Sunday, August 7, 2011

3 months and other big stuff coming up!

Henry was 3 months old yesterday. What a sweet little guy he is! He is already busting out of his 3 month clothes and tonight I put 6 month pjs on him thinking they'd swallow him but nope, they fit almost perfect! He's such a good baby these days, and has adjusted really well to me going back to work and going to the babysitters each day. He loves his sister, (and the feeling is very mutual!) The last couple weeks he has not been sleeping for as long at night, but he's still pretty much just waking up once a night to eat.

Abbie starts preschool tomorrow! She is so excited and I cannot wait to hear all the stories she will have to share with us!

Things are going great here in GA - my job is good, the babysitter is working out, Wes's job is going well, the kids are happy. It's hot here for sure, but fall is just around the corner.

We are headed to Boston this week to see some family and I am so excited for the vacation! It will be Henry's first plane ride - hopefully he will be a great little traveller just like his sister!