Thursday, April 07, 2011

goodbye blog...

We have a new blog!! It is a work in progress and due to the busyness of life and constant nausea the past 5 weeks, it has not been on my priority list. 

If you would like to know our new blog address please message me with your email or if you are on our email list we will be sending it out shortly.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

that one little piece of paper

Today He delivered. 

Actually I wrote this a few days back, but because of sickness and our baby's birthday, I am just now posting.

Since arriving in Asia 8 weeks ago, we have been waiting for one very important document. It is the final document we needed for our home study. You see, once our home study is complete we can send all our documents to Ethiopia, so that we can finally officially wait for a court date for our boys. Several times over the past two months, Chris has gone to try and get this done, but every time has come home saying we have to wait for such and such until we can get it. It was even suggested that we might have to be here for 6 months to a year before we could recieve this document. We have prayed numerous times for this one piece of paper…asking God to move mountains as we have experienced countless times with both of our adoptions.

Today before leaving to ask again for this document, I was reading in the Bible and was divinely led to read from Psalm 68.

v. 5 A father to the fatherless and a judge for the widows, is God in His holy habitation.---He is the Almighty who tenderly watches over our children

v. 6 God makes a home for the lonely…

v. 9b You confirmed Your inheritance when it was parched (weary)---I am weary of waiting!!

As I looked at the cross references for verse 9, I looked back to Deuteronomy 9:29

Yet they are your people, even Your INHERITANCE, whom You have brought out by Your great power and Your outstretched arm.

Before I left, our hearts were very hopeful and trusting that we would be able to obtain that document. I returned home around 12:30 pm with that very important piece of paper. As I rode home on one of our city's fine three wheel vehicles, in the freezing weather i might add, all I could say was thank you JESUS!!

Over and over He has been speaking to us that He will deliver…we must just wait in HOPE.

For those of you who prayed for us after we sent our email last week…we are humbled and beyond grateful for joining with us to bring our sons home. The Father is revealing new things to us about the power of prayer and that as the Body it is our responsibility and joy to earnestly pray in hope that He will deliver. Please pass along your requests to us…it will be a privilege for our family to pray for you.

this one is for Mimi
they sure do love their lil buddies!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

our engagement story

On a very special bridge, eight years ago, I was asked to be Mrs. Christopher L!!

That week we had decided to participate in the Daniel Diet. This was the brilliant idea of my older sister. At the time she was working on her masters and Chris and I were about to begin our final semester of college. My sister and I were living together at the time. She is incredible!! And one of those people that I want to be like someday…so whenever she has a brilliant idea, I am right there ready to follow. If I remember correctly, she was reading through the book of Daniel and had the idea to eat and drink like Daniel was instructed to do during the beginning of his captivity…so for a week, we (Bec, Chris and I) only ate fresh veggies and drank straight up water. It was definitely bearable, but towards the end we were definitely ready for a big steak dinner.

To break the Daniel fast, we decided to head to the big town about 30 minutes away from our university. That afternoon we went to watch my brother’s basketball game (he played for our school). After the game I went with my brother to Wally world and as he was pulling up to my apartment to drop me off, I saw Chris standing at the door wearing a suit. Now for all who know my hubby (at least in college) he preferred jeans with a nice white t—shirt. As I walked up to my doorstep I was a little flabbergasted as to why he was wearing a suit. He told me to go in my apartment and wait in my room. When I entered my room he had a dress waiting for me to put on. After I changed we enjoyed a wonderful dinner of Italian food and listening to some Chris Tomlin. At one point he left to go “check on something” and the next thing I know in walks my roommate and sweet friend, Kimberlee. She hands me a note and the scavenger hunt began.

Chris had prepared sweet notes that led me to the next spot that held a special place in our heart’s complete with a flower at each stop. My brother played a big part in this night as he delivered all the notes and flowers.

First stop: a sweet family’s home that had a Bible study on Sunday night. That night we sat by each other at dinner, he was so busy eating his hot dog he didn’t even seem to notice me…at least not until I was reading from Lamentations 3:21-26 later that evening.

Second stop: the basketball gym. Our first long conversation happened after one of his intramural games. I sure enjoyed watching him play, he has one of the prettiest jump shots around!
Third stop: The football stadium. The night before the summer holiday was to begin, soon after we began hanging out, he informs me that he likes me, and asks if he can write me letters over the summer. Don’t forget this was during the time of cell phones and email.  He did call me that summer…once every other week and once when he missed a night, he waited two more weeks to call. This was a summer where the Lord taught me a whole lot about patience and contentment.

Fourth stop: The fountain on campus. One night as we were walking back to my dorm after studying, he reached for my hand as we were walking past the fountain.

