So.... Jess, thanks for the tag... and
coincidentally guess what we celebrated last weekend? Our 11
th anniversary!! Thanks to all my friends and extra helpers. I had 6 kids going to 4 different places... go figure!!! We escaped to Park City Friday night after
Macee performed at the South Town Expo Center. We slept in and shopped Saturday which makes this woman a very happy camper! Thanks hon (not like he reads this... what am I
thinkin?). On a side note... not to get mushy or anything, on my playlist "The Gift" was Eric and I's wedding song. I was so excited to put in on my Christmas playlist and listen to it again daily. So anyway, here we go...
1. Where did you meet your husband? He was coaching at CEU and I was a student (doesn't that sound sick and wrong). We played Co-Ed Softball against each other...
2. How long did you date before you got married? Almost a full year!!!
3. How long have you been married? 11 years and counting...
4. What does he do that surprises you? Dishes, laundry... but my favorite... comes home early from work... I know.. pathetic but it makes my life so much easier to cook dinner without 2 little boys at my feet!
5. What is your favorite feature of his? Definitely his beautiful BLUE eyes. Have you seen all my kiddos eyes... just like their daddy!! I always say that's why I married him...
6. What is his best quality? He is committed.... committed to his team at home and his team on the field. He spend endless hours with both! (Sometimes one more than the other!! LOL)
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Yes - Jess and Hon (Hey Jess... did I steal your answer!!!)
8. What is his favorite food? Definitely steak!!! He loves a good steak. He also keeps reminding me he loves Pizza. I have cut that out of my diet and I am thinking he is not happy about that. He also loves Reeses Shakes from Sonic or Arctic Circle... Nightly... Really!
9. What is his favorite sport? Hmmmm..... I am going to have to go with Soccer!!!! Just Kidding!!! I am going to go out on a limb and say baseball... but in all seriousness he LOVES football and basketball also.
10. When and where did you first kiss? Um... date #1 and we were at his apartment.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? That is a little personal... No Just Kidding... Honestly...My favorite thing to do as a couple is get away from this crazy house and just be alone. I don't care if it's dinner, movie, going for a drive, or going grocery shopping. I love our nights where we can just lay in bed an talk. I have really enjoyed having our early breakfasts together. I am sure if you asked him this question he would have a very different answer!
12. Do you have any children? Yes - 5!!! Mick - 10, Macee - 7, Maddux - 5, McGwire - 3, Mays - 2. I also have Murphy... the red-headed step child as Eric would call him. Eric swears he is not his!!! Just kidding... he claims him.. WE HAVE 6!!!!
13. Does he have any hidden talents? He is a FABULOUS cook! He is an amazing speaker... I mean, get up in front of hundreds of people and keep your attention forever!
14. How old is he? Well... funny that you would ask... It's his Birthday today.. Oh ya.... Happy Birthday lova! So my new favorite thing to say is, "HE WILL BE 40 NEXT YEAR." (He hates that).
15. What is his favorite music? Whatever you would call that crap that everyone else (including me) is listening to these days. Ummmm I can't think.... 97.1???
16. What do you admire most about him? His desire and work ethic. He puts in so many extra hours doing lessons and camps to help out our family. He is amazing with our little boys (and Macee). They have so much respect for their dad because he demands it! I love that... He also has an amazing quick whit... Ok... we will not sugar coat it... he is such a smart a!!! He makes me laugh constantly!
17. What is his favorite color? Yellow and Green???? This weekend... RED - GO UTES!!!
18. Will he read this? Not a chance
19. Who said I love you first? I did...
20. I tag..... Sommer, Cali, Shauntel, Rachel E., Dana and Julie