Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas morning was the dream I remember as a child. My Dad had taped x-marks on the ground marking where we were supposed to sit so the video camera could film us. This year Greggie had the camera equipment positioned just so placed every child in their designated spot. In so many ways, Greg reminds me of my Dad. Christmas is wonderful but my favorite part is the unveiling of the piles of presents. I remember the first sight of all the presents under the tree all wrapped and colorful and the accompanying rush of excitement I felt.

I believe that is the same for my little ones. They rush down the stairs, turn that last corner, and scream with delight. Then they begin excitedly searching to find THEIR presents, jumping up and down and shaking all of the presents with their name.

This year Trent had all his presents in a giant red wagon so it was easy for him. My kids were seated in front of their pile, ready for their turn. Next is the unwrapping. The mystery of presents is always exciting- the anticipation, the wonder, the possibilities . . .and then . . . the unwrapping! I love the sound of ripping wrapping paper . . . it's like Christmas magic! I have discovered it is just as wonderful to watch my kids open their presents as it was to receive them as a child. There is magic in the giving and receiving.

True to my childhood tradition, the kids opened gifts from youngest to oldest, though once Trent set his eyes on the Red Flyer wagon- he was finished- he had all his heart desired. He was so overwhelmed with all of the possible toys and presents- he just started spinning- and spinning -and spinning round and round. He didn't quite know where to stop or where to begin or what to play with first!

There was a definite Star wars theme for Tyler's presents which satisfied him completely. He was surprised to receive some full-size Star Wars posters which are now framed and hung in his room. He also received the action figures and spaceships needed to complete his pretend play. He is ready to rip off the old wallpaper border and redecorate his room. I have a feeling it will be next week's project. Does anyone know how to make a gas pump dresser into R2D2?

Megan and Kaylee opened 18 inch dolls and outfits for them to wear. Megan also received a giant horse for her cowgirl doll to ride on. We found out that Grandma Langford received a doll every year for Christmas. She smelled the dolls heads just to make sure they still have that same powderey, plastic-y doll scent . . . and thank heaven - they do! She also let it slip that she knew how to make doll clothes. Later that day, her and Kaylee worked together and made both dolls pajamas and had a lovely time. It was Kaylee's first attempt at a sewing machine and she did quite well! The girls have spent quite a bit of time dressing their dolls and doing their hair. They love to wash and dry it and then braid it or put it in curlers. I remember learning how to braid on my Cabbage Patch doll's hair that I received for Christmas one year.

Trent didn't open any more gifts, though he made the rounds and played with everything. He loved his Spiral Speedway, battery powered trains and his wagon, of course. Actually all of the kids have latched onto the wagon and have found a multiplicity of uses for it.

Megan received a plasma car, which is a ride-on toy that moves by wiggling the handles. She rode around inside (it was raining) on her new plasma car and even discovered Trent could tag along on the back. She also received a tea set which she uses to play with her dolls.

Kaylee received some fabric for her long-desired pioneer skirt and somehow we convinced Grandma to help us sew her skirt- which actually turned into a pioneer shirt/dress. With ruffles and ribbon we managed to sew/craft the dress of Kaylee's dreams.

Greg and Tyler spent the bulk of the afternoon assembling a Star Wars Lego spaceship. Tyler organized every lego piece and put them all in separate baggies. The two successfully built another Lego ship. Now if we can just keep Trent from destroying it!

It's a good thing we had Grandma's delicious cinnamon rolls to feast on - they really kept us going through all of the projects.

Christmas this season has been a wonderful experience, just like my happy childhood memories. I've enjoyed the music, the decorations (Greggie did an amazing job covering our house and our neighbor's with beautiful lights), the evenings reading by the fire with the Christmas tree lights and music on, the ease of online shopping (amazon is wonderful!), the Christmas stories (especially Christmas Jars and The Christmas Story) and the company of family and friends. I think taking the tree down will be difficult this year.

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Grandma's Birthday!

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Christmas Eve was celebrated in true Langford tradition and fashion- pizza, chips, dips, and rootbeer floats. I admit I tweeked the tradition slightly and added a few salads and veggies, but it was fairly true to form. Grandma, Jason, Lindy, Jake and new baby Drew joined us for the evening as we ate on Christmas dinnerware, re-enacted the nativity (with a few twists of our own), and opened presents. We opened our traditional Christmas Eve jammies and wore our Santa hats. We are definitely not lacking traditions in this house! Poor Megan got the stomach bug in the middle of Christmas eve night and was up all night and ended up dirtying both sets of her new jammies- we still found her something fun to wear for Christmas morning.
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Happy Birthday Trent!

