As a mother of 5 I am often reminded that although some days seem to drag ... the years fly by. I am thankful for the "moments" and remember along the way ... I must ENJOY THE JOURNEY.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random Moments...Enjoyed

I took the kids to the park today. It is beautiful outside and they have heard enough of, "not today, we are too busy." I of course did not bring my camera, but had a great time and in fact I am planning another trip to the park tomorrow, this time with lunch. Anyway, I tried to get Avery to swing. Since sadly, this is probably only her second or third trip to the park as a "big girl" she was not at all impressed with the swinging, in fact she was terrified. I thought it would help if I sat in the swing with her in my lap and it did work for a minute, but she quickly wanted to get down. Well, it turns out she was just being in charge again and wanted to push me in the swing. She made me sit in the swing and let her push me for at least ten minutes. I am not sure what the other mothers were thinking as I sat in a child's swing (let's be honest, I am not child sized) and was pushed by my baby, but she was thrilled and that is what really matters. I helped in Halle's class today. Kindergarteners are hilarious. I was helping them journal and spell words, mostly grandma and grandpa, kittens, play, toys... Well, Halle wanted to know how to spell Cute so I helped her sound out Koot, and when I read it back to her, she was very disappointed. She was writing "Avery is Cute." But apparently cute is not enough for her because she said, mom Avery is not only cute she is "cuh-ute." So, we sounded it out again and now Halle's sentence reads, "Avery is kuoot." Much Better!! Moments like these happen every day with 5 little ones around, I just need to stop and enjoy them more.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Did I mention.....

So there are so many things that have happened in the past month. I have just literally not had time to even think about this blog. So today I am doing a "did I mention..." blog about all (okay, the stuff I can remember) the things we have been doing. Did I mention that we had to redo our roof?
Well we did. When we came home from Disneyland and before we went to the hospital we noticed that the wind had blown quite a few shingles off of our roof. So when we got a minute we called our friend who does roofs to see if he could fix it. Well, he said to call the insurance, who told us to get an estimate, which took a was decided that since the shingles were not put on correctly we should replace the front half of the roof. So the plan was to tear off the asphalt shingles and then replace them. So we set off on this adventure at the same time that the Lord decided to bless us with more moisture than we have seen in years. Well in a two day window of good weather we decided we would do the tear off. When I say we I mean Morgan. I am usually the biggest tightwad around, lets be honest, but I was totally willing to pay the guy and be done. Morgan decided that he could do it and I feared for his life, but do it he did. I am actually quite proud of him. You may not know that he is not the most handy of men, but always willing to try (as long as he knows my dad or a neighbor can bail him out if needed).
Did I mention that Morgan was the only one on the roof?
Well he was.
Did I mention that my neck was sore because of all the looking up?
Well it was. Poor Me! Anyway, a long and dirty day later we did have the shingles off of the roof (again when I say we, I mean Morgan).
Did I mention that the job was long and dirty?
Well it was. And on the same day we were able to go and see Halle in the production of the Wizard of Oz. So with minutes to spare (and I mean like 3 minutes) we hurried over to the production. There are times that we wonder why we decided to live so close to the high school, this was one of the times we were glad. Halle did a great job and looked so beautiful. She was one of the people of Oz. I have said it before, and I am sure that I will say it again, but I am telling you if you want to instill confidence in your children, put them on a stage.
Did I mention that Halle was the cutest little citizen of OZ?
Well, she was.

Did I mention that we had taken the shingles off of the roof?

Well we did. The weather was okay for a few minutes and then the very next day it snowed. Yes really. And when I say snow I mean like 4 inches. As a farm girl I am constantly praying for rain and watching the skies but I will admit that I was praying for sun and checking for leaks through the day and well into the night. Since the roof was not completely bare we didn't worry too badly and since our roofer would surely be there the next dry day we didn't worry too badly.

Did I mention that we were blessed with a very wet month?

