Monday, September 19, 2011

2 Months

Oh sweet Abigail. I am completely smitten with this child. How is it possible to love something so much, and three of them to boot. Being a mom really is my calling in life. I love my job.

I just wanted to document Abi's 2 month stats. She weighed in at 10 lbs. 6 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. She is a sweet little baby. She really is a grinner although the photos say otherwise. I'll get a good smile one of these days. She adores her big brother and sister. They really make her smile. She loves her daddy's voice and smiles when she hears it. Her hair has thinned out a bit, but still stands straight up at the crown. She is beautiful and we love her to pieces.

Yummy Cheeks :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to School

Where did the Summer go? I have no clue. I knew once Abi was born it was going to zip by and zip by it did. Here we are past mid August. The kiddos started school last week. It was so fun to see how excited they were. Maggs has been anticipating the first day of Kindergarten for a very long time. It did not disappoint. She loved it.

I drove them to school the first day. Ben is a big second grader so he knew exactly what he was doing. He walked in, sat down, and chatted with his friends. I was worried about Maggs but I had nothing to worry about. She is not a shy girl. She squeezed herself between two boys. They were in mid conversation and had to continue their kindergarten talk around her. She just smiled and kept waving at me. *Sigh* This girl will do amazing at school. I'll just miss her at home.

It seems they both have good teachers so we are looking forward to a great year!

On the 15th Abi weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. She is growing like a weed! She smiles a ton and overall is a pretty good little baby. She is loved by all, a little too much by some.

She smiles a lot but wasn't sure about the camera I think. She is such a sweetheart. I love spending my day with her. She goes in for her 2 month appointment soon. Crazy, right?

Today Aaron is taking his last finals of his fourth quarter in medical school. He is officially one year down! He has worked so hard and I'm so proud of him. Some people think we're crazy for doing this whole med school thing, and maybe we are. But crazy or not, Aaron is doing something remarkable. We love him for it. :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's a Girl!!!

We are so excited to announce our new addition to our family. On Friday we welcomed Abigail Joyce to our family. We are so happy and feel blessed to have this new little person with us. She is a doll and so sweet. She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. The labor and delivery was good for me and I'm happy with the overall experience.

Anyway, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. Be warned, you may faint from overwhelming cuteness. :)

Abigail Joyce

We are in love. :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just Because...

Since yesterday was Father's Day I wanted to post one of my favorite photos of Aaron and the kids. He is a wonderful dad and adores his kiddos. We sure love him. I actually have many many pictures of Aaron and the kids. It's fun to capture him just being a dad. Love you Aaron.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Time Flies...

Whoa, time flies when you're having fun. They're not kidding! April and May have zoomed by and kept me busy between a birthday, dance, baseball, and being prego. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with being a single mom. (Just in case you though Aaron and I split, we didn't, he's just in medical school. Phew! We still really like each other.) We are getting by though and with only 5 weeks left till our life gets really crazy I thought I better get updated on the ole blog.

Okay, April was filled with crazy weather and preparing for Maggers birthday. It went well. I love making my kiddos feel special. We started her day with her favorite breakfast of Hootenanny Pancakes and Sausage. In between tests and studying Aaron gave Ben's old bike a makeover and it turned out adorably pink. Maggers loved it and was excited to have her own bike. I just realized I haven't got a picture of that yet. Will do. We pretty much spent the day together getting ready for her birthday party. That night we went to Wendy's for dinner and went to a movie together. We never get to go out and see movies anymore so that was a treat.

Maggers wanted a tea set for Christmas and so I wasn't surprised when she told me she wanted a tea party. I thought it was a great idea! Luckily for me my niece also wanted a tea party and her birthday is in March. So, this party was pretty painless with most of the planning already done. Thanks Jame! Overall the girls had fun being primp and proper. Really they giggled a lot and burped at the table. Oh well, so much for manners!

Here are some photos of the girls. :)

My beautiful baby girl. Seriously, it kills me she is this big.

Oh so primp and proper. :)

B was our little waiter. He'll say he didn't love it but he really did. He took it very seriously and was adorable.

I adore this smile.

Making a wish.