Trent 2 years old!
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Trent's 2nd Birthday Party

We hosted a double birthday party Monday night for Trent and Grandma Langford. Grammy, Ron, Mel, Bubba, and Edda shared in the festivities. Grandma Langford pulled off yet another wonderful cake- this one a CARS racetrack theme complete with Mater and Lightning McQueen racing around the track. Trent worked very hard blowing out his candles (even drooling over them) and loved eating Mater and Lightning McQueen and a lot of ice cream, which he smeared all over his pants. After the first present of a set of Lightning McQueen cars, he was finished and not interested in opening anymore! Luckily, there were many more sets of CARS race cars which he is really enjoying playing with.

Grandma Langford was treated to a nice dinner and apple crisp from a special Julian apple (at her request). I heard rumor that she finished the leftover apple crisp the next night while lying in her cozy jammies in bed! She is a real treat for us so its fun for us to give her some treats once a while.
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Megan's Award

Megan receiving her award from Dr. Newman
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Character Counts

Megan was chosen for the "Character Counts" award from her kindergarten class because of her excellent citizenship towards her classmates. She was recognized by the principal and treated to a special breakfast. There were students from all of the grades in attendance. We are so proud of her friendly and kind heart!
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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Trent's 2nd Birthday


It is finally Trent's turn for his birthday. He was ecstatic to have his chance to sing the "Happy Birthday" song and blow out his candle on our traditional birthday donut. We gave him two candles so he could blow out twice as many. He was a happy boy running around with his new Lighning McQueen shoes and watching his Elmo movies.

Family Picture Shoot

Friday morning we gathered at the Rancho Bernardo Inn (where Camille and Kris' families were living the high-life) for our bi-annual Langford family pictures. Unfortunately, we were missing LeAnn's family so our pictures weren't complete.

After nearly a hundred pictures we got a few nice ones. This was Greg's idea for our family picture:

Here is my idea for our family picture: Here are Camille and John covering the nakedness of art and protecting the innocence and modesty at the risk of their own lives . . .
The Langford family cousins (minus Trent and Jake) who obviously could never hold still long enough for this picture. Greg has magically photoshopped them in. I'll find that picture and post it soon.
Behind the scenes: the crazy cameraman!

More Thanksgiving activities

Scroll down to find out just what happened to Greggie-boy. Someone armed the children with silly strings and light sticks. Who would do such a thing?
No one at this table. We're just playing a calm game of BUNCO.

"Yo Diggity!" Aunt Camille cooked up her favorite game of "Yo Diggity." Which translated means opening presents with oven mitts and a festive Santa hat. Everytime you roll a number 6 on the dice you're the lucky candidate to wear the mitts and unwrap. Pictured below is Greggie giving it his best shot.
Inside this present, inside a present, inside a present, inside yet another present is silly string ammunition. I would bet you have never seen anything like the silly string war that followed. Even pictures wouldn't do it justice!


Not only did we not have a clue what we were in for, we didn't realize our performances were under tough scrutiny by some serious judges. Kaylee, Tyler, Brian and Kara were stiff in criteria. After the contestants were worn out and breathless they announced the results of the competition. DRUM ROLL PLEASE . . .

Camille won first place by a landslide. No one could compare to her groovin and movin. The girl has some serious dance moves. Travolta look out- you've got competition! Megan was disqualified because she was a kid and not an adult. Kris took second place for her moving "YMCA" and then the judges annouced there was a tie. "Grandma and Amy have tied for third place . . . and now . . .we're going to have a tie-breaking dance-off contest!" those darn judges announced. Despite strong protests Grandma and I took to the stage again to give it our best shot. Here's what it looked like:

Here is Kris' award-winning family rendition of Y M C A !
Look at her back up. She always could rally up a crew. (I think they're on the "A". )

Strike a pose!

The Extended Langford Clan

Thanksgiving was truly a day to be thankful and celebrate family. We were joined by Camille's family from Fresno and Kris' family from Cedar City, Utah as well as Jason's family and Grandma Langford. LeAnn's family was unable to make it due to Tim's back injury.

After a delicious lunch we are being rounded up. "Come sit down and watch our show!" Kaylee announces from the stage. Four chairs were placed near the stage and a row of chairs farther back. The cousins rounded up Megan, Camille, Grandma and Kris and placed them in the four chairs up front. "What are we going to do?" asks Grandma. " I have no idea," says Camille. The cousins peeked their heads in and under the curtain, bursting with excitement. Kaylee appears from behind the curtains and annouced, " Welcome to our show. Megan, you're our first contestant on the First Annual Langford Family Dance OFF! Coooooome on UP!"
Megan goes racing up the stage, blankie in hand, the curtains split open, the lights are flashins, the music starts and Meggie boogies! Megan is cutting it up! The crowd goes wild.