Well we were and as the next couple of days passed by dryly we wondered where the roofer was and when he would get there. As a true weather geek I knew that weather was coming so I slept little and wondered where in the world the roofer was. Well, a brisk wind storm later he still was not there and so with blue sky shining through the roof we called and had the roofer come and put a blue tarp on the roof. I am not kidding. We actually were those people with a blue tarp on the roof. I thought we should just own it and add some sequins for bling, but alas no, it was just the blue tarp.

Did I mention that we had heard that the interest rates on mortgages had dropped to 4.... So we had that ball rolling too?

Well, we did.

During the blue tarp era of our life the appraiser came to appraise the house. Yes you read that right. UGH! Apparently there is a rule against peeling paint with refis, which does not seem like a big deal to you people living in your nice new homes (and when I say new I mean anything built after 1970), but to us with a home built in the 40's, let me just say that the exterior of our home does not have a shortage of peeling paint.
Did I mention that just after the appraiser left the young workers with the insulation company came?

Well, they did. Since it was a rainy day and our roof was covered with a blue tarp we decided to re-schedule the insulation. (Just for you engineer geeks our house had an R7 and code in like R30. Yup, we needed insulation.)

Did I mention that the weather finally cleared up and the roofer stopped by and let us know that the shake shingles that were on the roof probably wouldn't hold the nails after all and needed to come off, and oh, by the way the roofing supply company had delivered our shingles to the wrong house?

Well, that's what happened. So again we needed a 2 day window of good weather and Morgan had to go to the steep roof again.

Did I mention that we had a primary activity the coincided with conference?
Well, we did. We had a conference kickoff party where we watched movies and ate junk food and the kids left with a packet to color and games to play for the weekend watching conference. It was a lot of fun and we had about 70 kids there. I guess it was a good distraction.

Did I mention that we had Morgan's parents and Luke and Traci over for dinner on Sunday between conferences?
Well we did, and it was a lot of fun to visit with them. They also let us know that Morgan's family were all coming to town? We really wanted to spend some time with them and so we planned to go and have an Easter Egg Hunt that week.

Did I mention that we had several people offer help with our roof? Our bishop, my dad, the neighbors including our Tongan neighbor who is not small and also afraid of heights (I appreciate his offer the most because of the smile the picture of him on our roof put on my face)?

Well they did, but we just didn't dare have anyone up on the roof. It is so steep that although we have 1200 square feet of house we have 2500 square feet of roof. And since the house was built in the 40's there was not plywood and tar paper under the shake shingles, there were 1x6 boards with a 2 or 3 inch gap between each one. Needless to say the weather was a big deal at this point.

So, Morgan went back on the roof. Unlike the asphalt shingles the shakes had to come off one at a time. There were so many nails and so much dirt. We filled two trailers and were helped by a neighbor who wouldn't take no for an anwer. He climbed up the roof to talk to Morgan about helping and when he got up there said, "holy cow, this is steep, I might as well help, cause I'm not getting down!" So, I was trying to keep the shingle on the tarp and painting everything that I could while Morgan stripped the roof, again.

Did I mention that the weather the next day was beautiful?

Well, it was, and the roofer did not show up. The next day was supposed to get a little rainy and crazy so we didn't know what to do. As Morgan and some friends were getting ready to go to the dump with all of the shakes the roofer showed up and said he would be there first thing tomorrow. Uh, okay.

Anyway, the next day dawned windy (and I say dawned because by this time I had realized that if I got up as soon as it was light I could get a lot more painting done while everyone else slept). I painted and waited and the roofer did finally show up. He was trying to put ply wood on the roof so that he could cover it with ice and water tar paper and hopefully keep the rain and snow out for the next few days. Crazily, this was also the day that we went to Brock's baseball tryouts and to the Bulkley's for our Easter Egg hunt.

