30 - 8


And then catch a quick shower before my husband came home for the day before 6. I know that sounds totally disgusting so don't judge... there were a few days I could sneak a quick shower but once I started taking phone calls and sat down at the computer... I was done... no chance of smelling fresh for awhile! So I guess I should get to the point... WE WERE GOING TO BE LATE BECAUSE I HAD YET TO SHOWER. Being the fabulous hubby that he is, my husband took care of breakfast for the kids while I took a quick shower and pulled the hair back in it's beautiful messy bun. In the midts the rush I remind Mick a couple times to check the bus route... just in case the bus stop changed or the time. It was 7:50. At this point we are thinking Mick probably missed his stop but we could make the 2nd stop at 7:55 so no time to take pictures of the kids AT the house. We jump in the car and drive a little quickly down the street (I'm so sorry neighbors. I am the person that cusses every time someone flies down the street so shame on me... FOR REAL).

Of course there was no one at the bus stop... which at this point is still ok because it's 7:50 and school doesn't start until 8:10. I tell the elementary kids that I would drop them off at the school and get pictures but would need to leave rather than walk everyone to their classes. Well, I do have a child that has a little anxiety about school. This big, tough boy has issues EVERY year. This year was not going to be an exception. I tell Maddog to hold back the tears and let Mick know that I will be back in 5. So here they are... Sun in eyes and ALL....

Here is beautiful Macee. She is a 5th grader this year (Heaven help me... the day this one goes to Jr. High I will hold my breath until she is 25). Her teacher is Miss. Hilde.... something. She is a new teacher and Macee is very excited.

They were a little bummed that Bai and her weren't in the same class BUT... their classes are right next door so they decided it would be ok. That and Macee has a couple cute boyzzzzzz..... (uuuuugggggghhhhhhh).

And here is my cuter than crap McGwire.... Seriously.... look at this little 1st grader. I asked him if he was nervous about going to school all day and he said, "no mom... it's only 8 hours." LOL... He has Mrs. P. who was Maddux's 1st grade teacher last year. This, to me, is a little like a double edged sword... the GOOD is that I have developed a great relationship with Joelle (Mrs. P.) She LOVED Maddog and is cuter than can be. So I think she kinda likes us. The BAD would be that McGwire is NOT the same quiet, studious, brilliant, focused child like Maddog. He is pretty much the opposite. McGwire is VERY social, very playful, very easily distracted. We have to work very hard with Gwy to keep him up with his class level. So watch out Mrs. P. Prepare yourself to be blindsided by this little stack of energy!

And then there is Maddog. My big 2nd grader. He has Mrs. Sucher who is a young, cute thing! We have heard nothing but good about her so I am sure Maddog will be just fine. Hopefully he can overcome quickly whatever anxieties he has about school. Mick was annoyed that Maddog got a little teary this morning and on our drive from Meadow to Willowcreek I had to remind Mick that he was the kid that struggled EVERY first day of school until 3rd grade. Maddog is just a big softy.

And of course Mick is too big for me to take his first day of school picture so maybe I will make him when he gets home... We shall see.

So we did it. Another first day of school where we were late, missed the bus and still living to talk and laugh about it. I love my kiddos to the end of the earth and am so proud of each of them. I always hated when they went back to school because I love to hear them running around upstairs and taking a little break to have lunch or lay with them when it was nap time but due to the changes in life I'm not able to have those small luxuries anymore. I feel a little bad to say that I was ok to send them back to school this year. I guess it's my guilty conscience saying that it's ok for me to be away because they are in school.

But then there are the 2 little dudes. Murphy and Mayser are going to miss their brothers and sister SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly. Where did my babies go?