Camille takes to the stage. The music heats and Camille breaks loose. Who knew she had so many groovin' moves? The crowd is screaming wild . . . Camille is shaking it up and doing the worm across the stage and twisting and twirling and walking like an Egyptian! WOW!

Grandma is up next and she gets the crowd going with her swinging Swing steps. Go Grandma!

Kris is up next and recruits all of the cousins on stage to help make the "Y_M_C_A!" Unfortunately, I can't find pictures for this dance. The whole fam was alpha-dancing together and lovin' it. From then on we had lots of contestants, from the girls to the Dads to the kids and then some more.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

I thought this moment was so precious I wanted to record it. We picked out our Christmas tree last Monday night and because it was so late we sent the kids to bed with promises that we would decorate it the following night. Greg and I decided it would be less hassle to put the lights on without the kids and so the lights were hung while the kids had visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.

When Trent walked down the stairs the following morning, he stopped, gasped at the twinkling tree, and broke out in song, " Tweenkle, Tweenkle, wid-dle stawr!" When he passes the tree now, he pauses to sing a verse or two and then moves on to his next thing.

Birthday Lunch

A person couldn't get more spoiled than I am. Mom and Mel came on Saturday to take me out to lunch. After finding a table at Macaroni Grill we were pampered by our Italian waiter, Julian, who we discovered sings an amazing solo-version of Happy birthday in Italian. We feasted on a delicious lunch sharing our dishes with each other as well as the latest in our lives. It was a real treat, especially after an extremely exhausting week. Mel wanted to take a picture before we left, so we asked Kaylee to snap a picture of us. This is what we got first:

Our heads cut off! Kaylee hold the camera a little higher, we coach. And this is what we got:
Mmmm, well, maybe that was a little too high. Can you put us in the center of the square?

Good work Kaylee. Now how do we get Grandma to open her eyes? (just kidding!) It was a fabulous lunch and we got to keep Bubba overnight which thrilled the kids.

The Third Nipple

Greg came in worried the other morning and so I asked what was wrong.
He replied, "well, I was just getting Trent dressed and I think he has grown a third nipple."

" A third nipple," I gasp," I have never noticed another one." Of course, I have to go and investigate. This could be an embarrasing and crippling new feature to our young boy's life. Imagine swimming, or weight lifting or I don't know, wearing a t-shirts and having three bumps!

Poor Trent was then undressed and investigated. Sure enough, next to his left nipple, there was another bump, that looked just like a third nipple. But, I know it wasn't there before so I have to poke and prod a little just to make sure. ( I am a "picker" extraordinaire.) After a few picks and bumps and squeezes I triumphantly announce, " It's not a nipple, its a pimple! And I just popped it. Crisis solved."

Friday, November 28, 2008


The chef extrordinaire!
Alright the formal picture of us . . .

Barb at her best . . . Megan caught this candid shot for us as she went around taking pictures.

In our true form . . .

I am truly the most spoiled girl in the world. The celebration started at Disneyland and then continued at home with delicious pumpkin pancakes (made by the best chef) with whip cream topping and gifts and cards from the kids. Saturday night Grandma Langford arranged a fabulous dinner at the park where Auntie Mel, Bubba, Roland, Grammy, Ron as well as Barb, Kelly, Ally and Brit came to play. Afterwords the Barb and Kelly had a Sequence face off with Greg and me. Wonderful fun!


Visiting the tiki room was a first for Greg and me . . . we had so much free time from zero lines that we had time for a visit to the Tiki Room.
More tiki room . . .
A trip wouldn't be complete without a hug and a quick visit with Mickey! Happy Birthday Mickey! We share the same birthday, which is why we have to go to Disneyland and celebrate.

In the tiki-tiki-tiki room, in the tiki-tiki-tiki room, all the birds sing words and the flowers bloom . .
Trent was a busy boy and ALWAYS on the go!

Kaylee and Ally hit it off and became inseparable buddies.

It's a bug's life for me!

Megan's favorite the carousel with Aunt Linda at California Adventure.

The two love birds still going strong!

Star Tours! After watching the loading film starring Chewbacca and other characters,Tyler was looking for him when we boarded the ship. The man behind us started making Chewie grunts while giggling and watching Tyler strain to find Chewbacca. It was hilarious!