Saturday, January 28, 2012

Now I know...

How some Mom's get older and get to a point where they have no friends, no hobbies or interests of their own. I think it's hard for women, especially Mom's, to get so wrapped up in taking care of your kids that you forget who you are. Now this is not about doing stuff for yourself and all that. I believe our kids need to come first as much as possible, especially when they are young, but every now and then letting someone else take the reins and getting out of the house and doing something you enjoy. This has been tough for me lately. I feel like I have friends, but they all have kids, and the chances of us both being able to get out on the same day is slim to none. Then I feel guilty, then there's the nursing that gets in the way...It's just hard sometimes. I have truly loved nursing both my kids, but I must say part of me is looking forward to being done with it so I can leave Henry for more than a couple hours and not have to pump, and also do what was one of my more favorite things before I had him, and that is running. It is a huge stress reliever for me and something that doesn't take a lot of time. I just really enjoy it, so I can't wait to get back into it, run some races, find friends here to run with, and just have something that I enjoy doing for me. I'm a Mom first, but I'm also still me, and I don't want to lose that.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Need to blog - an 8-month update on Henry

Before I let another day pass, I need to do an update on our sweet second-born, Henry! He was 8 months on the 6th, and is long overdue for an update. Here is what's going on with our little monkey...

He just started crawling about two weeks ago. He is so fast already, and is into everything! Computer cords are a favorite, light sockets, the fireplace, dog food - you know, anything he's not supposed to have. He could be completely surrounded by toys, but he wants something off limits.

He is also pulling up on everything, including his crib and the couch. And he's trying to climb up the stairs already too, but I haven't really allowed him to go very far with that.

He has two bottom teeth, and I'm pretty sure more will be coming soon.

He yells and babbles and tries to talk all the time - babababa, dadadada, etc. Of course no mamamama!

He drinks my milk 4-5 times a day, and has two solid food meals a day. He's tried puffs recently, and loves them, but no other table food yet.

He takes two naps a day usually, and goes to bed between 6:30 and 7. He wakes up once a night to eat, then wakes up for the day around 5:30. Yes, it's early!

He is such a wonderful addition to our family - it's so fun to watch him grow and change. The last few months have just flown by and his 1st birthday will be here before we know it! Crazy!