Did I mention how much fun the kids had with their cousins? And that although we were having a great time the visit was cut short by Morgan's pager?
Well it was because he was on call and was needed at the hospital.
Did I mention that we were painting?
Did I mention that I had to throw Halle's class an Easter party?
Did I mention that Morgan's car wouldn't start and was having trouble with the battery and that I had to run and help him with jump the car?
Did I mention that although the tar paper was on the roof it was still not done?
Did I mention that Morgan was also doing Spring ball with the colleges in the state?
Well, he was. He went to Utah, Utah State and BYU for scrimmages and practices and really although the timing was not great, there was not a lot he could do about that.
Did I mention that we got the roof done? More than a month from the day we found the shingles had blown off the roof?
Did I mention that we got the painting done?
Did I mention that we had our Spring Break?
Well we did and we spent Spring Break in the thriving metropolis of Ferron and had a great time. Dad kept wondering what we should do and I am telling you we had the best time just doing nothing and playing with them. When Avery sat on his lap and was playing with him my dad said, "Don't you think this is pretty cute?" I took that as a cue to break out the camera and he was right they are pretty cute. Dad also took us on one of his famous tours of the Swell. We didn't go too far from home but had a great time climbing on huge rocks, finding dinosaur tracks (above), hiking a "short canyon", seeing indian writings, finding round rocks, and of course following a road that he was sure would take us home eventually. This time he was actually right and with only one exciting ride through a wash we made it without a hitch. Unfortunately, although I took my camera with us I left it in the truck and was not hiking back to get it so we do not have proof of any of this but out of the mouths of 9 witnesses... Thanks mom and dad.
Did I mention that we are exhausted?
Well, we are and it is a good thing that we had spring break because tomorrow we will be right back at it.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm Fine...

My doctor gave me the all clear yesterday. I can do whatever I "feel like" doing! Today, I feel like wearing my pajamas, reading a good book, and eating a whole bag of Cadberry Milk Chocolate eggs (you know the ones I mean). What actually happened is that I got dressed, got my garden ready, burned weeds (no dad, no sirens), and planted lettuce, peas and spinach, (YUM!), then I helped Morgan put up the "pitch back for Brock", had tractor envy (my neighbor has a tractor and I saw him driving it, dad I am so coming to Ferron), and played Star Wars with Jaxon, then I baked cookies and am now hiding in the basement reading blogs and writing this random thought. Tomorrow I may feel like...??? Wearing blue eye-shadow and leg warmers... :) I have to say that it is nice to have the go ahead to just do whatever I feel like. However, it does seem a little strange to have someone tell you that you are fine, when there are moments when I wonder if I will ever be fine again. But, it is a blessing to know that after those moments come more moments, and lots of them, when you just know how blessed you are to hear those little feet running across the floor, to find that lost toy again, to be doing one more load of laundry, cooking one more meal, reading one more story, welcoming someone home from work or school or a play date, holding one more hand, kissing one more owie (there are times when made up words are hard to spell), watching one more ballgame, and singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes just one more time. And now to the reason for this random blog: I am just so thankful for the moments of clarity that I have had these last couple of weeks, for the eternal perspective that I have been given and for the understanding that I have that someday...whether near or far...I will be fine.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I am not sure that this is a story I can tell, so I will be brief. I just want to say thank you for the love and support that have come to us the last few days. As I blogged the last two entries (Disneyland and the Oompas) it seems like a lifetime ago that they all happened. And truley it has been a lifetime ago, because as of March 6, 2009 my life has changed forever. We will have a hole in our family that cannot be filled, but we know that the Lord has a plan for our family. I am so thankful for eternal families and for the plan of salvation. I have gained a stronger testimony of those things and have felt the love of our Savior in these hard days. As I think of what a blessing it is to be the mother of a "perfect" spirit I am humbled and hope that I can be the kind of mother and woman that I need to be so that I can raise her some day. As I held her and was told by doctors and radiologists that she was perfect, that there was not an explanation that the world could give, I knew and know that she was meant for us and that as hard as this experience is, it is part of the plan for us.

There is a Kenneth Cope song about Tiny hands and feet and hoping that earth can be pure enough for these tiny hands and feet to live with us so we can have our babies back. As I held her and loved her I was overwhelmed by these tiny toes. They were PERFECT!

I am so thankful that I chose to spend my life and my eternity with a man who is so large in spirit. When my RS president came to check on me today she asked what I needed and when I said we would be fine she commented that of course we would because I have Morgan. It is true. I will be okay because I have Morgan and these beautiful children to help me through the hard days. Thanks again for your love.

