Monday, January 24, 2011

Sledding Adventure

A couple weeks ago we went sledding at White River. It was a beautiful place and perfect because it had a variety of hill sizes and areas to sled so as not to be crowded in any one area and you could pick the size of hill that best fits your family.So we found a great hill that was perfect for the kids and went crazy. Noah liked to try to stand up on his sled and he actually did great. We also went with my step-sister and her family, they'd never played in the snow before so we were happy to show them the ropes.

After awhile we did attempt the huge hill behind Nate and Kelsey but the kids did more tumbling, crashing, and falling than sledding so we didnt last long there.

Sydney was my buddy that day and would only sled with me. The girls did really good considering it was VERY cold. But when they were done they were DONE.
We topped the day off with a pizza feast at our favorite Zig Zag Pizza and played cards into the night. It was a fun day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas morning

This is before the kiddos got a hold of the gifts. We told them no opening before 8 and they almost made it. They also had to wait until Grandma and Grandpa came over, they were very patient!Noah with his favorite gift, the Hogwarts Castle. It only took him 4 days to build it, it is way cool and he was a happy boy!

The twins got all the princess barbies which they were very happy about. As soon as they opened them they wanted to go and get the rest of their barbies and start playing. We had to encourage them to keep opening their gifts.
Kelsey made Daddies favorite root beer cookies for his gift and colored him a picture. I also got a picture and a coupon book full of coupons to do all sorts of chores around the house, I was very excited!
The kids working on their stockings. We had a great Christmas, after they openned their gifts Grandma made Quiche and I made animal shapped waffles in my new circus waffle maker. That night we went to dinner at my Dads to celebrate with my sister and step-sisters.