She had a great time. You can see more party details HERE at my other blog. 

As for May we've been winding down school. B is almost done with his school year and is excited and sad to be done with first grade. He has really grown up a lot recently. I think Spring and warm weather has done him some good. He loves to play outside and is really loving baseball. I've been amazed with how quickly he has picked up the game and is doing a great job. Pictures coming soon.

B with his teacher after his Portfolio Celebration!

Aaron is also almost done with his 3rd quarter in medical school. His last final is tomorrow and I'm super proud of him. He works so hard and deserves a good break.

Last week was Maggs' dance recital. She loves to dance and was so excited to get on stage. She was adorable and did a great job. We were very proud of her.

I really need to learn how to take photos in big dark spaces. Sorry for the quality.

Lil' Lady Bug

I can hardly get this girl to smile for me anymore with the camera. But...

she was hammin' it up for B. Whatever. :)

We are doing well in Missouri. Just pluggin' along enjoying life. I can't believe we've almost been here a year. It really has flown by. Until next time! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just livin' it up...

I guess I should be better at updating this blog namely because we live so far away from "home" and the peeps at "home" wonder what the heck we do in Missouri. Well, not much. But we are livin' it up, enjoying life, and just trying to survive this med school business.

Coming into this we knew it was going to be challenging, but we have been humbled in many ways and have learned that this is much more than challenging. But we are taking it one day at a time and have confidence that this will all be worth it. In the meantime between tests and finals we live. Or at least try to.

I have enjoyed spending my days with Maggs. The other day I was sad at the thought of her leaving me for Kindergarten. They have all day Kindergarten here. I'm not sure I'm ready to let her go. I've loved being home with her this year. She is such a sweet funny girl.

B on the other hand is on the downhill slope of his 1st grade year. He has really taken off in reading. He is still active, adventurous, and inquisitive. I love this boy of my mine. Stay tuned for some baseball pics. He starts in a couple of weeks.

Check out toothless! He finally lost that top tooth.

Me...I've been busy being prego. I'm not sure if it's because I'm in my thirties or because this is my third kiddo, but it's been rough. Call me a complainer, but then I might punch you. So better not. :) I'm due July 2nd, so 12 more weeks. I'll try to wait patiently. I've been busy blogging with my sis, scrapbbooking, and keeping up with the kids. I've also met some pretty cool gals here going through the same schtuff we are. We craft together, do lunch, workout, and have lots and lots of playdates. It keeps us busy and sane. Sane is good. You know?

Anyhoo, I'd like to be better at taking photos. I used to be good at it, remember? Let's see if I can work that out. Until next time...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Snow Storm!

Being from Utah I was pretty skeptical that Missouri could throw out a storm that amounted to much snow. I was very wrong. Although, from what I understand this is quite unusual. The big storm was supposed to hit last Tuesday. They let the kids out of school early on Monday (which I laughed about) and canceled school Tuesday. I thought that was hilarious because Tuesday morning was cloudy but there was no storm. I kept looking out the window thinking how ridiculous this all was. Well, about tenish it started to snow lightly and was windy out. By noon I had to admit that there was a downright blizzard going on outside. The snow was coming down in all every directions. It was crazy. It kept coming and coming. I realized at one point that we were snowed in and was grateful we had everything we needed. I was grateful for our warm home and I was praying that our electricity wouldn't go out.

Aaron was let out school early that day and we just huddled in our home watched the storm. By midnight it stopped and I was in awe at the sight outside my window. Our front porch was completely buried and our side road by our garage hadn't been plowed yet. We were definitely snowed in.

The next morning we ventured out to start clearing digging out. It was fun to get out but it was incredibly cold and beautiful! It was so sunny and hard to believe the day before had been such a storm. Everything was fine, Aaron dug us out, and we survived the big Midwestern snow storm. It was one for the books and very unforgettable.

Dad threw Maggs in the snow!

We have two steps going up to our front porch. The snow was drifted in some places up to 4 feet.

Our front sidewalk. Poor Aaron had to shovel this. Hee hee!

This was a job! It took Aaron a couple of hours to clear our driveway so we could get the cars out.

What a fun adventure! :)