Thursday, August 19, 2010

mr cool

logan on the potty


Let's get caught back up again. Logan has just turned two and is full of it. He gets into everything. He loves to play in the utensils drawer and helping mom "cook" (say it with a jersey accent). He loves to box his brother and usually wins. Drew hates it. He's decided that he wants to potty train himself. At first you think awsome but as the parent when your not motivated its a big pain in the butt. I know sounds sad. The other day he goes in to pee and all of a sudden I hear a splashing sound, thinking oh crap I run into the bathroom and the cute little fart is sitting inside the toilet taking a bath. Lol yes I love the fart but he's driving me insane with his crazy ways.
This is just a test. I am seeing how well I am at setting up mobile blogging with my phone. This is just a test!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lets try this again...

OK ok we all know that i am a slacker but im going to try this blog thing one more time.
Lets recap whats going on in the Lindsey house hold right now...
Andrew just started kindergarten on tuesday this week and is loving it. I had and am still having the hardest time dropping him off to school each morning. Hes always been a tall kid and so for some reason that has made it so that im not as worried about him but dropping him off to school with all the "big" kids. Those 6th graders look huge and mean. I started to cry when he got out of the car on wednseday ( josh took him on tuesday to the first day )and started running up to line up. next day was a repeat of wednseday. Today wasnt nearly as bad but i still got that teary feeling. and yes i forgot to get pictures but i have a good excuse of i cant find the charger for my camera and its deader then dead...
I will have to post more later Logan is a screaming monster right now and wants to take a nice long nap. yahoo