Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yes my 8 year old still takes bubble baths and he asked me to take these pictures by the way.
Of course he didn't ask me to post them on my blog (:He's an interesting one my boy. He can be so sweet and kind but just as easily turn mean and grumpy. Its tricky for my mothering skills or the lack thereof!
It took a couple tries to get this picture of him tossing bubbles through the air but once I got it he was pretty pleased with himself and me for taking it!

He made a mess all over the floor but it was very entertaining for the twins and I to watch!
He Prides himeself as being the only one that can always make me laugh which is true. What he doesn't know is he makes me cry more than anyone else too!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The answer is...

If you guessed SYDNEY and most of you did...you were right!
No worries to Selena who guessed Aubrey she was the first one and it was a tricky angle.
What a cutie I miss my baby girls!
Wish I could've enjoyed them more but when theres two there's not much time to relish in the cuteness!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just for fun!

This is NOT Noahs real tongue it is a gummy one he's playing with...looks pretty real right? This IS Kelsey's real tongue, she's showing off how she can touch her nose...impressive right? I'm so proud!
WOW Kelsey's tongue looks huge here of course mine looks pretty big too!
Look how light my hair was, this was last summer. I kinda miss it?! But not the way my eyebrows are so much darker than my hair.

We're so silly! Now thats a pretty impressive size for a 3 year old.
Yes this was a weird random post, hope it wasn't disturburbing!
Name the twin pictured above...
I'll give the answer tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Girl Beds

As seen in a previous post the girls received a very LARGE play castle for Christmas. when it came time to put this castle in their room there was simply no way to fit it in.Solution: Bunk Beds. We knew we'd do it eventually but worried they were too little but now seemed like as good of time as any. The log was...you guessed it, Nate's idea.
Well, so far so good. They love their big bed with the new Dora sheets courtesy of Grandma. Aubrey is on top because she stays in bed better at night. So far its actually helped them stay in their beds at night for which I am most grateful!

It kinda made me sad to see the cribs go because it means their growin up! Here there sportin their new princess Jammies as they call them. A good friend made them for the kids as well as new PJ's for all the kids. It was part of the 12 days of Christmas they did for us. It was so great and so fun for the kids to see what we'd get each day!

This is the Aubrey open your eyes picture because when she smiles big you can't see her eyes. Scary!
The Dora Sydney's holding is a replacement doll. Shortly after she recieved it for her birthday it was lost. I think at the beachhouse we stayed at, by the time we got home she'd forgotten it. Months later when she remembered with tears in her eyes I promised to run right out and get a new one...which I did, I'm a sucker like that!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Carolina Cooking

Every year my mom and I spend a day baking a variety of Christmas goodies. Its so great Kelsey's old enough to help and the best part is she likes to! One of her favorite things to do is break up the grahram crackers into crumbs with the rolling pin...perhaps she has some anger issues?
My big sister was here this year from South Carolina so she came to help too what a joy! Its always a pain frosting all the sugar cookies so it was great to have her help plus she did some pretty fancy frosting!
Thats my niece Katie with us, she's 3 months younger than Kelsey. She didn't really wanna help because her mom had worn her out baking a few weeks earlier but we got her to a little.
We made fudge, peanut butter squares and blosoms, mini cheesecake cakes, sugar cookies, and 7-layer cookies. It was a very fun day I wasn't as wiped out as usual.
I should of stopped here with the baking but in the days that followed I continued baking bread, rolls, pies, cookies, and carmel corn by Christmas I was done!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Morning

Should of turned the lights on the tree for the picture would've been alot prettier. Oh Well, Merry Christmas 2009!Shortly after we awoke our dog escaped out of the yard. He does this all the time its more of an inconvenience than anything but it can be emotionally draining. So we all waited while Dad looked around the neighborhood. The kids were very patient about opening their present until dad returned. Luckily Noah had gotten this book the night before from his Grandma so he was happy to read while he waited.

My sis helped me stamp all the kids hands on Nate's T-shirt which the kids gave him for Christmas. I'm sure he loves it even if he only wore it that day!Sydney's sporting a new princess dress she got and had to immediately put on. What a fun morning with the twins, they were so excited about everything they got no matter what it was!

Kelsey was a little challenging thing year being the oldest and all but I think we did pretty good a nice combination of clothes, games, and books made her very happy.
Daddy got this castle for the twins it took forever to put together! What you can't see is the matching vanity, sink, and baby cradle inside, sold seperately of course. He did get a screamin deal but that thing is huge and the twins toys are slowly but surely taking over my house!
After presents Nate and the kids headed up to his parents cabin for breakfast while I went back to bed, I'd been up until 2 the night before and was wiped out! We all went back up later for dinner. IT was a great day!