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Week in Our Lives: Last Week!

I can't believe it, but the last week of school is HERE!! Monday the kids got to bring a show and tell item. Kade has a hard time with making decisions like this, but being that his teacher is a huge Baylor fan, he brought the signed jersey he got a few weeks back. Mrs. Mosley LOVED it! And didn't want anything bad to happen to it. What really worked out is I was there measuring kids for graduation robes so I got to watch! We had to rehearse and rehearse what he would say. Speaking in front of groups makes him nervous. Busy day after that doing all the things...summer is coming and I don't want to start out behind!   Chatting our way through dinner. Before bed, Kade showed me all of the work he brought home that had been piling up. So neat to hear about all he had done. Now to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. The sweetest thing...I told Hannah E's bday party was coming up and she went and found a book to give her and made her a card (
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Weekend Wrap Up: Roadrunner Fest

Friday after school, Kade went to work out with Kyle so that meant pool time for the girls! And then onto letter practice. ha! I got this  book for her from Costco and it was our first attempt (some of these I had traced with her) Saturday we were home followed by a family lunch trip to CFA and then the rest of the day was spent at home while Kyle worked on the  Sunday School lesson. Then onto one of our favorite events...the Roadrunner Festival! The city puts on this great little {free} event  for families on Memorial Day weekend. Games for kids, music, fireworks and more! This was a big deal for Kade. He tried once and didn't make it and was very frustrated. But then he was determined to get to the top so he tried again and made it! And he ended up going back for a few more trips! Hannah was unfortunately too small for the harness, but she was ready to try! She took a few turns down the inflatable zipline instead. face paint with friends!

Kinder Field Day

At Kade's school they have a special field day for Kinder students. The big kids get to go to the high school to compete in events but they have a Disney themed event on campus for Kinder kids. The idea is that throughout the year they have collectively walked to Disney World! Each event had a different Disney theme. Each student is paired up with another student to compete in all of the events with. Kade was paired up with his best buddy J! Mrs. Mosley did an excellent job of matching up kids with their friends. Sister was more than thrilled to be there too Parents all come to walk around with the kids Mad Hatter Tea Party ie....juice break This was in the choir room and so funny to watch. They had to bop the other person off the rug These guys LOVE to run! And then the final event...assembling Olaf! And all of Kade's class! The kids wore their class shirts but Field Day was also on the same day that Prince Harry married Megan so

Weekl in our Lives: baseball and even more swimming!

Monday morning crafting with friends! H's buddy S loves to craft when she comes to our house. We even got in a swim! Its STAR week at school so the Kinder kids got to bring toys to school for extra recess time! Hannah got in an afternoon swim in our still broken pool! Quite the cheering section for the evening's baseball game! Baseball games are always better with your cousin...and bubbles And the little siblings couldn't get over the makeshift balance beam! Uncle Chris is the "funcle" The fan tunnel never gets old to me Largest cheering section ever. Mimi and Pops were here most of the day and Lolly came into town in time for dinner. Kade got 3 hits in the game! Tuesday we headed up to Magnolia Market with Lolly, Kari and Lane! Lolly treated the girls to some "wemnade" Christmas necklace and an umbrella...necessary accessories for a shopping trip on a Sunny May morning He