Luke 8:7,14 “Some fell among thorns, and the thorns growing up with it stifled (choked) it…….the seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches, and pleasures and they do not mature.”
“….the life is choked out of them, and in the end they produce nothing.” (Phillips)
“….choked with cares, riches, pleasures of this world.” (KJV)
“….crowded out…..” (MSG)
Heavenly Father,
“….the life is choked out of them, and in the end they produce nothing.” (Phillips)
“….choked with cares, riches, pleasures of this world.” (KJV)
“….crowded out…..” (MSG)
Heavenly Father,
The seed among thorns: Stifled, choked, crowded out. This one is pretty obvious. Three things choke us and crowd out the Word: worries, riches, pleasures. The ground here is the ground most of us see and are part of every day. Ordinary people living ordinary lives in this world. The world is full of thorns that grow up beside us and surround us and threaten to take over. Anyone who has ever weeded a garden knows that the weeds are somehow stronger and more aggressive than the good seeds and plants! It takes very little time and neglect for the weeds and thorns to take over. Life is full of these thorns. Worries : everyone has them. Some are trivial and mostly of our own making, but others are very real and threatening. All have to be dealt with. Money worries, health worries, safety worries, job worries, family worries….pressure after pressure, stress after stress. They wear us down, they push into every moment we have. Riches ; Most of us live in a world of abundance….too much food, too much money, too many things. We don’t look at it that way, but it is true. How many TV’s do we need? How many phones? How many pairs of shoes? How many cars? How many knickknacks? These “things” take over our lives and the acquisition of them becomes a necessity to our “way of life”. Keeping up with the Jones and storing up riches for tomorrow (there are those worries again!) Pleasures : we surround ourselves with attempts to escape from our worries and riches! We seek vacations, hobbies, entertainment, drugs, excitement, alcohol, sex, anything to distract us and gratify us. It is all about us. Me, me, me. Am I happy yet? Am I fulfilled? Am I having fun yet? The thorns of life. We are stifled, choked, crowded. The Church often adds to the problem and encourages it. Life comes from Jesus Christ. Life is in the seed, if we keep at these weeds and thorns. Stop them before they start! Fight back! Prune and weed regularly! Take action! Be accountable! Avoid the weeds! Resist the weeds! Kill the weeds! Tear them out one by one. Help us weed our lives of all that crowds us, stifles us, cokes out the good seed of your kingdom! Amen.
Luke 8:8, 15 “But some fell on good soil, grew up and yielded a hundredfold……But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering, produce a crop.” (NAB and NIV combined)
“….seize the word and hold on no matter what.” (MSG)
“…with an honest and good heart, keep it…..” (KJV)
Heavenly Father,
“….seize the word and hold on no matter what.” (MSG)
“…with an honest and good heart, keep it…..” (KJV)
Heavenly Father,
I’ve had a poem in my mind all through this, called “Planter’s Charm”. It tells about a woman planting corn and as she plants she chants: “One for the buzzard, one for the crow, one to rot, and one to grow.” She sees it as her own life….her husband, herself, and her 2 sons. I wonder if she is thinking about this parable? I wonder if that is where the author of the poem got the idea? The buzzard is the devil on the path, the crow scavenges among the rocks, the choked out seed rots, but one kernel falls in good soil and grows. Only 1 out of 4. Poor odds! I hope our odds are better. You broadcast the seed….your Son, the Word, Jesus Christ. You chose to throw it out to everyone….good and bad soil alike. We all have the opportunity to be saved, to keep the seed, to nourish the seed, to weed the seed, and grow. Some soil is naturally more fertile than others, but all soil can be made to produce with help. Digging, watering, weeding. It all comes down to first wanting the Seed. Desiring it enough to soften up and let it penetrate. But roots won’t go deep unless we have food and water as well as loose soil. Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Living Water. He is a Seed with built in nourishment. We have to retain that, hang on to it, be aware of it…….persevere. We fight the weeds. We have to make choices. We have to choose to know You, so our trust will choke out the worries rather than vice versa. We have to let go of the world’s riches and trade them for the riches of your kingdom…..grace, hope, peace, love, forgiveness, salvation! We have to tune out the world’s pleasures and distractions and concentrate on You so that we see that You are good and all that we need or could want. All this leads to a crop, to fruit, to producing for your kingdom. When we feed ourselves on Jesus and mature, we automatically began to grow, to spread, to produce, to soften the soil for others, to provide nourishment, to push back the thorns. The Church becomes the hardy perennials and the evergreens that flourish. I like the MSG translation : “seize the Word and hold on no matter what!” Our life depends on it……and the lives of others who will eat our fruit, and become the soil for our seeds once we mature and continue the cycle of kingdom life.” Amen.