"Love your little ones--even the ones that drive you crazy. If you could see them the way God sees them -- you would be astounded at their glory."

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

So, not much new besides a bizillion toys! We couldn't get the little boys to ask for anything BIG this year. All they wanted were Ninja Turtles and Power Rangers and Transformers. Therefore, it looked like a darn toy store on Christmas morning and as mothers we all know what a big pain in the butt it is getting toys out of a box. I still wonder what that's all about. Seriously spent more time getting the toy out of the box than the boys did playing with it. I need to not be so lazy and post a couple pictures here in the next few days. Mick (who could sleep until noon) woke me up at 4:30 am. I told him there was no way I was waking up his little brothers this early. Then he and Macee came in again at 5:15 complaining that they couldn't go back to sleep. So.... we got the little guys out of bed, totally against their will, and headed down stairs. It didn't take long for their eyes to open wide. I love Christmas. I love the special feelings we have and the extra time we get to spend with family and friends. We went over to Marci and Jared's (thanks guys) a couple nights before Christmas and they cooked us a feast! We then had a Christmas dinner with the Oveson's and another with the Madsen's on Christmas day. Can't wait to go get on the scale this week!!! Mick had asked for a bat which Santa delivered and so did dad. So.... Mick has two of the same bat. Trust me... I am still a little confused since I was sure there was some communication between Eric and Santa. What do I know? He said he did it to throw him off. He is questioning. A neighbor told him last year and I seriously bawled. Being the stupid parents that we are and wanting to keep the magic we talked him into otherwise. But.... I am not sure. I think he wants to believe really bad but.... I think this is our last year with him. Oh well huh? It's gotta happen sometime and maybe next year we can sleep past 4:30. HAHA!!! Macee had a list that went on and on. Her top pick was an IPOD which she did receive. Hope everyone had a wonderful, beautiful Christmas!!!

Oh ya, I did put a new little pole for the babies name. We should have never started the M thing let alone the baseball "M" thing. Who would have thought we would have to come up with 5 names. And no, Craig, IT WILL NOT BE MANNY!!!!

Also thanks to Carrie Christensen (thanks) I figured out the counter. Now if I could get a hint on how to get my own song playlist. Any ideas?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

GO UVU!!! Congratulations DAD!!!

I am putting on a quick blog to let everyone know that Eric will be the new head coach for UVU starting July 2008. We are so very excited and proud of him. This is the press release the school put out today. GO GREEN!!! http://www.cstv.com/printable/schools/utva/sports/m-basebl/spec-rel/122307aab.html

Thursday, December 20, 2007

So we made this little video for Eric this morning because today is the big day. Eric interviews this morning and we are hoping they will announce today who get's the job! We obviously feel like he is deserving for the position and he is a kick butt coach so we are anxiously awaiting the outcome. I couldn't email this video to Eric because it said it was too big so I posted it and am making him go on the blog to watch so.... "Good Luck Dad! We love you!"

Good Luck Dad

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Grizwalds!!!

Up above is the annual Christmas tree cutting. My fondest memories of Christmas is hiking through the snow, up the mountain, to find that perfect Christmas tree with my family. We started this tradition with our own little family about 5 years ago and look forward to it every year. It seems each year we take different friends with us and this year it was the Fernandez family. This is one of Eric's best buds ever. Their fam just returned from Japan where Jared was playing baseball. Jared and Eric played at CEU together where they met and have been friends ever since (that had to have been 20 years ago right?) Anyway, Jared has been playing professional baseball for the past, I'm gonna guess, 6 years. His sweet wife Marci is awesome and then they have two adorable, brilliant kids, Bo 8 and Brooklyn 7. We had a ball. As you can see, we went up to mom and dads cabin and spent the first few hours tubing. Mick decided he was going to be a professional snowboarder that day. He rocks. He would go from the top to the bottom with ease. I can't believe I didn't get a picture because that kid didn't even take a break for dinner. We roasted hot dogs by the fire and then were off on the trek! I felt bad because Macee and mom had to stay back at camp due to Mom's knee and Macee had strep! (Didn't know this at the time)! It was tons of fun! Can't wait til next year. Unfortunately our tree was absolutely gorgeous until we got home and had to cut 4 feet off the bottom. It still is pretty amazing! Thanks ERIC!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Mom - what did you do with all my curly hair???" Okay, I was as sad as anyone to realize I had started cutting more than I had liked so I had to finish! He looks like such a big boy with his hair but. Can't wait to get all the curls back but he does look adorable. Are we sure he's a Madsen? HAHA!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yes - we are outside in a pool (mostly hot tub) BUT.... we just got back from a fun-filled week at Aunt Traci's house in Arizona. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you TRACI!!! It was so fun! The kids were ready to turn around and go back, even after the 8 hour trip home! We arrived late Tuesday night and visited. The next day the kids swam and swam. It was so nice! We went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant for Eric's birthday where Mays totally embarresed me by hurling everywhere. We then went home and Traci had bought him an ice cream cake from Cold Stone!! NUMMY! The next day was Thanksgiving and that is when everyone else in the house started hurling. But looking past all the vomit, it was a great day! Dinner was lovely, couldn't ask for a better host. We then, again, spent a few hours at the pool and hot tub that night. Traci, Macee and I decided to venture to the outlet malls that opened at midnight. Not a good idea. Tons of people, not great deals! The boys loved playing and walking Traci's dogs as you can see. We went to a very cool park where we road the "Anthem train" and the kids had several different playgrounds to choose from while Eric played football with the older boys. It was simply great! Everyone went golfing the next day (except for me and the two small boys!). We swam, we golfed, we shopped, we played, we talked... we had a great time!!! Thanks again Traci!!

