Read Luke 17:11-29 : the healing of the 10 lepers
v.15 "Then one of them, upon seeing that he was cured, turned back, recognizing and thanking and praising God with a loud voice." (AMP)
When we truly see and understand the healing Jesus does in us we will feel gratitude. Understanding has to go deep within us and be attributed to the only Healer---our God.
Sometimes we see the effects of God's love in our life but don't really recognize them as such. We just attribute them to luck, natural causes, coincidence. It is only when we really understand that it is Jesus and not some other source, that we can really express deep thanks and gratitude.
One in ten? That's a pretty poor response ratio. We can probably apply it to ourselves. Only 1 in 10 times do we really see God's hand at work in our daily life. Only 1 in 10 times do we take time to stop and really thank God for his blessings and his healing.
We are healed every day in countless large and small ways. We need to turn and praise the one who brings healing and wholeness to our life each and every day. Thank you, O LORD! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Holy Spirit! My life is healed every day in your presence. Praise to your holy name!