Fifth stop: Dairy queen. Description below.

Sixth stop: the BRIDGE. This was the place where a year and a half before, we had taken our ice cream cones from Dairy Queen sat and talked for a while…and then he kissed me!!. A few days after that, Chris would decide that he thought it best if we no longer kissed. He told me that he wanted to honor me and protect both of us…and that if our purpose was to bring glory to God, then we should be able to wait. He believed our relationship was more important and that waiting would only strengthen our friendship and concern for each other and that it would be a whole lot easier to practice self control. I sure respected this decision but honestly was a little disappointed :)

That night as I walked those steps to the candlelit bridge, my heart was still guarded not knowing what my wonderful boyfriend intended.  As we stood face to face there on that bridge, both of us shaking from nerves and because it was freezing cold, he opened the Word and read from Ephesians 5. He said some words that I don’t quite remember too clearly, but along the lines that the Lord had brought us together, and that for the rest of our life we would walk as one, serving and loving each other…with the sole purpose of living for our Creator. Before he asked me to marry him, he said the 3 words I had been waiting to hear and say, “I love you”(neither one of us had ever said this to anyone else)…then he proceeded to kiss me. He got down on his knees and asked me to marry him. It was sweet, perfect, romantic and freezing!! I of course said yes!
I love this man. I don’t deserve him. During these past eight years he has shown maturity, strength, faithfulness, selflessness, and genuine love. Each day he lives with such purpose and and so full of life and joy.  He is my Ishi. I am so thankful for my husband…my example in the faith and the one I will walk with for the rest of my days. The Lord truly blessed me beyond measure. May the adventures continue my love!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Perspective for me

 21 killed and 80 injured in Egypt

All because they had chosen to go to church that day.  this story brought perspective to my heartache yesterday. Asking for boldness and peace for those who are walking in the light. Praying  for healing and comfort for the families and those injured.  Oh Lord, what the enemy meant for evil, may it spring new life in that area of the world.

bombing at church in egypt

For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him;
if we endure, we will also reign with Him;
If we deny Him, He also will deny us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
2 timothy 2:11-13

Sunday, January 02, 2011

five years

Today it is our son’s birthday. Does he even know it is his birthday? Is anyone giving him special attention and letting him know that he is a gift from God? I wish that we were with him to celebrate with him or to somehow convey to him that he is loved.

We have yet to meet this son…yet the pain is very real. It surprises me when the emotions come. When we signed on to adopting T&Y we knew that it would be around a year until they were home, we knew that our hearts would need to be guarded during the wait. At points, I have kept my thoughts and emotions at a distance, but surprisingly, at times they come flooding in. Today was one of those days. I woke up with a heavy heart praying for our sweet five year old son, who from pictures and video, seems to be so full of joy and energy.

As the boy’s were making a card for him today, I walked up to my tender husband in tears, asking him to reassure me that someday, the Lord willing, they will be home. Of course I know this, but I am weak and need to be reminded that this is a journey of faith and that in the Lord’s sovereign plan He has asked us to wait…to hope. I know I can trust my gracious Lord to protect and provide for our sons in Ethiopia. I know I can trust Him to prepare Zeke and Nime to have two big brothers. I know I can trust Him to prepare us to be parents of these two precious lives. I know I can trust Him…He is completely trustworthy.

Today, I also think of a mother that because of tragic circumstances, that I do not understand, will not have the privilege to look on his face today. My pain for her is just as real. I truly can’t imagine the pain that she endures…it is a sacrifice of love. There are no options for her…her hope is that someday they will have a second family that will be able to watch over them and love her sons. Her sacrifice is our gift. Though I don’t understand, I choose not to take this privilege and responsibility for granted. Our families forever joined together by these two lives…our legacies.

This day is about to be over, but the result is a greater desire to pray fervently for our two oldest and their family in Ethiopia.Though i have missed the past five years, I will choose to daily live with a heart to celebrate his life. I want my heart to be open, daily asking and preparing our family and home to be ready for these treasures to be home.

Happy 5th birthday my sweet joy!! Tonight, I can only stare at your huge smile…but in just a few months we trust you will be home with us for good.

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in him I
Psalm 91:2


Making a card for the big bro Y for his 5th birthday.
Their favorite part of Christmas...holding baby Jesus. 
it is a constant theme in our house to "rock baby Jesus".
Zeke pretending to be in Chinese class during one of my breaks.
They love my teacher and seem to really be interested in learning.
Playing Uno with some friends on New Year's Eve .

Catch phrase was comical.
They did super figuring out the phrases
Our baby boy is now sleeping in a big bed.
Although he has done pretty good, he occasionally crawls out of bed
and entertains his parents by his attire.

Playing with some neighborhood friends.