"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Recap

So... how could I ever get around to posting? Well..... work and summer have been crazy. I know I say that all the time but it's literally been RIDICULOUS! Hence the reason that I am up right now at 2 am. I just finished up working and the remainder of my "HAS TO BE DONE BY 8 AM" work is with a company out in Ohio which I can't access until 4:30 in the morning.... So... since it's easier for me to just stay up rather than get 3 hours of sleep I now have a few hours to blog... look at other blogs.... So here is a quick recap on the last couple months. Sorry it's also in such random order but I stink at moving these pics on my laptop. So... here is Maddog. He turned 7 a few weeks ago and has started keeping us busy. He played his first Spring season of Superleague with the 8U Lehi Tigers. It was great! We had fun and had friends so when he made the 8U Marshalls for the Fall it was kinda sad for us to have to change Maddux down with kids closer his age. So we have started playing Fall ball... he had his first game tonight and did fabulous. Because I'm not doing my official birthday post for Maddux I better jot down 7 facts about Maddux:
1. He STILL sucks his thumb. Mostly when he is tired and going to sleep but he has no qualms with sucking his thumb in front of tons of people. HE DOES NOT CARE!!! I actually don't worry about it anymore. Kinda figure if he doesn't care... neither shall I!!
2. He was a great student and learned how to read very quickly. He, unlike his older brother, actually enjoys reading.
3. He loves Meatloaf, Pancake Sandwiches and Dr. Pepper.
4. He spent more time at his friend Maci's house this summer than he did at ours. It's so funny that he and his cute Maci hang out as friends and even though Mick's friends joke around with Maddux about Maci being his girlfriend he doesn't care. She plays like a boy... in a good way. Would rather play ball and ride bikes and scooters than do girlie things.
5. He loves hanging out with his dad. Anytime he has the chance... he is with Eric!
6. He will NOT sleep over! Not at Grandmas (unless Mick is with him), not friends... NO ONE! Sound familiar? (Mick wouldn't do sleepovers until he was like 10... not a bad thing).
7. He's OBSESSED with baseball! Surprise Surprise!
Happy Birthday Maddux - you are such a sweet, tough boy that we love having in our home! We take our kiddos to their "restaurant" of choice for their birthdays... Texas Roadhouse it was!
Mayser just hung out, played baseball, played his DS, and fought with McGwire all summer. Eric actually made me promise not to cut his hair like the other boys this summer and it is so cute and long. When he wears a ball cap it curls up around the hat! I will have to post pictures before I cut it! It's darling!
Macee will start her first day of 4th grade tomorrow. She kept busy dancing all summer and spending the afternoons at the pool. I actually let her go with her friends this year and she totally loved it! She was one tan chick!

Shari, our nanny, had her baby while we were in New York. Therefore... we get to see this cute little Maylee everyday. My boys think she is their little sister. They ADORE her! Right when they walk in the door in the morning it's a fight over who gets to hold her first. She is so stinking cute!

Mick has stayed busy with baseball, friends, laser tag, pool, friends. I guess it's just the age but it was a constant hang out all summer. Luckily the boys spent alot of time at our house and keep my little guys totally occupied.

This is Maddux and his buddy Shad. Their birthdays are a day apart so we celebrated with their family.
So Shad and Macee kinda have a "thing" for each other! Cute little crush. We will keep him! He's a cute kid with ALOT of personality!

Eric, Macee and I were able to escape the end of July to Vegas. Macee had convention during the day and competed at night so Eric and I had total relax time all day! It was pretty awesome. Thanks to his mom who kept the boys. We spent so much time just lounging at the pool. Her team did awesome! They took first in all their numbers except for 1. I was so very proud of my Macee.... there were 1200 girls at this convention. They have 3 different age groups... Junior, Teen and Senior. They give 1 year round scholarship to a girl in each age division and my cute Macee got the scholarship for the Juniors. I'm not sure who was more excited... Macee or I! It was so funny because on our drive down there Eric told her if she didn't get a scholarship this year she couldn't go back.... lol.... Don't challenge the Macee!

This is Macee and some of her team at the pool in Vegas! Cute Cute girls!

And here is Macee in a different uniform. She played ball this summer and surprisingly enough ROCKED it!!! I sooooooo wish she had time to do both but think this may be the end of the ball career.... She does look hot in her uni!

And Gwy graduated from Tball this year and played coach pitch! He was soooooo stinking cute! I signed Mays up for Tball but wouldn't even leave my side for practice. He is ridiculously shy. Hoping for better luck next summer.

And of course... more baseball. Our good friend came into town this summer to play the Bees. We don't get to the chance to see him and his family more than once a year so we were excited to go watch him up in Salt Lake. Rachel - promise I'm not obsessed with his backside but the pictures of him pitching didn't turn out too great! Eric sat and visited with Willie for 2 games while he was in the bullpen. Of course my boys had a ball!

So to wrap the summer up there was ball....

And more ball....

And more ball....

And more ball.....

And more ball! But my kids wouldn't want it any other way. The only way I can get them to do anything in the morning is to threaten them that they don't get to go to Maddux or Mick's ballgames. The LOVE it! Which is a good thing since our Fall Schedule consists of Salem on Monday nights and South Jordan Tues - Fri! Bring it on!

I know this has been the longest post ever but before I go I need to recap Mick's first day of Jr. High. I've kinda been dying about this for awhile and today was the day. Had great plans of taking pictures at the bus stop and so on.... but when I went to drive Mick to the bus stop (which won't happen always because we are only 1/2 mile from the stop) the battery in the Burb was dead. McGwire and Murphy were both getting in the car to go with me (others were all snoozing in bed). I throw them in the double jogger... shoeless and sockless... we start running to the bus stop. The closer we get the more I am dying and I finally told Mick... "Bud... I love you... you might just need to take off without me (we were a couple blocks away)." As we turned the corner he started sprinting quicker and chased the bus... on the first day of school... he missed the bus. My cute friend let me borrow her car while I borrowed her my boys and I drove Mick out to school. He was totally on time and came home excited for Jr High.
I didn't have time to be sad because things happened so fast. Didn't have time for pictures because things happened so fast. So tomorrow he doesn't go (weird huh) and we shall pretend like Thur is his first day. We shall start all over again! Macee and Maddux both start in the morning and are very excited. I, too, am anxious for us to get back on a schedule! It might be a crazy one but at least it's structure! Hope it's not another 3 months before I have the time to do this again! It takes so much longer when I have to recap months at a time!!!!