Psalm 150 “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!”
Heavenly Father,
This is the final day of praise in this study that was based on verses in the Psalms. I hope it will never be the final day of praise for me personally. Jumping around in the Psalms for the last year has been a good exercise to focus my mind and heart on praising you. We are created for praise. That seems odd and confusing to us, but scripture assures us that it is true. We should praise you with our voices, singing songs of thanksgiving and adoration. We should praise you with our thoughts even if our voices are silent. Our thoughts should be centered on you and your will in all situations. Our thoughts should be of kindness, love, peace, compassion, joy, forgiveness. Just as we have seen you love, we should also love others. Our thoughts should lead to words that praise you and words that please you. Our words should speak of our heart tuned to yours. You spoke “the Word”, and Jesus Christ was incarnate. Jesus came to earth to save us, to deliver us from sin. Jesus came to show perfect love and to lead us to you, our Father. Our words should reflect his presence in all we say. We should praise you most with our actions. Thoughts and words lead to action. What we do, how we live, shows how much we really love you. That can be a frightening thought! So much that I do and much that I don’t do show my failure to praise you with my actions. My life should praise you every day. I love the final statement of this Psalm and have heard it sung in a beautiful song of praise: “Let everything that has breath, praise the LORD!” All creation praises you! All creation bows before Jesus Christ! All creation sings, “Glory to God in the highest!” and “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!” and “Be exulted, O God, above the heavens let thy glory be over all the earth! All praise to you forever and ever! Amen.