Oveson Thanksgiving

So, all the Oveson's went in different directions to the in-laws this year so we had an early Thanksgiving dinner the Sunday before. It was lots and lots of fun! Here are a few pics

Monday, November 12, 2007

This slide is a little tribute to my baby that is turning 1 this week. I didn't get a digital until he was about 4 months old so I feel so bad that I don't have any cute "baby, baby" pictures of him. Ya know, you would think that after 3 or 4 these 1st birthdays get easier. I was really thinking that this one would be easy because we have one coming so soon. I CAN"T BELIEVE MY BABY IS 1. He has been such a joy. I honestly couldn't find a picture of him without a big grin on his face. I did find one at the zoo where I put him in a big eggshell and he wasn't happy with that! Anyway, he turns 1 on Saturday and we will party hard (or hardly party!). We love him. He makes every person in this household a happier person. When he wakes up in the morning he is just jumping up and down in his playpen. When he goes to bed at night he just hugs and hugs everyone! I can't tell you how happy of a baby he is. We have been so blessed. So here's to you Mays, hopefully you don't get those terrible 2's early! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Monday, October 29, 2007

Last song of the concert sung by Miley Cyrus (Best of Both Worlds). Macee thought all the fireworks and streamers and confetti was just great. She wanted to share. She would have loved to share the whole experience with everyone.

Best of Both Worlds

Okay - yes, along with thousand of other crazy mothers in the state of Utah, I took my spoiled 6 year old to the Hannah Montana concert last Friday night. She chose this over a birthday party so even though I spent a little extra on the tickets I probably ended up saving money. I keep trying to justify it that way! HAHA!!!

It was seriously one of the funnest mother daughter dates we have ever been on. I know I am totally hormonal right now but when the concert started and the lights went down and everyone was screaming, Macee just looked at me like "what the heck." She was amazed and I got teary! (Big Shock). It was soooo fun! I went with my sister and two of her girls and one of their friends. It was awesome!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Okay - So I guess I should post our biggest NEW news! I totally forgot to post this but for those of you who haven't already heard ITS ANOTHER BOY! Eric said, "It just doesn't make sense, I was sure it was a girl." I said, "It makes alot of sense, we were obviously supposed to raise boys!" Everyone is good. Macee cried for a bit but I think she is over it! So here we go again..... How many baseball games should a person really have to attend in a lifetime. I ought to start keeping track now!

We took a trip to the zoo! I took my 5 kids and my sister and two of her girls came with us. We had a great time. Mays was hilarious! Everytime we would see something he would pucker his lips and say OOOOOOOOOH. We saw a few disgusting things we won't discuss HAHA but all in all the kids had a great time. McGwire was not wanting to participate in the photos but he did go! (Just so you didn't think I left him home!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So it has been a few days but I did get a couple new slide shows posted. The one directly below is the "Orange" bath the kids had after decorating their Halloween cookies the other night. For all of you that need a fun bath idea - we add food coloring to change the color of the kids baths. It is very fun for the kids but I would stay away from Yellow. Especially with a bunch of boys! And it doesn't color their skin. PROMISE! The slide show under the bath is the kids decorating the cookies.
Mays was much more interested in the frosting than anything else. I love this time of year with the holidays approaching. For any of you that knows me well we love Halloween. I finally got the 10 foot spider put up today and cannot wait for the kids to get home and see. We also have several scary monsters that make crazy noises. Anyway, anticipation of Halloween and then Thanksgiving and the Christmas. Cannot wait!!!
We are planning on heading to Arizona for Thanksgiving if the rest of the Madsens are on board.
We haven't seen much of Eric. The evening camp will finally be over next week. Hallelujah!! He leaves at 5 am and gets home around 11 Mon - Thur! Then usually is recruiting all weekend. We miss him. The kids miss him. I love November and December when he is a little slower and we get him for a few short months. Until the season arrives!
I have my first official doctors appt with my new Doctor tomorrow. Sad story - I had a woman OB with Mays whom was just awesome. I wasn't sure what I would think about a woman OB but when she said "I understand" I believed her. When I called to schedule an appt with her she is taking a leave of absence if you deliver after March. I guess I have all the luck the last few months. HAHA! So this will now be 4 different OBs for 6 kids! Excited about that so I can finally know exactly when I am due! Mick is playing in a Fall Extravaganza tourney this weekend so we are hanging around home! Hope you enjoy the pics!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Macee is not the only dancer in the household!

