I can hardly believe this but sadly it is true. I slipped a week ago Thursday evening in the garage and busted my hip. Shattered it to pieces. I can not express how much it truly hurt. Early Friday off in an ambulance to the hospital. Of course we had a blown water main for two counties and they could not use the operating rooms. I had to wait two days to be operated on. I have been in a definite pain and drug enduced haze.
The past few days things are starting to get back to normal. I am up putting full weight on everything. Physical therapy is hard but I am already seeing the benefits. The pain is being managed. Right now I just want to go home and pretend it didn't happen, but that is not feasible. So I hope all of you are doing well, making lots of art, enjoying the summer, Hopefully I will be able to go home "with help" soon. I miss you all, and my studio.