Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth

This past weekend, we went for a whirlwind visit to California for Ariel's brother's wedding. On Friday, we introduced Charlotte to one of the great joys of childhood: The Magic Kingdom. She LOVED it. We were there nearly twelve hours and she was a dream the entire time. Her favorite ride was It's a Small World. At the end of the ride when the boat went out of the building, she tried to crawl over Ariel and get back in to see the dancing dolls again. So cute!

Yes, that's a leash on our child. Some people think it is an act of cruelty; we like to think of it as an act of love.

Cutest Mouseketeer ever! Too bad she would only keep this hat on for a few minutes at a time.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Meet Christina, Charlotte's good friend. Two months older, two inches taller, and only slightly more hair. Two peas in a little pod!

Thanksgiving and Some Other Random Pictures

We were lucky enough this year to have Adam's grandparents, Nana and Grandaddy, at our house for Thanksgiving this year. It was really special for us to have them with us for the week, and especially to get these pictures of Charlotte with her great-grandparents that she can treasure as she grows older. Thanks so much for traveling the long distance to see us, Nana and Grandaddy, and we look forward to seeing you in North Carolina this spring!
(Above: We decorated the Christmas tree on the last day that Nana and Grandaddy were here. Charlotte is holding a Sesame Street ornament knitted with love by her great, great-grandmother Mamie Haynes for Charlotte's daddy when he was a little boy. I think these little heirlooms are especially neat because we have nothing like them in my family.)

(Yep, it was still this warm in Houston the week before Thanksgiving.)

Nana and Charlotte read lots of books together.

Nana, Grandaddy, and Charlotte riding the little train around Hermann Park.

Nana taught me how to carve a turkey and arrange it on the platter to look like the turkey. Pretty cool

Charlotte having a good time with Grandaddy and Nonna at the Moody Mansion.

Mommy trying to keep Charlotte away from the "Do Not Touch" classic car collection.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Charlotte's War on Christmas

Feeding herself

Charlotte's Snow Day

This Friday, we enjoyed a very rare snow day in Houston. It started about 8am Friday morning and snowed off and on throughout the whole day. Charlotte was fascinated by the white stuff. But she wasn't so happy later on when we tried to bring her back in the house...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ride 'Em Cowgirl

For the viewing enjoyment of Charlotte's grandparents and anyone else who enjoys cute stuff.