Just thought I would mix things up a bit and give you a different view to look at. It is 1 am and Eric and I are flying out to Portland in the morning. Quick trip for me, flying back in on Saturday morning. The in-laws (thanks Dave and Vic) have agreed to come stay with the kids. Hopefully they have a little sanity left after 24 hours. So since my weekend starts early, HAHA, hope ya'all have a good weekend!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am excited today because I was able to add my mom's oldest (sorry Blaine) brother, Blaine Luke, and his family to our link. It was fun to check out all the fun stuff that he and his kids are doing. His kids are spread out everywhere so this whole blogging thing is very nice to keep up on everyone.

The pictures below are just a few from the past couple weeks. I am over the whole morning sickness thing. Thank goodness. This was by far the shortest length of time I have heave-hoed daily and I think that it is has got to be a blessing from above! My kiddos are all growing up in leaps and bounds. Just this last month, we moved McGwire from his playpen to a big boy bed. I know everyone is shocked that my 2 year old was sleeping in a play pen but that was his choice and he did NOT want to move. Anyway, he has a cool new bed now and is also mid-potty training. We are still having trouble with #2 but I am just really pushing the issue because who needs 3 babies in diapers (mom, you had to be crazy!!)

Mays is walking. He is only 10 months so it was really quick but he is a brute. People probably think he is 18 months by his size, therefore, thinks he walks like a drunken sailor for his age! (A little wobbly still).

We also found out that Janet is expecting. Congratulations!!! I better get to work for now!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This one I couldn't resist. Is he not adorable! He is starting to walk which is crazy cuz he is just 10 months old. He is an awesome baby. We all love him tons!

Monday, September 17, 2007

This was all Mick's idea. This is his little "friend" Shadlyee (not sure how to spell). She is adorable and he is a smart man, she is from Cleveland! They got to hang out a little at Cleveland Days this year which was fun for everyone! LOL!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Okay, so I got a few pictures on today. The next two slideshows are the family vacation to Disneyland in July. We left the baby home and took our nanny Shari! Of course, it was the greatest place on earth. We drove down on Friday night and stayed in Primm Nevada. On Saturday we drove on to Anaheim and went and watched our great friend, Willie Eyre who plays for the Texas Rangers, play the Angels. It was awesome. We got to visit with his adorable wife Rachel and their two sons. We also got to watch him throw almost 3 full innings. It was fabulous. We woke up the next day and tackled Disneyland. Mick and Eric left to go watch the Rangers and the Angels play around 10 and came back at 3. Now who would miss out on Disneyland to watch a ball game! HAHA! Thank goodness I had Shari there!

Anyway, we spend the next 4 days in Disneyland and it was fabulous. Maddux rode Tower of Terror 3 times. We waited in line for Nemo for an hour twice (worth it!) Macee and Mick both decided that Screamin is the coolest roller coaster ever! We had a great time. I am so glad Eric has past players and friends that play professional baseball so I can con him down to Anaheim once a year. Thanks Jared and Willie!

So there's our vacations for the summer and some cute pix of my adorable children!

Cancun Vaca

These are a few pix from our Cancun vacation we went on in June. We went with my two sisters and their husbands. It was amazing and beautiful until I got the Mexico flu from eating who knows what the last two days. That was miserable! Anyway, we had a great time! Hope to go again in the future!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Last UVU 2007 Home Game

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Just a real quick blog before I end the work day! Maddog and Gwire at Boondocks! All three boys in the bathtub! We are definately going to have to upgrade on bathtubs to fit another one. Pretty funny that Mays is as big as Gwire. Only 1 lb and about 3 inches separates them. They wear the same size clothes!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Okay, so I have to be honest. That was much easier than expected! I am going to have my great cous Sara come and make it look a lot cooler tonight! She is a blog professional! HAHA! Anyway, today has been a good day, finally getting some photos out to friends and family is good. I am a little proud of my cute children but do not let their cute looks deceive you..... Anyway, still puking every other minute but someone once told me, that means you are having a healthier baby. Not sure if I believe that or not but I guess it pads the fall right?

Had a little bit of an emotional morning. Maddog started his first day of preschool. He was totally stoked! Mom cried (after I left the school). I guess that's not saying much since I cried when I dropped Macee off for her first day of all day school (1st grade) a couple weeks ago. I am an emotional wreck!

Mom and Dad are supposed to be coming to the city today for some hunting gear. I talked to mom a few hours ago and grandpa may have changed his mind. Too bad grandpa... your little guys were really looking forward to ya! Anyway, I will throw a couple of Maddux's first day pictures on and call it a day.