Disneyland, The Happiest Place on Earth!

We visited Jana and Joe and their family for the blessing of Kellen and decided that since we were half-way there we might as well go to Disneyland. We got a screamin' deal (and we all know that is the most important thing when traveling with me) and actually had a very nearly perfect vacation. We talked about leaving Avery home with Nanny, but decided to take her, and boy was I glad, I needed a buddy while waiting for the fam on so many rides and she ended up being the perfect companion.
We hit the ground running. We arrived at 8:45 a.m. to find out that the park didn't open until 10:00. We were actually not even the first car in the parking garage, but we were in the first 20. Morgan and Shelby jumped out and ran to get our tickets (we were meeting a friend at 9:00) and the rest of the kids and I waited to park and ride the tram in. We headed right for Pirates, Splash Mountain and the Haunted Mansion. Then on to Indiana Jones and Big Thunder Mountain. Jaxon and Avery and I spotted a few characters and took a ride on the Tom Sawyer Riverboat.
Jaxon loved the paddle wheel and the fact that he could ride three levels up. Do we look scared? I think Halle pulled it off. Our little actress.

We wondered if Avery would be afraid of the characters...she wasn't. It just seemed that I was not fast enough with the camera. She would run in and hug and be out of there before I could even push the button. She also was not into waiting in line. When we saw Pooh bear she ran in hugged, waited in line for approximately 2 seconds and then butted in line to hug again. Sorry kids!

We had a great time in Tomorrow Land, despite the drizzle. We took advantage of the short lines and rode everything. We loved Buzz lightyear and Nemo. Morgan and the big kids loved Space Mountain and Star Tours.

Brock was hilarious on the Autopia cars. He could not get the hang of pushing the pedal and driving at the same time. He had such a lne up of cars behind him. He would go about 10 feet and then stop and then go 10 feet and stop. Finally the nice worker man jumped in to help. When we asked him about his experience he just looked at us and confidently said, I was a good driver.

While some of the more adventurous riders were doing their thing the rest of us took every opportunity to have a snack (yes dad, I know you are proud). Halle couldn't wait to find a spoon to eat her pudding so she just went whole hog.

One of the highlights of the trip had to be the Jedi training session. Both Shelby and Brock got picked to be trained so it was very exciting. So exciting in fact that we came home with two light sabers as souveneirs. I promise those things didn't look so big when we bought them, but after carrying them through the rest of the day, and trying to pack them in the van, and then realizing when we got home that the boys can't even swing them in the house we stand corrected, they are big.

Shelby was a natural. She was very serious about defeating Darth Maul.

I don't think Brock smiled at all until the whole thing was over. He tried so hard and was so into the whole thing. I still wonder if he knew it was all pretend.

We had such a big day, and so much fun that when we went to the Cheesecake Factory on the way back to the Hotel both Avery and Jaxon fell asleep before they even brought out the food and we ended up just taking everything to go and left without cheesecake. Tragic!

We started day 2 at California Adventure. The crowds were so thin that we could get on anything we wanted to, even ride them twice. They loved the River ride and the "fifty foot drop". Jaxon's favorite thing the whole day was the sprinkler park. He would have stayed there all day if everyone would have let him.
Avery and Minnie, what can I say. Avery loves Minnie. She sleeps with 3 different versions of Minnie every night, she can survive 12 hour car rides if Minnie is there, she can even make it through 3 hours of church if she knows Minnie will be there too. I was thrilled that I actually was quick enough to get this shot. Too Cute!

We had such a great time. The kids had so much fun and it was really fun to see the different stages of Disneyland. Shelby and Brock were just old enough to enjoy the adventure and thrill of the rides, Halle and Jaxon were so excited and just overcome with the magic of it all (Halle, while watching the firework show was the only one around laughing, oohing and aaghing and clapping, but she didn't care, she thought it was the best thing ever). Morgan was the best dad ever as he was game for whatever the kids wanted to do and do again. Avery and I were just content to watch the joy and enjoy the moments. What a blessing this trip turned out to be and what a great memory we will have.