As seen in a previous post the girls received a very LARGE play castle for Christmas. when it came time to put this castle in their room there was simply no way to fit it in.

Solution: Bunk Beds. We knew we'd do it eventually but worried they were too little but now seemed like as good of time as any. The log guessed it, Nate's idea.

Well, so far so good. They love their big bed with the new Dora sheets courtesy of Grandma. Aubrey is on top because she stays in bed better at night. So far its actually helped them stay in their beds at night for which I am most grateful!

It kinda made me sad to see the cribs go because it means their growin up! Here there sportin their new princess Jammies as they call them. A good friend made them for the kids as well as new PJ's for all the kids. It was part of the 12 days of Christmas they did for us. It was so great and so fun for the kids to see what we'd get each day!

This is the Aubrey open your eyes picture because when she smiles big you can't see her eyes. Scary!

The Dora Sydney's holding is a replacement doll. Shortly after she recieved it for her birthday it was lost. I think at the beachhouse we stayed at, by the time we got home she'd forgotten it. Months later when she remembered with tears in her eyes I promised to run right out and get a new one...which I did, I'm a sucker like that!